
Today's Horoscope - Yinhu (6.27)

author:Isis emotion

健康运势 ★★★★

It is advisable to avoid the ecliptic calendar - June 27 every day

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The twenty-second day of May in the second year of the Taoist calendar

Covered with lights, roadside soil, large seawater

The year is in Jiachen midsummer Gengwu

The sun rises at the time of the day

auspicious and auspicious

The moon sky triad is on Approach

The time is cloudy, and the sky is protected


Marry Nacai and make an alliance

Sacrifice, prayer, and heir

Open the light, get out of the fire, and travel

Dismantling, building, and groundbreaking

入宅 移徙 安床

Fierce and taboo

Death breath earth sac heavenly punishment


Digging wells and breaking ground

Hi God Position: Due South

Fortune Position: Southeast

God of Wealth Position: Due South

Nakshatra: Oriental Horned Wood Jiaoji

Dog Ri Chong (Bingchen) Dragon is in the north

Yang Guishen : Due East Yin Guishen: Southeast

Nine Stars: Five Yellows, Heavenly Runes, Stars, Earth, Fierce Gods

Today's Duty: Heavenly Punishment, Underworld Day

Today's fetal god : warehouse perched outside the southeast

Today's Moon Phase: Last Quarter Moon

Today's auspicious time: It is advisable to use the ugly time and the Yin time

Don't come close: Xin You, Xin Chou Shengren

Today's rush: Rush with Xiao Long, punish with Xiao Niu and Yang, harm with Xiao chicken, break with Xiao Yang, and Xiao Hu Ma Sanhe, and Xiao Rabbit Liuhe


Peng Zu Baiji

It's even harder to watch out for

I don't eat dogs and go to bed


Today's Horoscope - Yinhu (6.27)
Today's Horoscope - Yinhu (6.27)


Today is auspicious


When the child is on the wall, the soil is on the wall

23:00 — 00:5 9


When ugly, Xin Chou is on the wall

0 1:00 — 02:59


Yin Shi Ren Yin gold thin gold

0 3:00 — 04:59

Chong Monkey, Shabei Star God, Si Ming

The god of joy is due south and the god of wealth is due south

When 卯 癸卯 gold thin gold

05:00 — 06: 59


Chenshi Jiachen is covered with lights

0 7:00 — 08:59

Chong Dog, Shen Nan, Star God, Green Dragon

Joy God Northeast God of Wealth Northeast

When the lights are covered

09:0 0 — 10:59

Chong Pig Shadong Star God Mingtang

Joy God Northwest God of Wealth Northeast

At noon, the heavenly river water

11:00 — 12:59


Not when Ding Wei Tian River water

13:00 — 14:59


Shen Shi Wu Shen Dai Yi Tu

15:00 — 16:59

Chonghu Shenan Star God Jin Kui

The god of joy is southeast, and the god of wealth is due north

When the unitary is the great post soil

17:00 — 18:59

Chong Rabbit Shadong Star God Tiande

The god of wealth is due north

戌時 庚戌 hairpin gold

19:00 — 20:59


Hai Shi Xinhai hairpin gold

21:00 — 22:59

Rushing Snake Shoxi Star God Jade Hall

Joy God Southwest God of Wealth due east

It is advisable to avoid the ecliptic calendar - June 27 every day