
The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Zhang Wei grew up in the countryside, and although his family conditions were not good, he has always been a role model for the children in the village. Every day after school, the other children play in the fields, but Zhang Wei always sits quietly in his yard, immersed in hard study. His dream is to become a soldier, protect the country, and change the fate of himself and his family.

In high school, Zhang Wei's grades were still among the best, and he was respected by his classmates for this. However, there is a secret hidden in his heart - he is in love with his classmate Li Yuanyuan. Li Yuanyuan is the class flower in the class, not only beautiful, but also excellent in study, and is the goddess in the hearts of many boys. But Li Yuanyuan didn't have a special affection for Zhang Wei, and just treated him as an ordinary classmate.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

One day, Zhang Wei plucked up the courage and wrote a love letter. He expressed his love and admiration for Li Yuanyuan in his love letter, and said that he hoped that the two could work together to be admitted to a good university and pursue their dreams together. After writing it, he put the love letter on Li Yuanyuan's table in a nervous mood.

The next morning, Zhang Wei came to the classroom early, anxiously waiting for Li Yuanyuan's reaction. Li Yuanyuan came, and when she opened her schoolbag and took out the book, she saw the love letter. She was stunned for a moment, then opened the love letter and looked at it.

"Hahaha, come and see, what is this?" Li Yuanyuan suddenly laughed out loud and dangled around the classroom with a love letter. The students gathered around to see what was going on.

"This is a love letter written to me by Zhang Wei!" Li Yuanyuan said loudly, with a mocking expression on her face.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

Zhang Wei's face turned pale all of a sudden, and the whole portrait was poured with cold water. He stood up and tried to say something, but found that he couldn't say a word.

"Zhang Wei, it's ridiculous that you actually wrote this kind of thing to me!" Li Yuanyuan threw the love letter on the ground and continued to laugh, "Do you think I'll like you?" Stop dreaming! ”

A burst of laughter erupted in the classroom, and Zhang Wei felt embarrassed. He lowered his head, quickly picked up the love letter on the ground, and walked out of the classroom silently. In the hallway, his eyes were moist, but he held back his tears.

From that day on, Zhang Wei was disheartened. He decided to put all his thoughts on his studies and stop thinking about Li Yuanyuan. He applied for the military academy, and after several months of hard work, he finally got his wish.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

In the military academy, Zhang Wei lived a full life every day, training, studying, and taking exams. He numbs himself with busyness, preventing himself from having time to reminisce about past pains. A few years of military school life made him stronger and more confident, and he gradually forgot about that awkward experience.

But every time in the dead of night, Zhang Wei still thinks of Li Yuanyuan and the love letter that was thrown on the ground, and his heart aches faintly. He knew he had to let go of the past and embrace a new life, but that memory was like a thorn in his heart.

However, what Zhang Wei didn't expect was that fate would once again intertwine his and Li Yuanyuan's lives many years later.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

Time flies, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. After Zhang Wei became an officer, he continued to be promoted because of his excellent work, and his career was smooth sailing. After graduating from university, Li Yuanyuan chose to return to her hometown to work and live an ordinary life due to changes in her family.

One day, Zhang Wei received a call from an old classmate inviting him to a class reunion. Although he still had some shadows of that past in his heart, he decided to go and see his old friends. On the day of the party, Zhang Wei wore casual clothes and came to the reserved hotel. Pushing open the box door, he saw a group of familiar faces, and everyone got up to greet him, and the atmosphere was warm.

"Zhang Wei, long time no see! You're a big official now! Old classmate Wang Qiang patted Zhang Wei's shoulder and said.

Zhang Wei smiled and greeted everyone, but his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of Li Yuanyuan sitting in the corner. She also seemed to see Zhang Wei, and her eyes were a little evasive.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

During the party, everyone chatted about their recent situation, and Zhang Wei also told about his experience in the military school. Li Yuanyuan listened silently, with mixed feelings in her heart. She looked at Zhang Wei, who is now confident and mature, and couldn't help but feel a trace of apology in her heart.

After the party, everyone left one after another, and Zhang Wei was about to leave when Li Yuanyuan suddenly stopped him.

"Zhang Wei, can you talk?" Li Yuanyuan asked a little nervously.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, nodded, and the two came to sit on the bench outside the hotel.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

"I... I want to apologize to you. Li Yuanyuan lowered her head and said, "I'm really sorry for treating you like that back then." I never had a chance to say it. ”

Zhang Wei was silent for a while, and said softly: "That's all over, there's nothing to apologize for." ”

"But I've always felt sorry for you. You worked so hard at that time, but I hurt you so much. Li Yuanyuan's voice was a little choked, "I have always regretted it." ”

Zhang Wei looked at Li Yuanyuan, and the thorn in his heart seemed to slowly disappear. He sighed and said, "Li Yuanyuan, the past has passed. We've all grown and life goes on. ”

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

Li Yuanyuan nodded and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. "Thank you, Zhang Wei. You can forgive me, I really appreciate it. ”

A few days later, Zhang Wei received an invitation to a family party, which was Wang Qiang's children's full moon wine. When he came to the party venue that day, he unexpectedly found that Li Yuanyuan was also present. It turned out that Li Yuanyuan was the cousin of Wang Qiang's wife.

The two were placed at the same table, which was a little awkward, but it gave them more time to communicate. During the dinner, Li Yuanyuan took the initiative to mention the past and expressed her reflections and apologies over the years. Zhang Wei felt her sincerity, and began to have a new opinion of her in his heart.

After the party, the two exchanged contact information and gradually resumed contact. Li Yuanyuan began to send frequent messages to Zhang Wei, chatting about life, work, and even sharing some inner feelings. Zhang Wei was no longer restrained and slowly opened his heart. The two find that they have many things in common and similar experiences with each other, and their feelings are quietly changing.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

One weekend, Li Yuanyuan invited Zhang Wei to her home as a guest. Li Yuanyuan's parents were very enthusiastic about Zhang Wei, and they still remembered the boy next door who had excellent grades. Seeing Zhang Wei's achievements today, they are very pleased. During the banquet, Li Yuanyuan's mother smiled and said, "Zhang Wei, when you come back this time, you have to come to our house more often." ”

As time passed, the relationship between Zhang Wei and Li Yuanyuan became closer and closer. Li Yuanyuan's gentleness, thoughtfulness and empathy made Zhang Wei gradually let go of the mustard in his heart, and the two attracted each other and relied on each other.

Soon after, the family also noticed the subtle changes between them, and they all started to match. At a family gathering, Wang Qiang's wife smiled and said, "When are you two going to surprise us?" ”

Zhang Wei and Li Yuanyuan looked at each other and smiled, and they both had the answer in their hearts.

The girl who threw my love letters into the ground before joining the army became my wife after graduating from my military academy

Finally, on a warm spring day, Zhang Wei and Li Yuanyuan held a wedding. At the wedding, Li Yuanyuan held Zhang Wei's hand, and her eyes were full of tears of happiness. Zhang Wei also held her hand tightly, and his heart was full of emotion.

On that day, all the family and friends witnessed the happy moment of the couple. Zhang Wei looked at Li Yuanyuan and felt satisfaction and happiness that he had never felt before. He knows that the pain of the past has become part of their growth, and in the future, they will work together for a better life.