
He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

author:Zero Quarter Entertainment


Oh, friends, do you remember the Jung Ho-nam who used to be personable on the screen and dance with the goddesses? The handsome boy who became an instant hit at the age of 21 with "Eros No. 1" and went straight to the list of Academy Award nominees?

Today, let's talk about why this former darling of the film industry now frequently appears in 8 yuan fast food restaurants, and what kind of twists and turns and bizarre stories are hidden behind it.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

When it comes to Zheng Haonan, it is definitely a bright color in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the eighties and nineties, with bright new stars, so flashing that people's eyes can't open them.

Imagine, at the age of 21, most of us are still fighting with the final exam in the library, worrying about a piece of paper, but Zheng Haonan has already played in the same frame with superstars such as Lin Qingxia and Zhong Chuhong, and the picture is so beautiful that people call "this is not fair"!

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

But fate, the director, loves to play the most is to reverse the plot.

When Zheng Haonan first debuted, he was simply a monkey in the entertainment industry, swishing straight into the sky, making people look at it and make his throat bubble.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long, just like the fireworks set off during the New Year, it is inevitable that they will return to calm after the splendor.

In the showbiz train, sometimes if you run too fast, you will miss the station, Zheng Haonan is so inadvertent, from a frequent visitor to a first-line big production to a rare passenger who occasionally appears.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

What's more interesting is that fate arranged several overseas "practices" for him, and he crawled on the set in those foreign countries, although he accumulated a lot of life experience points, but also made him miss a lot of "fast elevators" that could have allowed his career to reach new heights.

No, the boat of his career began to shake, as if he had entered the "water reversal period" of his life, and from time to time a little wind and waves would test him.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

Therefore, in the big drama of life, we are all actors, and Zheng Haonan's story tells us that even if we were once star-studded, we must be ready to catch any script thrown by the director at any time, even if it is a challenge of "role transformation".

After all, who doesn't have a life that goes through wind and rain while looking forward to a rainbow?

When it comes to Zheng Haonan's life chapters, especially his emotional trajectory, it is simply a living emotional drama with ups and downs in the plot, which makes people sigh that art really originates from life but can be so transcendent.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

At first, his transnational love with the Japanese actress was like a brilliant rainbow, although in the end he failed to cross all the wind and rain and reach the eternal clear sky, but this short and brilliant intersection is still talked about by many people and regarded as a good story that crosses borders.

What is really embarrassing is his relationship with his second wife Bao Ailing.

From meeting, knowing each other to falling in love, until entering the temple of marriage hand in hand, everything seems to be the most romantic script of love, as if every page is soaked in sweetness and happiness.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

But fate likes to give you a 180-degree turn when you think everything is going to be as good as ever.

This relationship finally ended in the bitterness of betrayal and deception, which made people sigh.

It is said that this emotional storm not only swept away Zheng Haonan's material wealth and made him almost destitute, but what is even more worrying is that he also paid a physical price for it - the four ligaments of his right hand were injured, he was really physically and mentally exhausted, as if he was on a roller coaster of life, between the ups and downs, people didn't even have a chance to breathe, and experienced the true meaning of what is called "life is like a play, it all depends on acting", but this play is too thrilling.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

If you are in an inconspicuous restaurant in a small town, and suddenly find that the famous Zheng Haonan is enjoying a bowl of unpretentious fast food priced at only 8 yuan, don't think that you are dreaming, because such a scene is really not a fantasy.

This once star-studded and incomparable star is now so low-key that people can't believe their eyes.

Hey, you said, the script of this life is really more tortuous and bizarre than those well-choreographed movie plots, which makes people have to feel a lot of emotion.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

However, fortunately, this world has never lacked the power to warm people's hearts.

When Zheng Haonan encountered a low point in his life and was struggling, his friends around him seemed to sense something and reached out one after another, staging a realistic version of "brotherly love".

This is in line with the old saying - "The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the board knows the honest minister".

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

The inseparability of these friends is like a gentle sunshine suddenly sprinkled in the cold winter wind, which not only dispelled the haze in his heart, but also quietly ignited a small flame of hope.

They are not only a haven for Zheng Haonan's soul, but also a strong backing that inspires him to get back on his feet and face life bravely.

This friendship is both ordinary and great, just like a small blessing in life, although it is not gorgeous, but it is warm enough.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

Regarding this episode of Zheng Haonan's life, the public's reaction is like a palette, with mixed tastes.

Some people expressed deep sympathy for his rollercoaster experience, lamenting that life is really more dramatic than the script; Others seem to have put on the hat of a philosopher and begin to meditate on the wisdom of marriage and wealth protection, as if a "warning sign" has risen in everyone's heart.

This is not only a shock bomb dropped in the entertainment industry, but also allows people from all walks of life to find a common topic.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

In the future, just like a weather forecaster facing unpredictable weather, no one dares to pat their chests and pack tickets.

Can Zheng Haonan be like the hero in the movie, after going through the ups and downs, rekindle the flame burning for the art of film in his heart, and stand at the peak of his career again? This is really a suspense that makes people sweat and look forward to it.

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food

And we, the people who eat melons, in addition to silently cheering for him in our hearts, may be more likely to "steal" a few tricks from his story: grasp the present, whether it is the workplace charge or the construction of a warm family nest, we must take out the strength to decorate our own mansions and take care of them carefully.

After all, there is no such thing as a rehearsal in each of our life dramas, and every day is a real "live broadcast time", which is not allowed to NG!

He was worse than Wang Baoqiang, he was deceived by his wife and settled in the mainland to eat 8 yuan fast food


In short, Zheng Haonan's story is like a realistic version of a tragicomedy, which makes people sigh.

It reminds us that no matter how high you have stood in the clouds, it is possible to fall to the bottom.

I hope everyone can be inspired by this, learn to grow in the wind and rain, and be born again in the face of adversity.

Zheng Haonan, let's wait to see the day when you shine again, come on, brother!

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