
Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

author:Meiling Layman


As we all know, the Apollo moon landing is a desirable event, but while people are becoming more and more aware of the Apollo moon landing, there are also many claims on the Internet about the Apollo moon landing being fake.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

Recently, a blogger on Twitter said that when he was observing the Apollo moon landing, he suddenly found a very big suspicion on the traces of the moon landing rover, that is, the moon landing vehicle obviously drove there, but why can't there be any traces of the moon landing rover?

What's going on here, is there really someone who faked the moon landing?

Just when this matter is constantly being paid attention to, an expert from the International Society of Soil Earth expressed his opinion on this, what is going on?

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

The photographer thinks the moon landing is fake.

Since the Chang'e moon landing on the mainland, people have also been interested in their own country's moon landing project and have a certain understanding of the Apollo moon landing.

But to this day, the Apollo moon landing has not stopped.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

Not long ago, a photographer tweeted a photo of what was said to be the Apollo moon landing in 1969 when a small vehicle crossed the track, but there was no on-board camera on the track.

He wrote: "I think the Apollo moon landing was fake!"

The photographer came across the photo by accident, and it's from NASA's official website.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

The photographer took a closer look at this, but since the Apollo moon landing in 1969, many years later, this image was released, and the picture he posted was in 1969, after the Apollo 11 spacecraft and the Apollo moon landing module separated, the Apollo moon landing module broke free from the gravity lock from above, left the lunar descent orbit, and entered the Earth-Moon orbit.

During this time, the Apollo spacecraft will remain in lunar descent until the lunar module returns to its proper position, and the Apollo spacecraft and the Apollo lunar module begin joint flights back to Earth.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

During this period, the trio of the manned moon landing could rest for a few hours to relieve the fatigue of working on the moon, but at that time, there were not so many explanations about the moon landing in e-books and the Internet, so people still trusted the Apollo moon landing.

When the photo was posted by a blogger on Twitter, it attracted a lot of attention, and although there were many people who supported him, there were also many people who doubted him, thinking that the mark was just a trace of the wind blowing, or that there was some other reason.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

That's how things were supposed to have fallen off, but just two days ago, NASA reinterpreted the photos on Twitter again, but this time not with photos, but with illustrations.

"This trace is not a walking tire mark, but a white particle that flows out of the extended thermal shield that was discharged after the landing of the Apollo lunar landing module, which left such a trail as the wind blows," he explained.

He said that for many years, people thought that it was just a matter of taking pictures with cameras, but in fact, the same is true of the ruts that have been walked, and he said that the photos taken by NASA's own machines have seen walking ruts like this, so this is not the first time that this rut has been said.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

His remarks sparked a heated discussion among netizens, many of whom thought the rut was convincing and said that the photographer's arguments on Twitter were very unreliable.

However, some people said that they still couldn't accept it, thinking that maybe NASA scientists really learned the truth, but under the pressure of the higher-ups, they had to make up this reason to deceive people.

There is a heated debate between two very different points of view, and even if there is no blogger on Twitter, there are third parties who have an independent opinion on it.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

Soil experts give an explanation.

A soil expert said: "This mark is not a tire mark, but a variety of tiny particles deposited together with the action of the wind, thus forming this mark."

He said that the road that the lunar rover walked on was the same, not a deep imprint, but a very small layer on the surface, but when the lunar rover drove over, these things were crushed by the wheels again and disappeared.

As he said, this rut is formed by the fact that all kinds of tiny particles come together with the wind, so why do tiny particles come together?

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

This is all because the engine of the rover will blow things away from the ground, and the small things will be carried by the wind to another place, and the heavier things will be relatively concentrated, so only the small things will come together.

And these things are generally white particles and other tiny things, things that can be gathered into a mark, as scientists say.

Therefore, the theory given by scientists is correct.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

Moreover, after the lunar rover drove out, it did leave such traces.

Therefore, from a scientific point of view, the Apollo moon landings could not have been fake, there is no reason, and there is no evidence that the Apollo moon landings were fake.

The importance of the Apollo moon landing.

The Apollo moon landing was a very amazing event at the time, and it can be said to be the most landmark event in the history of human moon landing.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

China's Chang'e moon landing is also an important event, and the launch of Chang'e also marks the second stage of China's space industry and the Chang'e probe.

The first step for the mainland's aerospace industry to go abroad is also the first step for the mainland's aerospace industry to start, and it is the most milestone step in the mainland's aerospace industry.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

But the Apollo moon landing was a big surprise for people at the time, and in that era, there was nothing high-tech, so it can be said that the Apollo moon landing was a little unbelievable even for scientists at the time, and at the same time, it also marked a feat of human exploration of the universe.

The Apollo moon landing was extremely important, but just when the historical event of Apollo 11's landing on the moon was so perfect that people doubted it, due to the internal affairs of the U.S. government, the Apollo 12 manned moon landing program was temporarily shelved.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

After that, the Apollo 19 spacecraft and the Apollo 20 spacecraft could not complete the two missions one after another, and Apollo 19 failed to take off safely within 10 hours of takeoff because two engines had been spinning at high speed.

Under the solution on the spot, in desperation, Apollo 19 finally had to cancel the mission.

The launch of the Apollo 20 lunar orbiter was delayed and even cancelled.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts

The failure of the two missions also brought great difficulties to the Apollo moon landing program, so many people think that the United States is because the first Apollo moon landing is for the country's reputation, so the United States has taken unscrupulous means, as long as the mission is completed, so even if the Apollo moon landing is indeed fake, it will not hesitate.

But Apollo 11 did land on the moon, and we can see it from some cameras on the moon.


The Apollo moon landing is an important event, and at the same time it is a desirable thing, and at the same time a memorable thing, so we also know the importance of the Apollo moon landing, and we also hope that the mainland can also achieve a manned moon landing as soon as possible, so that the world can see the importance of the continent.

Twitter's Apollo moon landing "fake" was once again questioned: the lunar rover drove without leaving ruts