
How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

author:Gazing at history, the quicksand is ten thousand feet

Dai Li, the spy leader of the military command, is simply a nightmare existence for the Japanese female spies, just because Dai Li invented such methods as "ice water bench", "leech", "frog jumping", "scalding corn whiskers" and so on. But all the Japanese female spies who fall into the hands of Dai Li, can only confess in the end, so which of these methods is the female spy most afraid of? How does it work?

Speaking of these methods, they are simply more ruthless than the other, and the last of them makes the female spies directly collapse in their hearts.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it


Graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy

Dai Lianzi Yunong is a native of Zhejiang, and this person used to be a graduate of the 6th phase of the Huangpu Military Academy.

When I was first in Shanghai, I met Jiang Zhongzheng because of stock trading, and then I followed him and has been engaged in the work of an agent. He was one of Chiang Chung-cheng's most trusted Kuomintang generals. Just because this person is vicious and elusive, according to statistics, there are more than 2,000 agents of all kinds under his command, distributed all over the place.

From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression until Dai Li's death, he was the number one spy leader of the Kuomintang's internal intelligence system, and the famous figures who died in his hands at that time were Wang Yaqiao, the leader of the Shanghai Youth Gang, and others, and even such a ruthless character could not escape his means, so you can imagine how powerful Dai Li's intelligence and agent network was.

Of course, Dai Li's ambition is also very big, because he has long controlled the intelligence network within the Kuomintang, so he also knows the lives of many people very thoroughly, including the luxurious lives of those high-ranking Kuomintang generals and high-ranking officials, and he has some conclusive evidence.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

Therefore, this also aroused the jealousy and suspicion of other high-ranking members of the Kuomintang.

It is even rumored that Dai Li's ambition was inflated and he was anxious to get rid of Jiang Zhongzheng's control over him, and Jiang Zhongzheng planned to use other forces to get rid of Dai Li in order to get rid of this henchman, so he deliberately planned this plane crash.

However, this is only a folk rumor, and there is no conclusive evidence, and to this day, how Dai Li died is still a mystery.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Dai Li, as a well-known spy leader during the Republic of China.

Dai Li's personality has been cautious since he was a child, and he is very observant, which is inseparable from his childhood life.

He grew up in a poor family, but his father was a gambler, and his mother was weak but submissive, which created a contradiction in his heart.

Later, Dai Li went to school with the help of his family, but he was also more playful and sophistical at that time, and he was very cunning, which also made him notoriously naughty and mischievous in school.

It wasn't until later that Dai Li met Jiang Zhongzheng and others by chance when he was in Shanghai, and under the influence of his classmate Mao Renfeng, he had some ideas to join the army, and was immediately admitted to the 6th phase of the Whampoa Military Academy.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

After Dai Li was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, he actually entered the cavalry department at the beginning.

Speaking of which, Dai Li's becoming the head of the spy was still an accidental chance.

At that time, he didn't study hard at the Whampoa Military Academy, he was basically barely trying to get by, and he didn't attract Jiang Zhongzheng's attention at first.

Until one time Jiang Zhongzheng suddenly told him to do one thing, that is, to find the information of more than a dozen classmates in a class, Jiang Zhongzheng thought that it would definitely take a while, but who knew that in less than an hour, Dai Li handed over all the admission information of these dozen people to him, and there were some other unknown summaries on this information, which immediately changed Jiang Zhongzheng's opinion of him.

It turns out that Dai Li, who usually doesn't study very hard, always wants to make friends.

And the class that Jiang Zhongzheng asked for information did not have a very good academic performance, but it was a little lazy.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

So he wanted to investigate what the origin of these people was, and why there was such a big academic gap between them and other students.

And it just so happened that Dai Li usually liked to make friends with rich children, and these people became the so-called good friends around him at that time.

In addition, Dai Li's mind is very cautious, and the city government is also relatively deep, so in the usual conversations, he inquired about these people's personal information and family situation clearly, not only inquired clearly, but also kept it in mind.

So when Jiang Zhongzheng asked him to investigate these people, he quickly wrote down their personal information.

After correction, these people also graduated successfully, but Lao Jiang began to pay a little attention to Dai Li's talent, and immediately realized that this person may be a person with a lot of ideas in intelligence work.

Subsequently, he immediately ordered Dai Li to form the first intelligence network of the Kuomintang army.

With Dai Li's drill camp, this intelligence network soon grew.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a large-scale counterattack was carried out against the Japanese spies, and it became a figure that frightened the Japanese spies.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

In order to deal with Japanese female spies, many tortures were invented, each more ruthless than the other

When the Japanese were preparing for the war of aggression against China, they did a lot of intelligence work in the early stage.

At that time, there was a graduate of the specialized intelligence department of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, and he was sent to China to take charge of the spread of Japan's intelligence network.

Under the leadership of this demon, Japan's spy network sent a large number of female spies in an attempt to win over high-ranking officials of the Kuomintang army, and it has to be said that these Japanese methods are very cunning.

At that time, there was a man named Huang Jun in the Executive Yuan of the Kuomintang, who soon defected.

Because of this person's defection, the Japanese secret service learned about Jiang Zhongzheng's travel route, and they combined with the Japanese military to carry out two assassination operations against Jiang Zhongzheng.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

Although these two operations were unsuccessful, this caused Jiang Zhongzheng to be extremely frightened, and he did not dare to go out for a while, until he thought of Dai Li.

So he immediately ordered Dai Li's action to find out these female spies.

As the actual controller of the Kuomintang intelligence network at that time, after receiving Jiang Zhongzheng's order, Dai Li immediately sent a large number of agents of the military command and the central command to carry out a large-scale counterattack against these Japanese spy networks, and arrested a large number of Japanese female agents.

After the female agents were caught, Dai arranged for them to be interrogated.

His task was to dig out the spy network laid by the Japanese from the hands of these female agents, but these female agents kept silent one by one.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

Female agent of the military commander

In order to eradicate these Japanese spy networks as soon as possible, Dai Li immediately invented many punishments, and after passing the interrogation of these tortures, none of these Japanese female spies could endure it, and finally they all confessed obediently.

So how much torture did Dai invent against Japanese agents? Here are some of the most representative.

PS: One thing to explain here is that every time Dai Li interrogates a Japanese agent, the first thing he does is to search his whole body, not for other reasons, but to prevent these people from hiding some poison on their bodies, or sometimes bite their tongues and kill themselves to affect the interrogation, so the whole body must be searched at the beginning.

  • 1> leech bath

The second type of criminal law invented by Dai Li is called locust bathing, which is easy to understand from the literal meaning: the scientific name of the locust is called leech, which is a worm that can be attached to a person's body, and he will suck snow after staring at people's legs and feet.

This happens to anyone who farmed at home as a child or rolled up their trousers on the side of the road. Once the locusts are attached to his body, he doesn't feel pain at first, but soon he will find that he is sucking snow. This insect sucks very tightly when it absorbs the legs and feet, and it is generally difficult to get rid of it, and it will be especially scary for girls. One or two locusts can make people feel cold, and the punishment invented by Dai Li is even more severe, and it is used together by many people.

At that time, many Japanese female agents had a relatively strong psychological quality, after all, they had been deliberately trained, and ordinary methods could not help them at all.

It wasn't until Dai Li's invention of this leech method that many people couldn't stand it, and soon they would fall into a coma due to excessive blood loss, and they could only confess immediately after waking up.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it
  • 2> Ice water bench

Speaking of the ice water bench, this is the first type of torture invented by Dai Li, against Japanese female spies.

This kind of punishment can be traced back to before the Han and Tang dynasties, and it was specially set to deal with some people with more tenacious willpower.

Speaking of this kind of torture, I want to mention a particularly famous person, he is Su Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, and he is also the protagonist of this allusion of Su Wu shepherding sheep.

At that time, Su Wu was sent by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to communicate with the Huns, and when Su Wu arrived at the border of the Huns, he was actually captured by the Huns.

At first, the Huns thought he had bad intentions, so they grabbed him and tied him up, and then placed a block of ice under him.

This kind of punishment did not make Su Wu not waver at that time, but once this kind of "sitting on the ice" is too long, it will make people's bones close to the ice, and the cold will penetrate the bones, and no one can stand it for a long time.

And Dai Li, it is precisely because of the punishment in this allusion that he has been specially used to deal with Japanese female spies after improvement.

For women, this kind of criminal law of sitting on ice cubes and ice water is even more unbearable, so many Japanese female spies at that time couldn't stand it and quickly confessed.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it
  • 3. > frog jumping

Frog jumping, this method was not originally invented by Dai Li, he followed the Japanese interrogation methods.

At first, the Japanese used this method to deal with the captured women, making them constantly jump on the steps, and some pregnant women were tortured and miscarried by the Japanese in this way, which can be described as extremely despicable.

Later, in order to retaliate against the cruel practices of the Japanese, Dai Lisa used this frog jumping method on Japanese female agents, a famous example at that time was the famous Japanese female agent Yoshiko Kawashima.

Yoshiko Kawashima fell into the hands of Dai Li, but this woman was very arrogant.

Although Japan had surrendered in 1945, Yoshiko Kawashima was still arrogant, believing that she would soon return to Japan, and that Dai Lisa was not qualified to interrogate her at that time.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

Yoshiko Kawasaki

However, Dai Li soon invented a means of frog jumping.

He ordered some braziers to be placed in the cell, and then asked Kawashima Fangzi to jump over the brazier.

If not, let her jump back and forth.

As a result, when Kawashima Fangzi had just jumped over the brazier, her hair and clothes caught fire.

In addition, because of the high temperature of the charcoal fire in the brazier, it will burn the legs and other parts during the jump, and the skin and other parts of the body will be burned in the long run.

At that time, Dai Li's capture was not only Yoshiko Kawashima, but also other Japanese female agents, and he also used this method to carry out it.

Many female agents have long hair, and under this frog-jumping method, their hair is burned a lot, and their faces may be disfigured by this, and many of them can only confess obediently in the end.

Japanese female spies are basically unable to bear direct confessions

I have to say that Dai Li's imagination is really peculiar, and he has a lot of means. For the Japanese army invading China at that time, these female spies were very harmful. They not only made a large number of officers defect on the hidden front, but also secretly undermined the combat effectiveness of the anti-Japanese army.

How ruthless is Dai Li? To deal with Japanese female spies, several methods of coercing confessions were invented, and some ordinary people could not think of it

Yoshiko Kawasaki

If you want to ask which one they were most afraid of at that time, in fact, they couldn't withstand any of these means invented by Dai Li, basically when Dai Li implemented these methods, their psychological defense line had collapsed.

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