
A Mother's Choice: The Power of Forgiveness

author:Red evergreen

The opening is suspenseful

In a small village in Hunan, there used to be a mother's pride, her son, an aspiring young man who went to university in Dalian. However, a sudden car accident pushed the family into the abyss. People have speculated about how the mother will face this sudden blow and how she will seek justice for her son. However, things turned out unexpectedly.

How to be specific, and listen to Sister Hong's story.

Thousands of miles away, mother's strength

From Hunan to Dalian, a journey of more than 3,000 kilometers, Luo Ying embarked on this sad journey alone. She refused the company of her fellow villagers and chose to face it alone. Along the way, she cried silently, but more of it was the memories of her son's life and thoughts about the future.

A Mother's Choice: The Power of Forgiveness

Walking into the perpetrator's house, the mother's tolerance

After arriving in Dalian, Luo Ying did not go directly to the bus group or school, but chose to go to the home of the driver who caused the accident, Xiaofu. It was a cramped and humble home, with five people crammed into a house of less than 50 square meters. Xiaofu's wife cried and told her that in order to make a living, their family was huddled together and could not even afford a decent house.

Luo Ying looked at all this, and the anger in her heart gradually subsided. She thought of her son, the child who was always optimistic, and if he had a spirit in heaven, he would not want to see his mother hurt more people for him.

Dialogue with the leaders of the group, mother's choice

When Luo Ying walked into the office of the bus group, the group leaders had made all kinds of preparations. They thought there would be a fierce quarrel, but Luo Ying behaved unusually calmly. She only put forward two requests: one is not to punish Xiaofu's master, and the other is to hope that the group can help improve Xiaofu's sleep problems.

This move shocked everyone present. Luo Ying said: "Xiang'er (her son's name) gave me a dream, he said not to embarrass Master Xiaofu, he has been punished as he deserves." ”

A Mother's Choice: The Power of Forgiveness

A mother's journey, a son's last wishes

Luo Ying took her son's urn and walked through the streets of Dalian over and over again. She went to the place that her son liked before his death and felt the breath of his past. Although her heart was full of grief, she always kept a smile on her face. Because she knew that this was her son's last wish - to hope that she could live strongly.

Netizens are hotly discussed: the power of maternal love

The story has garnered a lot of attention online. Many netizens left messages to express their admiration and touch. Someone said, "This mother is great!" She interprets the power of mother's love with her actions. Someone else said, "Forgiveness is greater than hatred!" This mother's approach is worth emulating. ”

Ending insights

In this materialistic society, we tend to lose ourselves and forget the most basic morals and conscience. But Luo Ying's story reminds us that no matter how difficult and frustrating we encounter, we should maintain a kind and tolerant heart. Because only in this way can we truly feel the beauty and meaning of life.

Mother's Choice, Our Revelation

Luo Ying's story is not only a story about maternal love and tolerance, but also a discussion of human nature. It makes us reflect on our own behavior and mindset and re-examine our relationships with each other. In this complex and ever-changing world, let us all learn to face all the challenges and difficulties in life with a kind and tolerant heart!

A Mother's Choice: The Power of Forgiveness

That's all for today's sharing, thanks for listening.

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