
The zodiac dragon is terrible at the beginning of July, stepping on the shit luck, joy descends from the sky, and everything goes smoothly!

author:Xiaoli brings a baby!

"Luck comes as unpredictable as the wind." This old saying seems to have been most perfectly confirmed in the July zodiac dragon. On this hot summer day, your dragon friends may be laughing and telling themselves, "My luck seems to be higher than this summer's temperature!" ”

The zodiac dragon is terrible at the beginning of July, stepping on the shit luck, joy descends from the sky, and everything goes smoothly!

You may wonder why the zodiac dragon is so "lucky" all of a sudden? Could it be that some pie of good luck really fell from the sky? Don't worry, let's talk slowly.

Did you know that sometimes, a person's luck is like being enchanted, it's just too good to be true? Those small things that usually seem inconspicuous suddenly become extraordinarily smooth. For example, you walk down the street and buy a lottery ticket carelessly, who knows that when you go home and scratch it, ha, you win a big prize; For another example, the project that has always given you a headache at work has actually turned around with the efforts of everyone and succeeded in one fell swoop.

Of course, these good things are not just accidental. Behind it, there is your diligence and wisdom to support it. As the ancients said, "God rewards hard work", and your efforts will eventually be rewarded inadvertently.

For the zodiac dragon, July may be such a month - your hard work and preparation, just at this point in time, ushered in the harvest season. Maybe all the good causes that were planted before have now borne good fruits, giving you the feeling that "there is nowhere to find when you step on iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get them".

The zodiac dragon is terrible at the beginning of July, stepping on the shit luck, joy descends from the sky, and everything goes smoothly!

However, don't patronize happiness, luck is something that you have to cherish when you come. Remember to keep a low profile and not be too public, so as not to make people blush. At the same time, remember to be grateful for those who have supported you and helped you behind the scenes. Because without them, you may not be able to enjoy this hard-won joy.

And, when you're lucky, don't forget to do more good deeds. As the saying goes, "good deeds are rewarded", and your good luck now may be the good fruit you planted before. If you can continue to pass on this kindness, wouldn't the luck in the future be even more worth looking forward to?

In addition to gratitude and feedback, I also have to remind you that luck is a beautiful thing, but you should not rely too much on it. After all, true happiness and success still depend on oneself to strive for and struggle. Luck can be a boost, but it's never the whole story. You have to stay awake at all times, keep working hard and keep improving, so that this good fortune can last for a long time.

Of course, we can't deny that sometimes luck comes like "a drop of water on the eaves that happens to fall into your mouth". At this time, you can steal the joy, but don't forget the saying that happiness begets sadness. So, be happy, and don't get too carried away.

"If Seon loses his horse, he doesn't know if it's a blessing; Seon has a horse, and he doesn't know if it's a disaster. This old saying reminds us that everything in the world is changing, and today's good deeds may not necessarily be tomorrow's tests. So, no matter how well you are now, keep a calm mind and be prepared for all kinds of possibilities.

Overall, the friends of the zodiac dragon may have some enviable good fortune at the beginning of July. But remember, luck is only temporary, and what really makes you go long is your personal ability and perseverance. I hope you can grasp this hard-won good fortune, and at the same time, do not forget to continue to work hard to create more possibilities for your future.

The zodiac dragon is terrible at the beginning of July, stepping on the shit luck, joy descends from the sky, and everything goes smoothly!

As the famous saying goes, "I am the master of my destiny, I am the helmsman of my soul." "Whether you are lucky or bad, it is you who ultimately determines your life.

I wish you all the best, may good luck always be with you, and may you be able to create a more wonderful future with your own strength.