
A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

After Li Mei divorced her husband Zhang Jian when she was young, she raised her son Zhang Xiao alone. She worked hard to earn money by working in a factory, and although life was difficult, she never showed the slightest tiredness and helplessness in front of her son. Every night, after Zhang Xiao fell asleep, she would sit under the lamp to mend clothes or do some manual work to support the family.

"Mom, how do you think this question is done?" The little Zhang Xiao always ran to Li Mei with a book, looking up at her expectantly.

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

"Oh, little one, this question is not difficult for your mother." Li Mei will always put down the work in her hand and patiently tutor Zhang Xiao to do her homework. She hopes that Zhang Xiao can change her fate through reading and no longer live a hard life like her.

However, as Zhang Xiao grew up, he began to have doubts and longings about his father's absence. At school, his classmates would always ask him, "Zhang Xiao, where did your father go?" This question made Zhang Xiao unable to answer, and it also made him bury a strong desire for his father in his heart.

"Mom, where is Daddy? Why doesn't he live with us? Zhang Xiao asked Li Mei again and again.

Li Mei avoided the topic every time, and simply replied: "Your father has his own things to do, so he left us." ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

But why can't he come back? Doesn't he want me? Zhang Xiao's eyes were full of confusion and disappointment.

Li Mei always held back her tears and gently touched Zhang Xiao's head: "Your father... He has a life of his own, and we have to live our life well. Mom will always be with you. ”

However, Zhang Xiao's illusion about his father is getting deeper and deeper, and he believes that his father's presence can change his life and bring more happiness. Once, Zhang Xiao was ridiculed by his classmates at school for not having a father, he ran home and said angrily to Li Mei: "Mom, I want to find Dad!" He will definitely come back to pick me up! ”

Li Mei's heart sank, she knew that she couldn't hide it, but she was still unwilling to tell Zhang Xiao the truth. She had to sigh and said, "Xiaoxiao, mom knows that you want to see dad, but now is not the time." ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Zhang Xiao glared at Li Mei dissatisfied: "You always say that, when is the time?" I want Daddy! ”

As Zhang Xiao's obsession became stronger and stronger, the contradiction between mother and son gradually intensified. Zhang Xiao asked her mother for her father's contact information many times, but Li Mei was always reluctant to disclose it, which made Zhang Xiao feel even more angry and puzzled.

One day, Li Mei was doing laundry at home and overheard a conversation between Zhang Xiao and a friend. Zhang Xiao said to his friend: "I believe that my father will definitely come back, he will take me to live in the big city, and we will live a good life and no longer be ridiculed." ”

When Li Mei heard these words, her heart was like a knife. She knew that Zhang Jian didn't care about their lives for a long time, and it was impossible for her to return to them. She just wanted to protect Zhang Xiao and not let him be hurt more, but Zhang Xiao's firmness made her helpless.

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Once, Zhang Xiao asked Li Mei for his father's contact information again, and he said angrily: "Why don't you tell me? Don't you want me to find my father? Do you know how embarrassed I was in school? ”

Li Mei held back her tears and replied calmly: "Xiaoxiao, mom just hopes that you won't be hurt." Your dad... He has a life of his own, and he won't come back. ”

"You're lying to me! I don't believe you! Zhang Xiao shouted angrily, tears rolling in his eyes.

This conflict became more and more frequent, and Zhang Xiao even offered to run away from home to find his father. One day, he said coldly to Li Mei at the dinner table: "I have decided, I am going to find my father." I don't want to live like this anymore. ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Li Mei looked at him in astonishment, her heart full of uneasiness and fear. She knew that if Zhang Xiao really left, the consequences would be unimaginable. She tried to persuade Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, the outside world is very complicated, how can you find your father alone?" Mom, please, don't go, okay? ”

Zhang Xiao shook his head stubbornly: "I must go to him!" He's my dad and he's going to take me out of here. ”

Li Mei looked at her son helplessly, and her heart was full of powerlessness. She knew that she could no longer stop Zhang Xiao's determination with words, and she could only pray that he could see the truth in reality and no longer be obsessed.

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

On a sweltering summer vacation, Zhang Xiao quietly left home in the dead of night. With a simple bag on his back and a small amount of savings, he embarks on a journey to find his father. His heart was full of longing, thinking that he would soon find his father and live a happy life.

After Li Mei found out that Zhang Xiao ran away from home, she was anxious. She asked around, and finally found Zhang Xiao, who was wandering around the train station with the help of a friend.

"Xiaoxiao, how can you run out alone! Do you know how worried mom is! Li Mei grabbed Zhang Xiao, her eyes full of tears and anxiety.

Zhang Xiao broke free of Li Mei's hand and said stubbornly: "I must find my father, he will take me away!" ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Li Mei knew that persuasion at this time was useless, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, mom will accompany you to find your dad." But you have to promise me that no matter what happens, we'll face it together, okay? ”

Zhang Xiao looked at her mother, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

The mother and son embarked on a journey to find Zhang Jian. In the process of searching, they went through all kinds of hardships and dangers. Once, they stayed in a small town for one night, and the next day they found that their wallets had been stolen, leaving them penniless and had to do odd jobs on the side of the road to make ends meet.

On a stormy night, Zhang Xiao had a high fever, and Li Mei carried him around the town looking for a clinic. She was holding a worn-out umbrella and was almost soaked from the rain. She hugged Xiao Xiao with all her might, and kept comforting in her mouth: "Xiaoxiao, mom is here, mom won't leave you." ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Zhang Xiao heard her mother's voice in a daze, felt her warmth, and seemed to have less resentment in her heart. He felt his mother's selflessness and greatness, and gradually understood her more.

Finally, they inquired about Zhang Jian's whereabouts and came to a small city. Zhang Jian restarted his family there and lived a comfortable life. Zhang Xiao excitedly ran to the door of Zhang Jian's new house and knocked on the door.

A strange woman opened the door, and Zhang Jian stood behind her, his face full of surprise and displeasure. "How did you find here?" Zhang Jian asked coldly.

Zhang Xiao said excitedly: "Dad, I'm Zhang Xiao, don't you remember me?" ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Zhang Jian's expression was stiff, and there was no trace of warmth in his eyes. He looked at Li Mei and said lightly: "I have already had my own life, you shouldn't come to disturb me." ”

Zhang Xiao was stunned, he didn't expect his father to be so indifferent. Li Mei took Zhang Xiao's hand and said to Zhang Jian calmly: "We just want Xiaoxiao to see you and know that you are doing well, and he can feel at ease." ”

Zhang Jian responded coldly: "You have seen it now, I am fine, please leave." ”

Zhang Xiao's heart was completely broken, he couldn't believe that the father he had always longed for was so ruthless. He said to Zhang Jian with tears in his eyes: "Dad, haven't you ever thought about me? I've been waiting for you. ”

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

Zhang Jian sighed, turned around and entered the house, and closed the door.

Zhang Xiao stood at the door, tears flowing uncontrollably. He finally understood his mother's painstaking efforts and understood that his father no longer cared about them. He turned around, looked at Li Mei, who was also full of tears, and said in a choked voice, "Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong." ”

Li Mei hugged Zhang Xiao tightly and patted him on the back gently: "It's okay, Xiaoxiao, mom has always been by your side." ”

Although the mother and son are full of pain in their hearts, they know that only each other can give each other real warmth and support.

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

After returning to her hometown, Zhang Xiao began to understand and respect Li Mei's dedication. He studied harder and was determined to be as strong as his mother. Li Mei saw her son's growth, and her heart was full of relief and pride.

A few years later, Zhang Xiao was admitted to university with excellent grades and became the pride of his family. After graduating, he found a stable job and began to share the burden of life for his mother.

On a sunny day, Zhang Xiao took Li Mei to go shopping, and the two laughed constantly. Zhang Xiao took her mother's hand and said, "Mom, I will always accompany you in the future and won't let you suffer anymore." ”

Li Mei was moved to tears, she knew that after so many ups and downs, they finally ushered in a happy life of their own.

A single mother struggles to raise her children to grow up, and her son just wants to find his father, and the realistic version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is even more cruel

In the end, the mother and son join hands to welcome a new life, and the love and understanding between each other are deeper, and the story ends with a warm family reunion.