
According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

author:Star Rambler
According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?


The Earth and the Moon are celestial bodies that we are familiar with, and life and natural phenomena on Earth are closely related to the Moon. As for the interaction between the Earth and the Moon, human understanding is still on the surface, especially the influence of the Earth's gravity on the Moon, which we do not understand deeply enough. Recently, a study showed that Earth's gravity could tear the moon apart, a conclusion that has attracted a lot of attention and discussion. So, does Earth's gravity really tear the moon apart? How does the existence of the Moon affect the Earth? This article will start with these questions and delve into the delicate relationship between the Earth and the Moon.


1. The Moon may be part of the Earth

The Earth and the Moon are almost the same age, both about 4.5 billion years old, and their compositions are also very similar, which has led scientists to suspect that the Moon may be part of the Earth.

Once upon a time, there was a planet the size of Mars on Earth, which collided with the Earth, and the debris gradually gathered after the impact to form the Moon, which is also widely recognized as the theory of moon formation.

From this point of view, the Moon can indeed be seen as a part of the earth, and they are inextricably linked, so to speak, a pair of brothers and sisters in the sky.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

Second, the distance between the Earth and the Moon is gradually increasing

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is not fixed, but constantly changing.

According to scientists, the Moon moves away from the Earth at a rate of 3.8 centimeters every year, which is a very small number, but the accumulation over a long period of time has made the distance between the Earth and the Moon change significantly.

This is due to the existence of the Earth's rotation, and the Earth's equator will produce an outward centrifugal force, which will cause the Moon to receive an outward thrust, thus moving the Moon away from the Earth.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

3. The possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing apart the Moon is extremely low

Some people may wonder why the gravitational pull of the Earth can keep the Moon away from the Earth, so why can't it tear the Moon apart?

The possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing the Moon is very low, this is because the scope of the Earth's gravity is limited, when the distance between the Earth and the Moon is less than a certain value, the Earth's gravity will indeed have a certain impact on the Moon, but in order to tear the Moon, certain conditions need to be met.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

In astronomy, there is a concept called the Loch limit, when a celestial body is very close to another celestial body, as long as the distance is less than the Loch limit, it can be torn apart.

For the Earth and the Moon, the Earth's gravity will only have an impact on the Moon when the distance between the Earth and the Moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, and this value is far greater than the Loch limit, so the possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing the Moon is very small.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

4. The Moon may be torn apart by the Earth to form a ring

Although the possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing the Moon apart is very low, in the universe, various strange phenomena can occur, and the Moon being torn apart by the Earth is one of them.

If the Moon were really torn apart by the Earth, then it would turn into a very beautiful ring, which would revolve around the Earth like Saturn's rings.

This is only a hypothesis, there is currently no evidence that the Moon will be torn apart by the Earth, and from a scientific point of view, the possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing the Moon apart is almost non-existent.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?

5. The interaction between the Earth and the Moon has an important impact on the Earth

The Moon is not only a satellite of the Earth, but also the creator of many natural phenomena on Earth.

For example, the existence of the Moon allows the Earth to produce tidal phenomena, which are the cradle of life in the oceans, and it can be said that without the Moon, life on Earth might not be as diverse as it is now.

In addition, the moon can also have a certain impact on the rotation of the earth, which can make the rotation speed of the earth more stable, which is very beneficial to the ecological balance and climate stability on the earth.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?


The delicate relationship between the Earth and the Moon fully demonstrates the wonder and diversity of the universe, and their interactions have a significant impact not only on the Earth's ecosystems, but also for human civilization and scientific research.

Although the possibility of the Earth's gravity tearing apart the Moon is almost non-existent, in the universe, various possibilities may appear, we should maintain our curiosity about the universe, continue to observe and study the subtle relationship between the Earth and the Moon, and believe that in the near future, we will definitely find many surprises about the universe.

According to the Loch limit, when the distance of the local moon is less than 15,000 kilometers, the moon will begin to disintegrate?