
The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?


Heck, the Nuggets have made some big moves recently, and seeing everyone discussing it so lively, I can't help but stir it up.

I was surprised and fascinated by this wave of operations, let's take a good look at their operations this time, and see if this shining champion team can continue to be brilliant.

First of all, let's talk about a few things that the Nuggets have done recently.

The big news is that they took out a big contract of 209 million for 4 years to renew Murray.

That's a lot of money! But what's more interesting is some of their "small actions" - giving Reggie Jackson to the Hornets for white, and also giving three second-round picks, it is estimated that the Hornets who pick up garbage are happy.

In addition, Pope rejected the 15.5 million player option and jumped out of his contract to become a free agent.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

This wave really makes people feel complicated, what are the Nuggets doing?

Let's start with Reggie Jackson.

This brother's mood is probably to soak in the cold water.

Just decided to fulfill the 5.25 million contract with the player option next season, and was dumped at the Hornets in the blink of an eye.

Tell me, is this psychological gap big? Reggie has played in 82 games this season, averaging 10.2 points and 3.9 assists per game, which is quite cost-effective, right? But the Nuggets don't want to pay a penny, the big guy really doesn't understand.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

The reason why the Nuggets did this was purely to save salary space, and like throwing garbage, they dumped Reggie with three second-round picks.

And what about the Wasp? It looks like a pick-up man, but people are actually very smart.

They have enough defenders and have no intention of keeping Reggie at all, and they are expected to buy out his contract directly.

What's more, they have two key training objects, Sanqiu and Miller, and there is nothing Reggie has to do at all.

Let's talk about Pope.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

This guy is a treasure, the Lone Ranger wants to dig into the corner of the gold, and plans to get Pop over, thinking about whether he can sign first and then exchange to maximize benefits.

The result? The Nuggets didn't take this stubble at all, and they didn't want to hand pillows to others in the West, you said that they were either afraid of trouble, because Pope wanted to ask for a two-year 20 million contract, and the Nuggets pinched their pockets, afraid that they would end up smashing their hands.

In fact, Pope's current market is very good, and the Magic team is very interested in him, and even offered a 2-year contract of 45 million to 50 million.

See? Defenders with defense and championship resumes are really a scarce resource.

Pope played 76 games in the regular season this season, averaging 10+2+2+1 per game, and his three-point shooting rate was 40.6%, which was quite eye-catching.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

In the playoffs, it dropped a little, with an average of 8+2+3+1.5 per game, and a three-point shooting rate of 32.7%, which was a little slippery.

However, our Nuggets' general manager is quite comfortable with Pope's departure, "It's okay, Braun is on top", he said it was a relief.

But we know in our hearts, although Braun is young and energetic, can the crooked defense be compared with Pope's old fish? Three-point shooting percentage is also difficult to compare to Pope.

Let's talk about the Nuggets' salary.

Let's take a look at those big contracts, it's really staggering.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Jokic's 270 million in five years is really a "Buddha appropriation", and who doesn't rush to pay for the three MVPs.

Murray's four-year contract of 209 million is really a bit hanging, and 50 million next season, this performance is a bit unworthy of this price.

Especially in the playoffs, the score has not dropped significantly, anyway, the ups and downs are a bit big, and the Lakers are one hit and one is accurate, but the Timberwolves are far behind.

People have never been in the All-Star, nor have they been in the best team, in the final analysis, it is 50 million talents.

And Porter Jr.'s five-year 173 million is even more opinionated, he is the team's big 3D, but his performance is really bad, 3 is not an elite, and D is not bad.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Do you think he's worth the price?

Gordon's four-year contract of 91.4 million has two remaining years of 23.84 million, and the last year is still a player option.

I don't think I'm in a hurry to continue this year, but it is estimated that next year it will also cost a contract of 100 million yuan.

The average annual salary of these people is more than 163 million, how can you make room for others? The team's total salary is 185.7 million, ranking eighth in the league, and the luxury tax has been paid more than 20 million.

Let's take a look at the Nuggets, a small-ball team.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Although he won the championship and has the first active player, Jokic, he is actually a big fish in a small pond.

When he won the championship that year, he played a Western showdown with the Lakers, and head coach Malone complained more than once: "It's us who wins, and everyone talks about the Lakers."

"I can see the helplessness of the small ball market.

You have to pull traffic for everything, other people's magic is magician, but Nuggets have to shout by themselves.

So what are the Nuggets' goals now? You see, they just play with fate like this, and they don't aim for the championship.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Jokic is a bull, but it's going to take the whole team together to get another one.

Let's savor their operations, and we can't help but ask: Is it possible for this Nuggets to win the championship? Of course, Jokic is really a miracle maker, and I wouldn't be surprised if he could lead the team to win another championship.

Finally, although the operation of the Nuggets has left many people scratching their heads, they have their own calculations.

Our fans are watching lively, in the final analysis, they are not only playing basketball, but also a game of economic chess.

Do you think that the way of a small country like theirs is a good long-term plan? Will there be any unexpected turning points in the future? Hopefully, every step of the Nuggets is on the way to becoming stronger, not self-defeating.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Anyway, let's wait and see, who knows, maybe we'll have to applaud their brilliant performance again one day! Or, looking at the Nuggets' current roster, is it no longer their goal to win the championship next? Jokic is indeed talented, his technical style, basketball IQ, and miraculous performance make people have to be convinced.

However, it will be difficult to conquer the alliance again by relying on the "Serbian carriage" alone.

The duo of Murray and Jokic, who have played like two good brothers in the past few years, are particularly energetic in singing and harmonizing, which makes people stunned.

However, as far as Murray's contract is concerned, it is really not a joke.

This kid's performance is good and bad, and he has a "big tail flick" from time to time, which makes people a little worried about whether he can stabilize at the critical moment.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

Especially now that the Nuggets are doing this, it can't help but make people wonder if they still have a championship in mind.

Besides, the Nuggets were so "generous" in giving Reggie Jackson to the Hornets, in the final analysis, to save money.

What do you do with the money you save? It's just to avoid taxes.

This series of operations really makes people feel like there is a big hole in the Nuggets' wallet, and they have to be filled quickly.

As for Pope's departure, did they consider whether the big hole on the defensive end could be filled? Although Braun has hard work, to be honest, he is still a step short of Pop's level.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

As for Gordon's contract, the Nuggets don't have to worry too much about it for the time being, but next year's contract extension will definitely be a big expense.

It's like the Nuggets' money bag has to keep a few large copper plates at all times in case they need it.

Then again, playing in a small-ball market, you don't have anything, but the Nuggets do have the "Serbian giant" Jokic as a pillar.

But over the years, we haven't seen some small ball city teams screw like iron roosters in order to save a penny, making the players panic, and as a result, the team's record is not as good as one season after another.

If the Nuggets keep playing like this, I'm afraid they won't dig a big hole and jump down when the time comes.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

From the perspective of the player's mentality, this kind of personnel change seems to be a business, but it still has a great impact on the player's psychology.

Reggie had just decided to execute the contract, only to turn around and be kicked to the Hornets, which was certainly not a good feeling in his heart.

After all, this kind of thing can't be solved by just looking at data and contracts.

Players are also people, not machines, and they have to have a buffer process in their hearts, and how to adjust their mentality and deal with new challenges are all problems they have to face.

For a series of operations of the Nuggets, we as an audience also have mixed feelings in our hearts.

The Nuggets are not willing to trade with the Mavericks, is there still a championship window?

To say that they are planning for the future is better to immediately focus on the thickness of the wallet.

No matter how much Jokic can toss alone, he still needs the help of his teammates after all.

Team cohesion doesn't come in a vacuum, every link counts.

In fact, in the final analysis, whether there is a window to win the championship depends on how the Nuggets go next.

At this point in time, Jokic is in his prime, and Murray is okay, if he can find a few suitable additions, he may not be able to create brilliance.

Moreover, Pope's departure, if he can find an equally good defensive veteran to fill the position, there is still hope.

The Nuggets' current operation is like acrobatics in mid-air, and the rope can be a big heel when it is loosened.

The development direction of the team, the business strategy, the adjustment of the mentality of the players, and the layout of the coach must be gradually put in place.

Otherwise, in the final analysis, they are all playing "short, flat and fast", only for the small interests in front of them.

What we're looking forward to is not only seeing the Nuggets play well with their current capabilities, but also hoping that they can lay a solid foundation for the next few years to build a great club that will continue to shine even after Jokic retires.

The future depends on whether they have the courage and vision.

I still hope that the Nuggets can stand on the championship podium again and bring more surprises and cheers to us fans.

Don't let us down, Jokic, and don't let yourself go on the bridge!