
The plagiarism controversy of the poster of "Du Hua Nian": 90% similarity with "Langya Bang"!

author:Cheese Planet

The recent internal entertainment is still very boring and not fun.

The newly aired dramas are not particularly hot, but they are on the hot search in other aspects.

For example, the plagiarism of the poster of the new drama "Hua Nian" has caused heated discussions.

Recently, the high-profile new drama "Spend the Year of China" quickly fell into a plagiarism controversy after releasing its latest poster. The play, starring Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai, tells the emotional entanglement between the eldest princess of the Great Xia Dynasty and the first assistant of the current dynasty. However, with the release of the poster, many netizens found that its design had a striking resemblance to the poster in the classic drama "Langya Bang" starring Hu Ge many years ago, which sparked widespread discussions and questions.

First, because the related drama "Langya Bang" itself has a lot of popularity, and "Du Hua Nian" is also a new drama hit, and this action is almost a one-to-one replication.

The plagiarism controversy of the poster of "Du Hua Nian": 90% similarity with "Langya Bang"!

In the poster of "Spending the Year of China", the single posters of the male advocate Ling He and the female protagonist Zhao Jinmai both use the action design of covering half of their faces with both hands, which is almost the same as the poster of Hu Ge in "Langya Bang".

Not only that, but the two are also extremely similar in the presentation of their eyes, revealing a deep and complex emotion. Such a high degree of similarity has made many netizens question whether "Du Hua Nian" plagiarized the poster design of "Langya Bang".

The plagiarism controversy of the poster of "Du Hua Nian": 90% similarity with "Langya Bang"!

Plagiarism and borrowing have always been controversial topics in artistic creation. In judicial practice, the determination of plagiarism is often based on the similarity of the expression elements, specific character settings, character relationships, and plot events of the work. However, in artistic creation, the collision of inspiration and creativity is often unavoidable, and how to maintain one's own innovation and uniqueness while borrowing from other people's works is a problem that every creator needs to think about.

This point is also very important in the entertainment industry, how many remakes of the novel are suspected of plagiarism and are scolded for being incomplete, and even the original actors are reluctant to make a second part after learning that the original work is plagiarized, even if the popularity is very high.

The plagiarism controversy of the poster of "Du Hua Nian": 90% similarity with "Langya Bang"!

Regarding the controversy over the plagiarism of the poster of "Du Hua Nian", some netizens believe that this is an obvious plagiarism, which not only damages the rights and interests of the crew of "Langya Bang", but also affects the reputation of "Du Hua Nian" itself. They called on the relevant authorities to investigate the matter and impose corresponding penalties. While others believe that this is just a coincidence or a tribute to the classic work, and does not constitute real plagiarism. They believe that in artistic creation, it is normal to learn from and inspire each other, and as long as they can innovate and develop on this basis, they can be accepted.

The plagiarism controversy of the poster of "Du Hua Nian": 90% similarity with "Langya Bang"!

In any case, the controversy over the plagiarism of the poster of "Du Hua Nian" has attracted widespread attention. For viewers, they are more concerned with the quality and storyline of the episodes themselves. If "Du Hua Nian" can show its own characteristics and advantages in terms of plot and actors' performance, then this controversy may soon become a thing of the past. At the same time, it also reminds all creators to respect the intellectual property rights of others in the creative process and avoid unnecessary disputes and controversies.

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