
From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

author:Xiaoyu water swim Y
From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Wen \ Xiaoyu water upstream Y

Edit\ Xiaoyu Water Swim Y

Li Yifei, a master's student at Xi'an Jiaotong University, attracted the attention of social media with his outstanding graduation speech and became the focus of heated discussions. She not only attracted many eyes with her excellent appearance, but also aroused the envy and doubts of countless netizens because of her academic achievements in the field of nuclear physics.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Li Yifei, this master's graduate, is simply the perfect combination of appearance and talent! You see that she is wearing that master's graduation gown, as if she is a fairy descending to earth, and that kind of light makes people have to pay attention.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Everyone is accustomed to thinking that the field of nuclear physics is the territory of "rough men", but I didn't expect Li Yifei's appearance to completely break this stereotype. Who said that nuclear physics can only be a sloppy, raunchy dervishe? Isn't she the best example of that? Beautiful women can also play science, and at this time, you dare to say that women are inferior to men?

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

However, then again, beauty and talent always have to face some "sour grapes". Li Yifei is so good, which inevitably attracts the jealousy of some people. Ghost netizens began to dig up her "black history", chewing a magnifying glass in their mouths, aiming at her vigorously.

Some people say that she relied on her dulcimer expertise to enter Xi'an Jiaotong University, and she studied electrical engineering as a bachelor's degree, and only switched to nuclear physics for her master's degree. It's not easy to span such a large span! However, the transition from electrical to nuclear physics is not necessarily an impossible task.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Speaking of Li Yifei's family background, it was picked up, and even the gossip in his hometown was dug up! Don't worry, let's talk slowly. It is said that her mother is a folk singer, and her voice is as good as a lark, and even if she is walking on the street and singing, she can attract a large audience.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

My dad is a dulcimer teacher, and he has regarded the dulcimer as her "little toy" since he was a child. Can you imagine? Other children were playing in the mud, and she was playing the dulcimer at home. This background, although it has not been fully confirmed, can roughly explain why she plays the piano so slippery.

You think, there is such a family, and it is difficult to become a talent since childhood. This specialty alone is eye-catching enough, coupled with her appearance and academic achievements, she is really a proper "child of other people".

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

This is simply "natural beauty is difficult to give up, and the family history is escorted"! Every time I see a video of her playing the piano, the fingers fly on the keys, which is even faster than the barrage. Many netizens said, "This hand speed is the last life that saved the galaxy!" ”

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

But then again, we can't just look at the glamorous side of others. It is true that the family background is good, but Li Yifei's efforts are also obvious to all. Practice the piano every day until her fingers are numb, and she writes her homework until late at night, do you think her good grades and skills fell from the sky? That's a big mistake. Many people only see her glamorous appearance, but they don't see the sweat and hard work behind it.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

When it comes to how she got into Xi'an Jiaotong University, it is actually not that important. After all, her performance at the master's level is truly impressive. Look at her, she has applied for two national invention patents and published an international conference paper, this kind of achievement is not bragged, it is really eye-catching! These were enough for her to get her master's degree effortlessly.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

However, having said that, in a first-class university like Xi'an Jiaotong University, are Li Yifei's achievements good enough? Some netizens began to question her patents and papers, saying that they did not make it clear whether they were the first authors.

You think, if it weren't for the top three authors, then these scientific research results would be a bit out of reach. But even so, as a master's student studying nuclear physics, Li Yifei's performance is quite good.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

We can't always talk about other people's achievements, everyone's efforts have their value. Li Yifei's story tells us that it is not enough to look at her appearance, but more important is her efforts and achievements. She proves that regardless of background, with talent and hard work, she can shine in her chosen field.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Li Yifei's graduation speech is really exciting! She said: "Under the beautiful scenery of the desert and the sunset over the long river, I seem to see the hard work of the predecessors of the nuclear industry, as if I heard the cheers of the first atomic bomb on the Gobi. ”

Hearing this, it immediately reminded people of those ancestors who worked hard for the country, and her determination and pride made people deeply admire. Such courage is really emotional!

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Li Yifei is not just a mouthful, she really has national affairs in mind, and with the spirit of westward migration, the spirit of the nuclear industry, and the spirit of two bombs and one satellite, she is determined to take root in the western region and devote herself to the cause of national defense.

There are always some attentive netizens who pick up a magnifying glass and start to pick thorns. People found that the last place she chose was a state-owned enterprise in Xi'an, the Northwest Nuclear Security Center of the Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, which seemed to be a bit different from what she said about taking root in the west.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

These netizens, do you think they are picky? Li Yifei is engaged in nuclear safety-related undertakings in a large economic city in the northwest such as Xi'an, which can be regarded as contributing his own strength to the country.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Although her choice did not fully satisfy everyone's idea of "taking root in the west", at least she was out of love and dedication to the country and scientific research. This kind of subtle difference, in fact, is not a big deal, we have to look at the problem in the long run, where is she, to contribute to the country, the most important thing is to get the heart.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

Li Yifei, as an outstanding graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University, is indeed both beautiful and talented. Although some people questioned her, these did not erase her efforts and achievements.

From dulcimer to nuclear physics, the president of Nanjing University interprets Li Yifei's "academic Daji" incident from a professional perspective

We should not look at anyone with colored glasses, nor should we try to destroy the narrow-mindedness of others because we can't ask for it. Only by being more peaceful and less angry can we see the beauty and hope of the world clearly. Li Yifei's story tells us that everyone has infinite possibilities, and as long as they work hard, they can shine on the stage of life.