
Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children watched the video abroad for the funeral, and entrusted the nursing home to handle it

author:Xiao Rong said

People often say that raising children to prevent old age, does this sentence still work in today's society?

I swiped a video, and after watching it, I felt a lot of emotion.

There are two famous professors in Shanghai, when they were young, they gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and they trained their children very well, and they also sent their children to study in a beautiful country.


After completing his studies, the child settled abroad and never returned.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children watched the video abroad for the funeral, and entrusted the nursing home to handle it
Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children watched the video abroad for the funeral, and entrusted the nursing home to handle it

When they got old, they had to go to a nursing home to care for the elderly, and the children never came back.

What's even more outrageous is that the two old people passed away, and none of their children came back, and the children were entrusted to the nursing home for the whole process.

The children said money was not an issue, and the nursing home took photos and videos for them.

After watching this video, it makes people feel a lot, the children who have worked hard to raise don't even want to come back, you say, what's the use of having such a child?

Netizens are hotly discussed

"It's too unfilial to my parents!"

I also have the child of a retired aunt in my community, and her child also went abroad to study, and after graduation, she settled abroad directly and married a local girl abroad.

In the first few years, my aunt went to her son's house abroad, but in the past two years, my aunt has not been there once.

I took my son for a walk in the community, and I happened to meet my aunt, and I chatted with her for a few words, and I asked my aunt, "Why don't you move in with your son?" ”

The aunt said: "Living there, I can't understand their words, I can't get used to eating, the children are busy going to work, I stay at home alone all day, I don't even have anyone to talk to, it's so uncomfortable, I came back after half a month." Now that I'm getting older, I don't want to go. ”

After listening to my aunt's words, I don't know if she regrets that she has raised her children too well.

A few years ago, my aunt died of illness, and now she is the only old man left at home.

Many of the elderly in the community live with their children, and when the meal is ordered, the old people rush home to eat as soon as the children scream.

Only the aunt was left alone, facing the empty home.

When the child is young, we want the child to be excellent, and when he is old, we want the child to be in front of him.

In the end, are our hopes wrong?

I once watched another video, an old man is dying, 2 sons sleep next to the old man, when the old man is dying, the son uses a wet towel to wipe the old man's body, just to make the old man walk more comfortable.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children watched the video abroad for the funeral, and entrusted the nursing home to handle it

Write to the end

Filial piety comes first, and when we educate our children to become talents, we should not forget to educate our children to have basic filial piety.

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