
Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

author:Lao Tian speaks of literature

Wu Yongwei was born in an ordinary but warm family. During her childhood, the divorce of her parents had a great impact on her young mind. However, under the meticulous care of her mother, Wu Yongwei gradually came out of the haze and grew into a beautiful and confident girl.

Her mother often said to her, "As long as you feel that you are right, your mother will try to support you in doing it." This sentence became the motto of Ng Yongwei's life, inspiring her to pursue her dreams bravely.

Growing up, Ng showed extraordinary temperament and perseverance. Although her family was not wealthy, she never gave up any opportunity to improve herself. With the support of her family, she studied hard and hoped to become a great actress one day.

At the age of 19, by chance, Wu Yongwei stepped into the glamorous but highly competitive modeling industry. When she first started in the industry, she had to face the pressure of competing with more than a dozen female models every day.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

However, Ng was not intimidated by such an environment. With her unique temperament and tenacious character, she quickly made a name for herself in this circle. At work, Ng often wears high heels and elegantly displays various outfits on stage.

Although this job seems glamorous, only she knows the hard work behind it. Her feet were often sore from long hours of standing and catwalking, but she never complained and worked harder to improve her professional skills.

Gradually, Wu Yongwei's performance began to be noticed by industry insiders. Her natural generosity and professional attitude have won the admiration of many. However, the gears of fate are quietly turning, and an encounter that could change her life is about to take place, and she has no idea of the upcoming life change.

In 1990, 21-year-old Wu Yongwei was on the rise in her career, and a chance banquet completely changed the trajectory of her life. At this lavish dinner, she met Kwong Zhenyang, a 52-year-old wealthy businessman.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

This successful businessman, who is 31 years older than her, was deeply attracted by Wu Yongwei's beauty and temperament at a glance. That night, Kwong Zhenyang took the initiative to talk to Wu Yongwei, and his mature charm and conversation impressed the young Wu Yongwei.

Despite the huge age gap, the two unexpectedly chatted very speculatively. Kwong Zhenyang's interest in Ng Yongwei was obvious, and he toasted her frequently, his eyes showing undisguised appreciation.

After this encounter, Kwong Zhenyang began a passionate pursuit. He frequently dates Ng Wing-wei, takes her to taste the food of high-end restaurants, and participates in various upper-class activities. In order to curry favor with Ng, Kwong even spared no expense in expensive gifts, including valuable jewellery and designer bags.

In the face of this sudden pursuit, Wu Yongwei seemed a little hesitant and overwhelmed at first. She struggles inwardly, on the one hand, attracted by Kwong Zhenyang's mature charm and wealth, and on the other hand, worried about the problems that the huge age gap will bring.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

She has confided her confusion to her best friend many times, and she doesn't know how to deal with this relationship. However, as time passed, Kwong Chun-yang's sincerity and thoughtfulness gradually moved Ng Yongwei.

He not only cares about her life, but also supports her career development, which makes Wu Yongwei feel an unprecedented sense of security and value. Gradually, she found that she also developed feelings for this mature and steady man.

Although there are many discussions about their relationship with the outside world, some people say that Wu Yongwei is a "gold worshipper", and some people say that Kuang Zhenyang is "an old cow eats tender grass", but the two don't seem to care about these gossips.

Their relationship grew deeper and deeper, and eventually, Kwong Zhenyang proposed to Wu Yongwei. After careful consideration, Ng accepted Kwong Chun-yang's marriage proposal. In 1990, despite the doubts and criticisms of the outside world, they resolutely decided to join hands in the palace of marriage.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

On the wedding day, Wu Yongwei was wearing a white wedding dress, with a happy smile on her face, and Kwong Zhenyang also looked at her young and beautiful bride with a doting face. This seemingly incredible marriage became an important turning point in Wu Yongwei's life.

She went from an ordinary model to the wife of a wealthy businessman, and her life changed dramatically. However, she didn't know that this choice also laid the groundwork for future turmoil.

After marriage, Wu Yongwei quickly adapted to the life of a rich wife, but she did not give up her dream because of this. Although her living conditions have changed drastically, she still maintains her love and pursuit of acting.

Every day, she finds time to learn acting skills and prepare for her acting dreams. Kwong Zhenyang gave full support to his wife's pursuit. He used his connections and resources to pave the way for Wu Yongwei to enter the entertainment industry.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

With the help of her husband, Ng gradually got some opportunities to perform in small roles, although she was not yet the main character, but these experiences inspired her. However, this seemingly happy married life did not last long.

Just when Wu Yongwei was just beginning to adapt to her new identity and was full of longing for the future, a bad news suddenly came - Kwong Zhenyang died of illness. This thunderbolt on a sunny day made it difficult for Wu Yongwei to accept it for a while, and she was immersed in great grief.

The pain of losing her husband made Ng almost collapse. She recalled the bits and pieces with Kwong Zhenyang, and those happy times are now only memories. Ng often sat alone at home, bursting into tears.

She not only lost her beloved husband, but also lost her life support and spiritual support. However, an even bigger storm is brewing. Kwong Zhenyang's sudden death left a huge inheritance of up to 170 million, and this wealth soon became the object of coveting by all parties.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

Before Ng could come out of the grief of bereavement, she found herself in a protracted battle for her inheritance. Kwong's family began to question Ng's motives, accusing her of marrying Kwong for money.

The media also began to hype up this marriage of "old husband and young wife", describing Ng Wing-wei as a "greedy young widow". For a time, public opinion overwhelmingly accused her of being a "golden hook" and marrying Kuang Zhenyang for money.

In the face of this sudden accusation and slander, Ng felt both sad and angry. She burst into tears in front of the media many times, trying to explain her sincere feelings for Kwong Zhenyang, but to little avail.

The doubts and accusations from the outside world made her feel isolated and helpless. In this way, Wu Yongwei was in the grief of losing her husband, and had to face a long legal battle that was about to begin.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

She realized that in order to prove her innocence and fight for the rights she deserved, she had to be strong and take on this difficult challenge. Kwong Zhenyang's death caused an uproar in society.

The media rushed to report on this marriage of "old husband and young wife", which pushed Wu Yongwei to the forefront of public opinion. All kinds of doubts and accusations followed, and public opinion overwhelmingly portrayed Wu Yongwei as a "golden hook" who married for money.

Faced with overwhelming negative evaluations, Wu Yongwei was tormented in her heart. At the same time, Kwong Zhenyang's family is also eyeing this inheritance of up to 170 million. They thought it was unreasonable for Ng Yongwei to inherit such a huge amount of property at a young age, and began to prevent her from obtaining the inheritance through various legal channels.

This is the beginning of this battle for inheritance, and a 10-year legal battle begins. During these 10 long years, Ng had to face numerous court inquiries, media interviews and public scrutiny.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

Every time she appeared in court, she had to endure the strange eyes of others and the long guns and short guns of the media. Reporters rushed to ask about the details of her marriage to Kwong Zhenyang, trying to dig up any possible fierce information.

Wu Yongwei burst into tears in front of the media many times, trying to explain her sincere feelings for Kwong Zhenyang, but with little success. Social occasions have also become Ng Yongwei's nightmare. Former friends kept their distance from her, for fear of being caught up in the turmoil.

She can often hear the whispers of people around her, some people say she is "Puk Gai", some people call her "Little Three". These nasty nicknames made Ng feel isolated and helpless. However, even in the most difficult moments, Wu Yongwei never gave up her determination to fight for her legitimate rights.

She hired a number of lawyers to collect all kinds of evidence and try to prove that she is not a "greedy woman" as the outside world says. In court, Ng Yongwei defended herself unrelentingly, trying to prove that her marriage to Kwong Zhenyang was based on sincere feelings.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

This lawsuit not only cost Wu Yongwei a lot of energy and financial resources, but also brought huge pressure to her psychology. Every night, she would sit alone at home, recalling the bits and pieces with Kwong Zhenyang, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Sometimes, she can't help but ask herself: Is this lawsuit worth it? But whenever she thinks of Kuang Zhenyang's love for her before her death, she rekindles her fighting spirit. Although the voices of the outside world are still full of doubts, Wu Yongwei always firmly believes that as long as she persists to the end, there will be a day when the truth will come out.

She secretly told herself that this lawsuit was not only for the inheritance, but also to prove her innocence, in order to defend the sincere relationship between her and Kwong Zhenyang. In this way, under the pressure of public opinion and the entanglement of the law, Wu Yongwei spent the most difficult 10 years of her life.

This battle for the inheritance not only tested her will, but also made her truly appreciate what it is like to "have a house leak and rain overnight". In this protracted battle, Ng Yongwei has shown extraordinary tenacity.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

She no longer pays attention to the gossip of the outside world, but focuses on proving the legitimacy of her marriage through legal means. In order to win the lawsuit, she hired a number of senior lawyers to collect all kinds of evidence day and night, trying to prove that she was not a "greedy woman" as the outside world said.

At the same time, Wu Yongwei also began to re-examine her life. Despite the lawsuit, she still insists on studying and working, hoping to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry by her own efforts.

She rededicated herself to acting, auditioning, accepting small roles, and working hard to improve her acting skills. This is not only to achieve one's dreams, but also to prove that one is capable of living independently and is not dependent on her husband's inheritance.

During this period, Wu Yongwei experienced unprecedented psychological suffering. Whenever she sees negative media reports about her, or hears people talking behind her back, she feels deeply aggrieved and helpless.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

However, she never gave up hope. She believes that as long as she persists, one day the truth will be revealed to the world. In this long legal battle, Wu Yongwei is not only fighting for her inheritance, but also for her own dignity and reputation.

She hopes that through her actions, she will prove to the world that the relationship between her and Kwong Zhenyang is sincere, and she is not the "gold worshipper" who was labeled by the outside world. After a 10-year legal battle, in 2000, the court finally ruled in favor of Ng Wing-wei.

She received an inheritance of 900 million Hong Kong dollars, which not only proved the legitimacy of her marriage, but also returned her innocence. When the judge announced the verdict, tears of excitement welled up in Ng Yongwei's eyes.

At this moment, she felt that years of perseverance had finally paid off. Although this amount is only a small part of Kwong's entire estate, for Ng Yongwei, the lawsuit is more than money itself.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

It proves that she is not a "money worshipper", but a woman who fights for love and fairness and justice. This verdict is not only a personal rehabilitation, but also a recognition of the sincere feelings between her and Kwong Zhenyang.

After winning the lawsuit, Wu Yongwei finally relieved the burden in her heart. She said in front of the media that the lawsuit made her understand that the most important thing in life is not money, but sticking to what she thinks is right.

She said she would donate part of her estate to charity in memory of her late husband, Kwong Chun-yeung. The victory marks a new chapter in Ng's life. She is no longer the "golden hook" who has been criticized by public opinion, but a strong and unyielding woman who has gone through hardships.

Wu Yongwei said that in the future, she will continue to pursue her acting dream, and at the same time, she will cherish life more and make good use of this hard-won wealth.

Wu Yongwei: Married to a 52-year-old rich man at the age of 21, her husband died after marriage, and she divided her inheritance of 9 million in 10 years of lawsuit

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