
When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

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Entertainment Thing

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me


In the entertainment industry, how many couples can stand the test of time and finally achieve positive results?

And how many couples are still in love after years of marriage?

Will the story of Sha Yi and Hu Ke give us a different answer?

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

There are sparks in the play: an unexpected fate

In 2009, a TV series called "Breaking Through" was quietly launched.

Hu Ke, who was 34 years old at the time, and Sha Yi, who was 31 years old at the time, had in-depth contact for the first time as the heroes and heroines of this drama.

Who would have thought that this collaboration would become a turning point in their lives.

Hu Ke is a mature and stable actress, who is always serious and focused in the crew.

In contrast, Sha Yi seems lively and cheerful, often making innocuous jokes on the set.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

At first, Hu Ke didn't pay much attention to this "big boy" who was three years younger than him.

However, as the filming progressed, Hu Ke was gradually attracted by Sha Yi's sincerity and humor.

Once, during the filming of an emotional scene, Sha Yi improvised and said a line that made people laugh.

Hu Ke couldn't hold back for a while and laughed.

The director shouted "card", but at this moment, the seeds of love were planted in the hearts of the two.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Age gap: Love is no longer an obstacle

Although there are sparks in the play, Hu Ke and Sha Yi in reality are facing a lot of challenges.

Hu Ke is three years older than Sha Yi, and in the traditional concept, such an age gap will cause some discussion.

However, Sha Yi didn't care about this problem at all.

He once said in an interview: "Love is not a math problem, it does not need to be calculated exactly.

What matters is how two people feel when they are together. "

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

These words not only moved Hu Ke, but also won the appreciation of many netizens.

Hu Ke also touched on this topic in a show:

The age gap did make me hesitate at first, but Sha Yi's sincerity and maturity far exceeded his actual age.

He made me understand that true love transcends age. "

Meeting parents for the first time: Sincerely impress future parents-in-law

In 2010, not long after the relationship was confirmed, Sha Yi plucked up the courage and decided to meet Hu Ke's parents.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for him.

At that time, Sha Yi was still a rookie actor who was not very famous;

I don't have a house, I don't have a car, I don't even have a stable income in Beijing.

With apprehension, Sha Yi came to Hu Ke's house.

To his surprise, Hu Ke's parents did not measure him by material conditions.

On the contrary, they are more concerned about Sha Yi's personality and sincerity towards Hu Ke.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Hu Ke's mother said to Sha Yi gently: "Young man, we don't care how much money you have now, whether you have a house or not.

What we value is your character and attitude towards Huko.

As long as you truly love each other and are willing to work together, I believe that your future will definitely get better and better. "

Sha Yi was deeply moved by these words, and it also strengthened his determination to spend his life with Hu Ke.

Romantic Courtship: Confession of a Surprising Passion

After getting the approval of Hu Ke's parents, Sha Yi felt that it was time to go further.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

One winter day in late 2010, he orchestrated a romantic proposal.

That day, Sha Yi invited Hu Ke to dinner at the restaurant where they had their first date.

In the restaurant, Sha Yi arranged warm candlelight and beautiful music in advance.

When Hu Ke walked into the restaurant, Sha Yi knelt down on one knee, took out a ring, and said affectionately:

"Hu Ke, I may not be able to give you the best material life now, but I promise to give you the most sincere love.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Will you marry me? "

However, to Sha Yi's surprise, Hu Ke did not immediately agree.

She looked at Sha Yi, her eyes flashing with complicated emotions, and finally whispered:

"Sha Yi, I'm very moved, but I think we still need to think about it again."

This answer made Sha Yi's heart sink.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

He didn't expect a well-prepared proposal to end in such a way.

Breakup crisis: an ingenious "reversal"

After being rejected by Hu Kewan, Sha Yi fell into deep self-doubt.

He began to reflect on whether he could really give Hu Ke happiness and whether he was worthy of her.

This kind of thinking made him think about it, and even affected his work.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Finally, in the middle of the night, Sha Yi made a bold decision.

He sent a text message to Hu Ke, who was filming in other places: "I think we may not be suitable, let's separate." "

This text message was like a thunderbolt from the sky, which made Hu Ke panic instantly.

She immediately called Sha Yi, but Sha Yi never answered.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

It wasn't until after many attempts that Sha Yi picked up the phone and said in a cold tone: "We are really not suitable, don't delay each other." "

Hu Ke asked eagerly, "What happened?" Aren't we all right? "

Sha Yi was silent for a while, and then said, "We have been talking for so long, but we have never had a clear future.

I don't want to spend it like this anymore. "

These words made Hu Ke fall into deep thought.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

She suddenly realizes that she has been running away from her promises for the future, and that she may lose the people she loves most.

Confession of true feelings: Resolving the crisis and ushering in a new life

After experiencing this "breakup crisis", Hu Ke seriously thought about her relationship with Sha Yi.

She realized that she had been hesitant because she was afraid of taking responsibility and facing an unknown future.

A few days later, Hu Ke took the initiative to ask Sha Yi to meet.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

In a quiet café, Hu Ke held Sha Yi's hand, and said with tears in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I'm too cowardly."

I shouldn't have turned down your marriage proposal because I was afraid of the future.

Actually, I've been in love with you for a long time.

No matter what the future holds, I am willing to face it with you. "

When Sha Yi heard this, the haze in his heart was swept away.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

He hugged Hu Ke tightly and whispered, "As long as you are by my side, I will have the courage to face everything." "

In this way, the two released their previous suspicions, and their relationship was deeper than before.

Sweet Weddings: Happiness in Simplicity

In February 2011, Sha Yi and Hu Ke held a simple and warm wedding.

Although there are no luxurious venues, no expensive wedding dresses, the faces of the two are filled with happy smiles.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

At the wedding, Sha Yi said to Hu Ke affectionately:

"I may not be able to give you a fairytale prince life, but I will spend my life proving that ordinary life can be very happy."

Hu Ke responded: "Being with you is my greatest happiness."

Even if I live in a rental house, as long as I have you, I'm satisfied. "

Although the wedding was simple, it touched everyone present.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Everyone sent their most sincere wishes to the couple.

Firewood, rice, oil and salt: the sweetness of ordinary life

Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing.

Due to limited economic conditions, Sha Yi and Hu Ke can only live in rented houses.

They moved several times, and even had to live with Hu Ke's parents for a while.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

However, these difficulties did not affect the relationship between the two.

On the contrary, facing life's challenges together makes them feel more emotional.

Sha Yi began to learn to do housework and help Hu Ke share the pressure; Hu Ke gave encouragement and support to Sha Yi when his work did not go well.

Once, when Sha Yi came back from work, he saw Hu Ke busy in the kitchen.

He quietly walked behind Hu Ke, hugged her gently, and said, "It's hard work, I'll help you." "

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Hu Ke turned around and said with a smile: "With you by your side, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it." "

It's such a small detail that is woven into their happy daily life.

Career take-off: support each other and make progress together

With the passage of time, both Sha Yi and Hu Ke's careers have made great progress.

With his own hard work and talent, Sha Yi emerged in variety shows and became the audience's favorite "Sha Yi teacher".

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Hu Ke constantly challenged different types of roles in film and television dramas, showing his multi-faceted acting skills.

The success of the two was not accidental.

In their careers, they always support and encourage each other.

Sha Yi often said: "Every step of my progress is inseparable from Hu Ke's support. She is my strongest backing. "

Hu Ke said: "Sha Yi's optimism and humor have infected me and allowed me to maintain a positive attitude at work.

We are each other's source of motivation. "

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Family Life: The wisdom of balancing career and family affection

With the development of their careers, Sha Yi and Hu Ke also welcomed their own children.

In order to take care of their family, the two began to learn to balance their careers and family life.

Sha Yi revealed in an interview: "After having children, the focus of our lives has changed.

We will cherish the time we spend with our families more and choose our work projects more carefully. "

Hu Ke shared her parenting experience:

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

"We try to make sure that we have time with our children every day, even if it's just chatting and playing.

This not only allows children to feel the love of their parents, but also allows us to find a balance in life after busy work. "

Foaming at each other: ten years of sweetness

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Sha Yi and Hu Ke have been working hand in hand for more than ten years.

The outside world often wonders what is the secret of their relationship.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

Sha Yi said with a smile: "Actually, there is no special secret, it is to understand and tolerate each other.

We all have our own shortcomings, but we choose to appreciate each other's strengths and tolerate each other's shortcomings. "

Hu Ke added: "I think it's important to stay true to your original intention.

No matter how life changes, we must remember the emotion of falling in love with each other.

At the same time, we are constantly learning how to be a better partner. "

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me


The story of Sha Yi and Hu Ke may not have a vigorous plot or a plot full of ups and downs.

But it is this sincerity in the plain, this kind of long-term love, that allows us to see the true meaning of marriage.

Their story tells us that true love is not about being vigorous, but about flowing water;

It's not about rhetoric, it's about being with you day after day; It's not about being perfect, it's about tolerating each other and growing together.

When Sha Yi's marriage proposal to Hu Ke was rejected, he told Hu Ke in a fit of anger: Break up, don't delay me

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