
Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

author:Lao Dengtian loves popular science every day


Once upon a time there was a physics god, this physics god was frugal and studious, upright, a good young man who was loved by everyone, his grades were very good, he was very simple, he liked to ask questions, he didn't understand the questions would ask the teacher, if the teacher was not there, he would first Baidu some information to see if he could solve it by his own strength.

He has a very simple appearance, never looks down on others, he has no shelves, he is a simple person, and he is so kind that it makes people feel distressed.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

His monthly salary is kept by himself, he has a house in his hometown, and his family's requirements for him are to live a stable life.

Even so, he is also living a good life, every year he will take his family to Beijing for a few days, he is never pretentious, he is humble and polite to people, he is dedicated to studying, dedicated to studying.

His beloved parents, believing that he could take care of his sister, wanted to give their children more space.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

1. The life of the great god of physics.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

This physics god is EDG Wei Shen, who is famous for his jungle, he has no shelf, he took his cousin and his cousin's family to the Great Wall, Wei Shen is from Huaihua, Hunan, although his hometown is barren, but there is a physics god with a smart brain.

Wei Shen's life is very simple, it can even be said that it is no different from others, his monthly salary is kept by himself, he has never counted how much salary he gets, he feels that it is not meaningful to him.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Sometimes, in the eyes of outsiders, Wei Shen is still a child, he wears a black T-shirt with his clothes and pants, and some netizens even joked: "Wei Shen never changes his pajamas, black and red, change from time to time."

Wei Shen is very quiet, never wasteful, he will study for a while after getting up every day, and sometimes when he is busy, he will take advantage of the meal to read.

After the meal, he would go out to buy groceries, cook, and when he was grocery shopping, he would buy two steamed buns, he would eat one for himself, and the other would be for his family.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Sometimes he is busy, he will buy two steamed buns, and it will not take much time to go back and forth, his life is very simple, and he will not waste a lot of time.

Wei Shen's family left him a lot of things, his parents both work in the bank and are very busy, sometimes they forget to buy them steamed buns to eat, his sister is also a top student, and his family is very busy.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen's cousin is also a high school student, she likes to draw very much, Wei Shen will accompany her to look at the paintings, and her sister will occasionally play Wei Shen's heroes, many times, Wei Shen will find hero cards when playing computer games, which was left to him by his sister.

Once, Wei Shen bought two heroes of Glory of Kings, one of them is Yao, Yao is a top single hero, Wei Shen often takes his sister to play games together, and her sister likes to play junglers very much.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen has been fighting with people on the lower road, and her sister has been hearing Wei Shen calling Yao, and she thought that Wei Shen told her to arrest people, so she went to see when Wei Shen was arresting people, but it turned out that Wei Shen was playing Yao.

Wei Shen soon entered EDG, his parents are both top students, and Wei Shen's sister is also very good.

Wei Shen's requirements for himself are to live seriously, and his strength slaps his face, so that others can't say anything, and he feels that he is already very good.

In 2016, he took the college entrance examination and achieved excellent results, only one step away from Xueba, his grades were too dazzling, and he was patronized by Yunnan University, Wei Shen studied at Yunnan University for a year, but this was not what he admired, what he wanted to study was physics, and he later decided to repeat it.

When he repeated, he heard that Peking University's physics was very good, so he participated in Peking University's physics training class, and he paid a lot just to make his grades better.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Peking University's physics can be said to be very good, his mathematics, physics and chemistry need to be very good, and English is also very important, Wei Shen is a person who is good at self-study, and his English grades are also very good, which makes him the brightest star in the classroom.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Second, the perfect itinerary.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen's family are people who love life very much, they were very poor when they were young, and in order to study, his sister would bend herself like grass to save money on the computer.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

His parents are very happy people, they can build a home in a strange city, they raise their own children, and they also give a lot to the family.

Even though they are all top students, they are also very simple people, who have learned something, but they are not the kind of people who land a book.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

His parents would always enlighten themselves to be kind to themselves and not to live just for the sake of studying.

Wei Shen's cousin is older than him, because of work, Wei Shen's cousin is in Beijing, he rarely goes back to his hometown, as soon as his cousin heard that Wei Shen was going to take his mother and daughter home for the New Year, his cousin was very happy, so he planned a six-day and five-night itinerary to Wei Shen.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen set off from Beijing, to a place to transfer, in the transfer, they ate a meal of Peking duck, and then went to take a plane, Wei Shen has never been on a plane, he excitedly said to his parents: "Will the plane take off will be very exciting?"

Wei Shen and his family are vegetarians, because they live in other places, in order to adapt to the local diet, they all eat out, but they will also try to be vegetarian and will not eat meat.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

As soon as he got out of the airport, his cousin took their family to the Hunan restaurant, Wei Shen didn't care much about the food, his cousin took their family to eat, Wei Shen honored everyone, he bought 40 meat buns for his cousin, and the rest was the vegetarian buns he ate.

Wei Shen's family went to get in the car after eating, Wei Shen listened to his cousin tell the story of the way, he looked out the window and the scenery went away, he remembered the scene when he was a child, he and his cousin went to class together, and those times when he grew up with him, he remembered it very clearly.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen's family soon arrived at a place with a very large flow of people, Wei Shen had never seen so many people, the first place he came to Beijing was the Forbidden City, he was excited and surprised, these were things he had never seen before.

Wei Shen and his family took a turn in the Forbidden City, some of the antiquities in the Forbidden City, even he had never seen before, he felt that everything in Beijing this time was worth it.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

After looking around in the Forbidden City, their mother and daughter were going to find a restaurant to eat, but the meals in the restaurant were all meat dishes, and their family was vegetarians.

After looking for a long time in many restaurants, and finally didn't find a suitable restaurant, Wei Shen looked at his cousin very embarrassed, so he said, "Cousin, what dish do you want to eat, I'll cook it for you, you teach me."

As soon as my cousin heard Wei Shen say this, she knew for the first time that Wei Shen could cook, so she went to help make the dishes, and Wei Shen's cousin was also very helpful, she went to help Wei Shen buy vegetables, and Wei Shen bought two large boxes of steamed buns and ate enough for two meals.

Wei Shen bought a vegetable basin for convenience, and then began to cook for his cousin, when cooking, his cousin saw it, so he cooked with Wei Shen, they were together as a family, busy all afternoon, Wei Shen learned several dishes, and finally their family finished eating, very happy.

3. The conservative god of physics.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

This time Wei Shen brought the mother and daughter family to Beijing, his parents did not come with him, Wei Shen's parents loved him very much, when he went out, his mother would say more, don't be shy, don't be unconfident in yourself, but let Wei Shen feel very troubled when he heard it.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

He would silently comfort his mother in his heart, thinking, "I've grown up."

After Wei Shen went home, his family had dinner, and then he went to the movies, and just like that, he had a good evening.

Wei Shen's life is very organized, he will live according to his own plan, he will learn something every day, and then he will watch TV and play games on Glory of Kings, but Wei Shen's requirements for himself are to follow the steps and slowly learn what he likes.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

He takes everything seriously with an attitude, he doesn't waste too much time on himself, and his life is full and meaningful.

Wei Shen built a house in his hometown, his family was very reassuring to him, he was also his own child, his parents trusted him, and their requirements for him were relatively low, as long as he lived a stable life, it would be fine.

Wei Shen took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, and his physical fitness was amazing! Cousin: I keep my salary by myself, and I don't have a girlfriend

Wei Shen is very polite and polite to outsiders, his heart is very broad, he can tolerate many things, he has always been a very low-key person, but his person is very good, his qualities are something that others can't learn, and he doesn't want his qualities to be learned.

When Wei Shen was on the show, he was very hard, his personality was very introverted, he couldn't see anything, he wasn't very particular about people, he would treat everyone equally, and he wouldn't take special care of anyone.

What is the reason why Wei Shen is single?

He never said that he had a girlfriend, and of course he didn't say that he was single, but netizens speculated that the reason why he didn't have a girlfriend was because he was very focused on studying.

Netizens guessed that Wei Shen's quality is very good, the reason why he is single may be just his own reason, will he have a girlfriend in his twenties?

Wei Shen has never said that he has a girlfriend, and he may have his own views on love, which only he knows.


Wei Shen's simple life, as well as his kind quality, have made him the focus of heated discussions among many people, and the simplicity and purity exuded by him have also aroused the envy and yearning of many people.

In modern society, people will be affected by material and fashion, Wei Shen is not affected by these, he will still stick to his heart, he is also a wonder.

He is sticking to his own world, and at the same time, under the care and love of his family, he is taking care of his emotional world, Wei Shen is undoubtedly a very strong person.