
Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

author:The sun is rising

【Shocking Revealed】The dream of the wealthy family is shattered! The tragic experience of pure model Wu Zhiheng

1. The shining moment of pure model Wu Zhiheng

In Hong Kong in the 90s of the last century, the name Wu Zhiheng was well-known in the modeling industry. Born in 1978, she was born into a family of doctors and has been loved by her parents since she was a child. At the age of 16, she was discovered by talent scouts and stepped into the modeling industry, and with her pure appearance and outstanding temperament, she soon made a name for herself in the fashion industry.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

Second, the encounter between Wu Zhiheng and Guo Yongchun, the son of a wealthy family

Just when Wu Zhiheng's career was in full swing, she met Guo Yongchun, the son of a wealthy Hong Kong family. This young and handsome boy brother with a generous hand made Wu Zhiheng fall into the whirlpool of love. For love, she traveled thousands of miles to the United States alone to meet Guo Yongchun. However, behind this transnational romance, there is a deep darkness.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

3. Cage and bullying in the wealthy

When Wu Zhiheng thought she had found true love, she was imprisoned and bullied by her boyfriend. In the midst of endless pain and despair, Guo Yongchun's "I love you" became her only consolation. For the sake of this love, Wu Zhiheng chose to forgive, and resolutely married into a wealthy family. However, it was the worst decision of her life.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

Fourth, the price of crazy weight loss

After marrying into a wealthy family, Wu Zhiheng's life was not as good as she imagined. Her husband Guo Yongchun's pickiness and harshness made her feel pressured. The sentence "You are out of shape, I don't like it" made Wu Zhiheng fall into a crazy weight loss whirlpool. She tried all kinds of extreme weight loss methods, and eventually her body was severely damaged, her teeth fell out, gastric juice was removed, and her whole person was skinny and skinny. Eventually, she nearly lost her life due to excessive weight loss.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

5. Wu Zhiheng's tragic situation

Today's Wu Zhiheng is no longer the innocent model with infinite scenery. She was unable to take care of herself due to physical reasons, and her life was in trouble. And her ex-husband Guo Yongchun quickly remarried after the divorce and lived a new life. This wealthy marriage brought Wu Zhiheng only endless pain and remorse.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love

Editor's Note:

Wu Zhiheng's tragic experience deeply saddens us. She used to be a high-profile innocent model, but because of a wrong relationship, she fell into a situation from which she could never recover. Her experience tells us that wealthy marriages are not as good as imagined, and vanity can make us pay a heavy price. We should cherish our lives and pursue true happiness and love. At the same time, I also hope that Wu Zhiheng can recover as soon as possible, get out of this hazy past, and welcome a new life.

Wealthy "playthings"! met true love at the age of 16, married into a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was rejected miserably, but her husband quickly married a new love