
Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

author:Lao Dengtian loves popular science every day


"The available information can lead to a conclusion that there may be water on the moon!" 》

On August 12, 2021, among the substances brought back by Chang'e-6, researchers unearthed an important secret, and according to analysis, there is a high probability of water molecules in these substances.

This move has attracted the attention of researchers across the country, because people have long been curious about the interior of the moon, and it is said that there is water on the moon, which will play an important role in building a base on the moon in the future.

In addition, the weight of these materials brought back by Chang'e-6 is also very staggering, far exceeding the expectations of scientists, indicating that there must be some secrets hidden in the soil of the moon, and scientists will conduct in-depth research on these materials.

Liu Bangxin expressed an opinion at the meeting, he believes that there are water molecules in the matter, and there may be water resources on the far side of the moon, which is another huge breakthrough in the Chang'e lunar exploration program.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

1. The weight of lunar soil exceeded expectations.

Chang'e-6 is a lunar exploration probe launched after Chang'e-5 successfully returned to Earth, and it is also a continuation of Chang'e's lunar exploration program.

The mainland's Chang'e lunar exploration program has made remarkable achievements in exploring the moon, which has not only aroused heated discussions in the mainland but also aroused widespread attention in the international community.

In addition, the mainland has made outstanding contributions to the mainland's space industry in the Chang'e lunar exploration project.

In terms of exploring Mars, the mainland has also carried out the exploration of the "Tianwen-1" satellite, which indicates that China's aerospace industry is gradually moving to the forefront of the world's aerospace technology.

The mainland's aerospace industry is not only of great significance to the mainland, but also plays an important role in the development of the world.

Because the adventure of space exploration will make people more aware of the mysteries of the universe, and thus provide useful ideas and technologies for the future of mankind.

The Chang'e lunar exploration project mainly collects soil samples from the moon and brings them back to Earth, and then analyzes the samples to see if there are suitable resources for human survival on the moon.

By building a space station on the moon that humans can live in, and then producing resources such as food and oxygen, it will store energy for human exploration in deep space.

Chang'e-6 was the probe that launched this mission, successfully entered the lunar orbit, and began to carry out detailed exploration work on the moon.

Chang'e-6 will not only bring lunar soil samples back to Earth, but also independently explore and study the lunar surface in order to better help the later exploration work.

Chang'e-5 transported 1,734 grams of soil samples, while Chang'e-6 transported 482 grams of soil samples, indicating that Chang'e-5 transported more samples than Chang'e-6.

Through the exploration of the lunar surface on the moon, it was found that the moon's crust is mainly composed of basalt, which also helps people to better understand the composition of the moon.

The Chang'e-6 recovery module lander successfully landed on the lunar surface and successfully completed the soil sampling work.

The successful landing of the recovery module on the moon also provided some exploration of Chang'e-6 on the lunar surface, which is the first autonomous vehicle operated on the moon by the mainland.

After Lingyun-1 completed its work with the land lifter on Chang'e-6, it carried lunar soil samples to the sky of Chang'e-6, which was the first time that the mainland sucked up lunar soil on the lunar surface and successfully landed it onto the waiting orbiter.

This barrier was broken and the foundation was laid for subsequent scientific research on the moon.

After the sample collection of Chang'e-6 was completed, it took the lunar samples to orbit, and then successfully docked with the "Queqiao", and then the "Queqiao" brought them back to Earth, and Chang'e-6 successfully returned to Earth a month later.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

The lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 weighed twice as much as expected, a full 1,016 grams, which was a surprise for scientists.

Looking back at previous missions, the mainland's first lunar exploration satellite, Chang'e-1, was successfully launched in 2007 and then entered the lunar orbit for observation.

Chang'e-1 is the mainland's first lunar exploration satellite, and its exploration work is mainly to explore the moon in lunar orbit.

High-resolution topographic imaging of the Moon is then performed to see if there are some naturally occurring craters and other valleys on the Moon.

The mainland's second lunar exploration satellite, Chang'e-2, was launched in 2008 and its content is different.

Chang'e-2 was developed on the basis of Chang'e-1, which isolated the components of the orbiter launched by Chang'e-1, operated independently, and successfully completed a soft landing on the predetermined lunar landing site in 2009, and its landing was the first successful lunar landing in the Chang'e lunar exploration program.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

Chang'e-2 also carried out exploration work on the lunar surface for a certain period of time and took pictures of the lunar surface.

The landing position of Chang'e-2 was 178 kilometers southwest of the landing position of the lunar lander "Yutu", and then the launch of Chang'e-2 returned to lunar orbit.

After successfully docking with the "Queqiao", the latter brought it back to Earth, and the successful completion of this mission is an important milestone in the history of the mainland's aerospace industry.

After Chang'e-3 took the lunar rover "Yutu" into space, it successfully completed the lunar landing in 2013, which was the first time that the mainland successfully sent a lunar rover to the lunar surface and carried out extensive exploration work on the moon.

Chang'e-4 was developed on the basis of Chang'e-3 and launched in 2019, completing a soft landing mission on the far side of the moon, which is the world's first successful landing on the far side of the moon and has made outstanding contributions to the exploration of the lunar surface.

Chang'e-5 is a lunar exploration rover successfully launched by the mainland in 2020, its mission is to complete sample collection on the moon, and in December 2020, it successfully took 1,734 grams of lunar soil samples from the lunar surface and brought it back to Earth in 2020.

The weight of the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5 is the heaviest in the current internationally published exploration mission, and it is even higher than the weight of the lunar soil samples brought back by the Apollo lunar landing mission of the United States.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

2. Lunar soil may reveal new secrets of the Moon.

Due to the large amount of lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6, researchers have expressed that the research on lunar soil is very intense, and major discoveries have been made in the process of research.

Liu Bangxin expressed his opinion that there are water molecules in the lunar soil, so there may be water on the moon.

In order to verify Liu Bangxin's speculation, the researchers started from the three perspectives of matrix, mud particles and large particles.

For large particles, scientists have found water molecules in large particles, which may also explain why the weight of lunar soil is higher than expected.

Because there are water molecules in the large particles, the weight will exceed expectations, so it is very possible that there are water molecules in the soil on the moon, which also provides a new possibility for the continent to build a base on the moon in the future.

According to the analysis, the water molecules contained in the large particles on the moon, if the water content of the medium water molecules are included, the water content of the large particles is 0.3%, and the average water content is 0.3%.

If the large particles on the Moon are all water, then there may be 6-8 cm thick ice in the 0-1 meter deep soil layer on the Moon.

In the probe, scientists also found some suspected water, which was excavated in lunar soil samples and thought to be water molecules.

There is also a picture of the moon's soil in high definition, from which you can see that the color of the moon's soil is partially moist, and it is suspected that there are water molecules.

In terms of composition, the large particles on the moon contain water molecules, and there is another particle, which is suspected to be rust particles, and the rust particles on the earth contain water, so the rust particles on the moon may also contain water molecules.

The research work on the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is still ongoing, and the soil it brought back may not only contain water molecules, but also an important discovery, that is, the soil on the moon may also contain some minerals or organic matter that are not found on Earth, which is a very interesting direction for researchers.

3. The exploration achievements of Chang'e-6.

The mainland's lunar exploration project can be said to be another major achievement of the state in the space industry, and it also marks the eyelash, because the mainland's space technology is very mature and can be applied to exploration missions, and the mainland's space technology level has a very high international status.

The Chang'e lunar exploration program is only a part of the Chang'e lunar exploration program, from the completion of the first exploration satellite launched to the return of Chang'e-5 to the earth, and the Chang'e lunar exploration project will have follow-up missions in the future, and will continue to carry out exploration activities on the moon in the following period of time.

In addition, the Chang'e lunar exploration project has a very obvious feature in lunar exploration, that is, the landing sites are selected in different places, because the topography of the moon presents very large differences, so that the surface distribution of the moon can be better understood.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?

In addition, in terms of lunar exploration, the mainland has also carried out continuous innovation, and for the first time successfully achieved a soft landing mission on the far side of the moon, and the mainland's scientific researchers have also been recognized by people in other countries in the world.

The exploration activities of the Chang'e lunar exploration project have also continuously demonstrated the infinite mysteries of outer space to the world, and also inspired people to realize the determination and courage of mankind to explore the universe, providing a strong guarantee for the deep space exploration of the mainland.

The exploration achievements of Chang'e-6 are a new breakthrough, and researchers will continue to move forward in exploration activities and explore more unknowns, which plays an important role in the development of the country's space industry.

The mainland has not only made great breakthroughs in space exploration technology, but has also made considerable achievements in scientific research, and scientific researchers will find scientific laws in the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 and apply them to practice.

The results of Chang'e-6 show that the mainland's technological level in the field of space exploration is internationally leading and can compete with other countries in the world.

We look forward to Chang'e-7 achieving greater success in lunar exploration activities, taking lunar exploration activities to a higher stage and playing an important role in future deep space exploration activities.

Surprise! Chang'e-6 dug an extra shovel on the moon to discover a big secret, there may really be water on the moon?


The Tianwen-1 probe has successfully achieved exploration activities on Mars, which shows that China has also made a major breakthrough in Mars exploration activities, not only in lunar exploration, but also in deep space exploration activities.

In addition, the mainland's aerospace industry is also carrying out international exploration activities, which will play an important role in the development of the international aerospace industry in the future, and will also promote the greater development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

Scientists' research on lunar soil is expected to provide new ideas and possibilities for the development and utilization of resources on the earth, and the mainland's aerospace industry will continue to advance, and there will be more new progress on the basis of the Chang'e lunar exploration project.