
Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, asked Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, and netizens really couldn't stand it!

author:Miss Chen

Title: Peking University mathematics professor Yuan Xinyi asked Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, causing dissatisfaction among netizens

XXX newspaper XXXX year XX month XX day

Recently, an incident in which Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, asked student Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, attracted widespread attention. In this incident, Professor Yuan questioned Jiang Ping's academic integrity and asked her to provide evidence to prove the legitimacy and integrity of her research. While this requirement is in line with the general procedure for the review of academic norms, it has sparked strong dissatisfaction among netizens, many of whom believe that such a requirement is too harsh for a student and undermines academic freedom and dignity.

Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, asked Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, and netizens really couldn't stand it!

The cause of the incident was that Jiang Ping was suspected of possible academic misconduct in her academic research. Professor Yuan Xinyi, as one of the members of the academic committee, asked Jiang Ping to provide sufficient evidence to clarify these doubts. However, the request quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, with many netizens arguing that requiring students to prove their innocence not only disrespects human rights, but also violates the basic principles of academic justice.

The dissatisfaction of netizens mainly stems from several aspects. First, they felt that Professor Yuan's approach was too harsh and did not fully take into account the feelings and dignity of the students. In academia, an allegation of academic misconduct is a serious allegation that can have long-term consequences for a student's future academic career and reputation. Therefore, some netizens believe that it is inappropriate for a professor to publicly ask students to prove their innocence without conclusive evidence.

Second, netizens pointed out that the maintenance of academic integrity should be based on fair and transparent procedures, not unilateral accusations. They stressed that any investigation into academic misconduct should be conducted by an independent committee to ensure the impartiality and transparency of the investigation process. Professor Yuan's public request, on the other hand, is seen as a trial of students without due process, which is inconsistent with the principle of impartiality advocated by the academic community.

Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, asked Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, and netizens really couldn't stand it!

In addition, some netizens are worried that this incident may have a chilling effect on other students, making them become overly cautious in academic inquiry and even afraid to come up with innovative ideas. They believe that the academic environment should be open and inclusive, encouraging students to explore and experiment, rather than intimidating and upsetting.

In these dissatisfactions, some netizens also put forward different opinions. They believe that Professor Yuan's request may be motivated by a high regard for academic integrity and ensuring the quality and reliability of academic research. They pointed out that academic misconduct, if not corrected in a timely manner, will have a negative impact on the academic community as a whole and undermine the credibility of academic research.

Despite the dissenting voices, the incident has undoubtedly sparked deep reflection on issues such as academic integrity, academic freedom, and the relationship between teachers and students. It reminds us of the need to maintain a fair, respectful and inclusive academic environment while pursuing academic excellence. The public expects a fair, transparent and respectful resolution of the dispute between Professor Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping.

Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, asked Jiang Ping to prove her innocence, and netizens really couldn't stand it!

In this case, whether they support or oppose Professor Yuan's approach, the discussions among netizens reflect the society's deep concern for academic integrity and academic freedom. This is not only a reaction to a certain event, but also a reflection on the entire academic system and values. It is hoped that this event will be an opportunity to promote the development of the academic community and promote the construction of a healthier and more positive academic atmosphere.

(Reporter XXX)

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