
[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

author:Sacred deer parenting
[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

Hi dear mothers, let's talk about a super important topic for women today - uterine health. You know, our womb, which is the cradle of life, must be carefully cared for! But in life, there are some casual behaviors that quietly bring a burden to it. Come, let's uncover the five "crimes" that hurt the uterus the most, so that our "little house" is healthy!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

1. Cold drinks and cold food, the uterus is cold!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

When summer comes, iced drinks, ice cream, and frozen fruits are simply an artifact to relieve the heat, right? But you know what? These cold babes are the enemies of the womb! The uterus likes warmth and cold, and often eats cold drinks, just like covering it with a layer of ice quilt, and in the long run, uterine fibroids and backache can come to the door. Especially when the menstrual period is still cold, it is even worse, and the uterus has to protest: "Hey, give me some warmth, okay?" ”

2. Rush to "intimate contact" after childbirth, premature pregnancy!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

After giving birth to a baby, the whole family is happy, but Bao's mother's body has not yet recovered! The uterus needs time to recover slowly, at least for a few months. If you are in a hurry to be "intimate" at this time, it is not only easy to cause gynecological inflammation, but also may accidentally conceive "Erbao". The womb is not ready for a new life, do you think it can not be exhausted? Be patient and give your uterus a full period of recuperation!

3. Frequent miscarriages, and the uterus can't afford to hurt!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

Unplanned pregnancy, abortion and medical abortion seem to solve a temporary problem, but they bury hidden dangers in the uterus. After "cleaning" again and again, the uterine wall is getting thinner and thinner, and intrauterine adhesions and infertility may creep in. When you want a baby, but the uterus can't afford it, it's really regrettable. Take care of your uterus, do a good job of contraception, and be cautious in every choice!

4. Drugs abuse, uterus suffers too!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

During childbirth, some mothers may resort to oxytocin in order to speed up the process. But sisters, this is not something that can be used casually! If used incorrectly, the risk of uterine bleeding and rupture is not small, and when the uterus is damaged, the road to repair is long and difficult. At critical moments, be sure to listen to the doctor's professional guidance and don't make your own decisions!

5. Don't be too "eager" in the same room!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

Not only after giving birth, but also in daily married life, we should also pay attention to moderation and timing. Intercourse too early or too often is also a burden on the uterus and can easily cause various discomforts. The uterus also needs to rest, give it enough time to adjust and recover, and our body will be healthier, right?

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced

Well, having said so much, I actually want to remind us female friends that uterine health is related to the happiness of our lives. Don't let these little things drag down our little house, from today on, be the guardian of the womb, and let health and beauty accompany us!

Remember, caring for yourself starts with taking care of your womb! Let's talk next time, don't forget to like and follow, our healthy boat, the more stable it is!

[Vigilance] The 5 things that hurt a woman's uterus the most, the first thing many women have experienced