
Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

author:Xiaoyu water swim Y
Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Wen \ Xiaoyu water upstream Y

Edit\ Xiaoyu Water Swim Y

Recently, our goddess Yang Ying suddenly appeared in Simba's live broadcast room to stand for the "Red Dragonfly" footwear brand, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

This appearance made many fans call "coffee downgrade", and felt that her starlight seemed to be a little bleak. So, now let's take a look at the embarrassing moments in this live broadcast, as well as some gossip about Yang Ying!

In Simba's live broadcast room, Yang Ying wore a checked outfit, which looked quite casual and natural. Her half-tied ponytail is full of energy and playfulness, but the beauty filter in the live broadcast room seems to be a bit excessive, and her makeup is heavily painted.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

However, don't worry, our Yang Ying's appearance is still online, her facial features are exquisite, and her beauty has not diminished as it was back then. But this performance is very different from the usual self-confidence in the spotlight, and it seems a little restrained and uncomfortable. She was hunched over her chest, her hands couldn't find a place to put them everywhere, she was smiling awkwardly all the time, and she obviously lacked the aura of a big star in the past.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Simba, like a cannon, praised Yang Ying again and again, saying that she was "the most easy-going artist" and even "the most beautiful female artist", this kind of praise made Yang Ying a little caught off guard. Netizens ridiculed her like a lost princess in the live broadcast room, it seems that Yang Ying this time was really stunned by this sudden praise to the "circle"!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Look, this can't help but remind us of a truth - how can you be eclectic in order to win by surprise? Do things naturally, sometimes too much pursuit of perfection can be self-defeating.

Our Yang Ying, although there are some small gaffes in the live broadcast room this time, this kind of real and cute side actually makes people feel closer. After all, everyone has imperfect moments, and it is these moments that make them more real and cute!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Netizens didn't let go of this excitement at all! Someone bluntly said: "After Yang Ying was banned, every time she appeared in an event, she seemed to lose her original confidence, and there was a trace of bitterness in her smile!" "Hey, that's really distressing!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Some also joked: "It was originally an Internet celebrity debut, but this time I really became a complete Internet celebrity!" Back to the original track! Haha, this is really straightforward, but I have to admit that Yang Ying has changed from the aura of a big star on the red carpet to now working hard to promote products in the live broadcast room, which is indeed a big change!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Our Yang Ying, although she said "it doesn't matter", she is inevitably a little sour in her heart, right? Think about it, when I appeared on the red carpet before, I was unbeatable in the limelight, and now selling goods in the live broadcast room is also a new experience!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

This kind of change actually reflects the survival status of celebrities under the traffic economy, and not everyone can have a smooth ride. But this is also a process of growth, from a red carpet superstar to now looking for a new way out in the Internet celebrity economy, this dilemma is not easy for everyone to deal with.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

A few days ago, Yang Ying's footage in "Running Man" was mysteriously coded, and this move immediately sparked a heated discussion about her future career prospects. Everyone is clamoring, does this mean that her comeback route will be difficult? After all, this kind of coding is less of a joke and more like a hint of an uncertain signal.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

It doesn't matter, Yang Ying has a lot of opportunities to prove herself! Just when we were all talking, she jumped directly into the live broadcast room and started her show. This action can't help but make people think, does this mean that the traditional star halo is quietly fading? Is it time to start adapting and exploring emerging marketing models?

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Take her only public endorsement activity this year as an example, vigorously promoting the "Red Dragonfly" brand, it is simply a trendy card! Isn't that like a signal to the outside world? In this tide of traffic economy, even big-name stars have to follow the trend and find new growth points.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Let's take a look at Yang Ying's ex-husband Huang Xiaoming, he is really a typical example of a double harvest in career and love! Abroad, he filmed the popular variety show "Chinese Restaurant", which earned enough attention and topicality. Back in China, he won the Golden Goblet Award with his strength, and the scenery is infinite. This kind of thriving career and sweet and happy state in love is really enviable!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Let's talk about the sweet interactions between him and his new love, which are simply frequently on the top hot searches! The farewell scene of the two at the airport is simply a feast for public show of affection! Flowers don't stop, hugs don't stop, photos don't stop, every action reveals that taste of sweetness and happiness!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Look at Huang Xiaoming, this is really a double harvest of career and love! Whether it is international or domestic, his drama is wide, and the podium is also non-stop. The state of looking forward to this job and relationship is simply envious, jealous and hateful!

Moreover, these gestures of showing affection between him and his new girlfriend are actually a positive demonstration of positive energy! Who says celebrities have unstable love lives? Look at them, they are living positive examples!

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Yang Ying walked into the live broadcast room this time, from her somewhat restrained performance to various comments from netizens, all of them set off a big discussion on how celebrities can survive and develop in the new era. Her ex-husband Huang Xiaoming has a bumper harvest in both career and relationship, and the contrast between the two is really stark.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

This not only allows us to see the changes and fading of the halo of stars, but also makes us think about how stars can find new breakthroughs in this era full of traffic economy. These changes may help us better understand and respect every star who is trying to adapt to the new environment.

Yang Ying's coffee position is downgraded! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star or temperament in the whole process

Yang Ying's experience in the live broadcast, although full of various embarrassments and challenges, also shows the real side of a star in modern society. I hope she can find a new stage of her own in the future and continue to shine in various fields. After all, times are constantly changing, and each of us is trying to adapt to this new way of life, isn't it?

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