
caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented

author:Ink 0 Danqing
caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented


The cause of the matter

Recently, the video of the delivery man in Lanyi Community, Gansu Province who forcibly broke into the community and was shocked has attracted widespread attention, according to the description of the property, their community does not allow the outsider to ride an electric car into it, because the delivery man wants to enter our community, and his own list is overtimed and emotional. He rode in, and rushed in, he was particularly fierce, he directly told our security guard that he was not in a good mood today, and he had a conflict with the security guard, and the security guard was holding a toy, a flashlight, with a little electric door on it, not an electric baton. Netizens saw this reply and discussed it.

See what netizens have to say

[I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented

[I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented
caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented

[捂脸] [捂脸] [捂脸]

caused heated discussions, and the delivery man forcibly broke into the community and was electrocuted by the security guard. The property's response was questioned. Netizens commented

Thank you for watching, please move your little hands to make a fortune and pay attention Thank you! Here's wishing all handsome guys and beautiful girls a happy Year of the Dragon, all the best, and 2024 will be released immediately.

See you in the comments section if you have any different opinions


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