
"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

author:Big carp

Hello everyone, today let's talk about a story in the entertainment industry that makes people sigh and sigh - Wang Baoqiang's "seven-year itch". Speaking of which, this thing is really ups and downs, comparable to a bloody drama!

"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

Marriage Turmoil: From "Stupid Root" to "Bitter Master" Overnight

Remember that hot August of 2016? Wang Baoqiang suddenly broke the news that he was cuckolded on Weibo, and the whole network was shocked! Everyone was dumbfounded: is this true? How did our "stupid roots" encounter this kind of thing?

The situation at that time was as follows:

Wang Baoqiang publicly announced that his wife Ma Rong and his agent Song Zhe were involved together.

As soon as the news came out, the Internet immediately exploded, and everyone was complaining about Wang Baoqiang.

was originally a simple and honest image in everyone's minds, but suddenly became a "poor bitter master".

How big a blow this incident has to Wang Baoqiang, it is actually difficult for us outsiders to imagine. Overnight, he not only lost his wife and friends, but also became the talk of the people of the whole country after tea and dinner. How uncomfortable you say it is!

"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

Career setbacks: from popular stars to "out-of-fashion artists"?

The marriage turmoil not only affected Wang Baoqiang's private life, but also dealt a heavy blow to his career:

Many brand partners have withdrawn their investments, and they dare not use him as an endorsement anymore.

Several originally scheduled film and television projects have also run aground.

For a while, he almost disappeared from the public eye.

Everyone is speculating: Is Wang Baoqiang going to be cold? Will he quit the entertainment industry from now on? However, our Baoqiang is not the master who is so easy to be defeated!

Quiet period: regroup and prepare for a comeback

Although Wang Baoqiang temporarily withdrew from the public eye, he was not idle:

It is said that he has been adjusting his mentality and re-examining his life during this time.

He began to think: What kind of person am I going to be? Where does my career go from here?

At the same time, he is also actively handling divorce lawsuits and fighting for custody of his children.

During this time, although everyone couldn't see him, he had actually been preparing for a new start. It's like a hibernating bear, which seems to be sleeping a lot, but is actually accumulating strength and waiting for the arrival of spring.

Coming back: In the Octagon Cage, with a new look

Finally, in 2023, Wang Baoqiang will return strongly with the movie "In the Octagon Cage"! This movie can be said to be his turnaround:

He plays a strong and stubborn father in the film, completely subverting the previous image of "stupid root".

There are many similarities between the experience of the characters in the movie and his own life, which can be said to be the result of his careful interpretation.

Both the audience and film critics spoke highly of it, believing that this was a leap forward in Wang Baoqiang's acting skills.

Seeing Wang Baoqiang on the screen, everyone was stunned: Is this still the "stupid root"? How did you become so manly and vicissitudes?

"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

Behind the scenes: A true portrayal of Desperate Saburo

In fact, the success of "In the Octagon Cage" is not accidental. According to the on-set staff:

Wang Baoqiang is the first to arrive on the set and the last to leave every day.

In order to better understand the character, he often sits alone in the corner and touts his lines, sometimes crying silently.

While filming the fight scenes, he insisted that he had to go into battle himself, and as a result, he suffered a lot of injuries.

Where is this filming, it's simply playing the role with life! It seems that the experience of the past few years has really made Wang Baoqiang grow a lot.

"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

Friend Support: Seeing the Truth in Adversity

In these difficult days, Wang Baoqiang is not alone. Many friends in the circle have given him great support:

His senior brother Yue Yunpeng has always been by his side, cheering him on.

Old friends such as Xu Zheng and Huang Bo also often contact him privately and care about his current situation.

Even some netizens who have never met him have left messages of encouragement for him on social media.

For Wang Baoqiang, these supports are undoubtedly a bright light in the darkness and give him the motivation to continue to move forward.

Personal Growth: From "Silly Root" to "Tough Guy"

If the marriage change is a turning point in Wang Baoqiang's life, then the seven-year experience is the process of his transformation:

He is no longer the simple, easily deceived "stupid root".

Instead, he is a mature, steady, and responsible man.

He became more sane and calm when dealing with problems.

This change is not only reflected in his behavior, but also in his eyes. That kind of perseverance after the vicissitudes of life cannot be pretended.

A new chapter in his career: more than just an actor

In addition to acting, Wang Baoqiang has also tried some new fields over the years:

He began to work behind the scenes, working on a number of films.

It is said that he is still learning about directing and may direct his own films in the future.

He also set up his own studio and began to train new people.

It seems that Wang Baoqiang not only wants to go to the next level in his acting career, but also wants to break into a new world in the entire film industry!

Love Life: A New Beginning?

"Wang Baoqiang chose to forgive? After seven years, reconciliation has finally arrived! 》

Speaking of Wang Baoqiang's love life, this is one of the topics that everyone is most concerned about:

Over the years, he has remained single, focusing on his career and children.

Although there are occasional scandals, he has never responded positively.

Recently there have been rumors that he may be in a new relationship, but the exact circumstances are unknown.

No matter what, we all hope that Wang Baoqiang can find his own happiness. After all, after going through so many ups and downs, he knows how to cherish it even more.

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