
I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

author:Laugh every day haha
I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Recently, Sha Yi Hu Ke and his wife made a very warm video! Hu Ke in the video has a sweet smile and is full of youthful atmosphere. But Sha Yi is pretending to be deep, which makes people feel embarrassed hahaha. However, I have to say that the couple is really affectionate. After being married for so many years, there are no scandals, and they have two cute and handsome sons, they are really a model couple in the entertainment industry! It's really sweet and happy!

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

I don't know why, I want to laugh when I see Sha Yi, and I blame Sha Yi for the "comedy smell" on his body.

When he played Bai Zhantang, it made people die of laughter.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

When I saw him with his wife Hu Ke, I wanted to laugh even more! One is like a confident beautiful girl, and the other is like a simple uncle.

Hahaha, it's really funny!

Could it be that my laughter is low?

Take a look at what netizens ridiculed:

Mr. Sha's shot is like an idol film, and Mr. Hu's shot feels like a bandit turning back!

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Hahaha, laughing!

Sha Yi: It's heart-wrenching! I won't shoot like this anymore.

You are like in Paris, he is like in Harbin.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Sha Yi: That's great! Not as responsive as you.

The young man's blush is better than all love words.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Sha Yi really has a lot of laughs.

The most handsome one is cheap for you, Hu Ke.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

When Sha Yi saw this comment, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep for a few days.

It seems that I met the uncle [covering his face] on the road.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Shrimp and pork heart!

That's it, and the following don't do.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Hahaha, it makes sense, it's good, the picture is beautiful!

Mr. Sha's photo can be dazzling for a lifetime.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Teacher Sha: I'm dazzling, they don't believe I'm a school grass.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Sha Yi: Very good, don't let it go next time.

I have to say: Teacher Hu Ke was really beautiful when he was young!

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

However, I think back then, Mr. Sha Yi was also very handsome! Otherwise, Mr. Hu Ke wouldn't have taken a fancy to him, wouldn't he!

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

Although Mr. Sha Yi is now middle-aged and a little greasy, it is all the law of nature.

Teacher Hu Ke is still well maintained, and Sha Yi has to study hard.

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

The couple is really sweet and funny!

I can't laugh anymore! Sha Yi and Hu Ke co-produced a video, but everyone died laughing in their Douyin comment area

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