
One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

author:Boyu Mi

In our vast land, the passes are like giants of history, standing in the long river of time. They are not only cold stone walls and strong city gates, but also immortal monuments forged by countless unsung heroes with their lives and blood. Behind every pass, there are magnificent legends, carrying the memory and glory of the nation.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Since ancient times, the land of China has faced the threat of nomads from the northern steppes. These tough riders from the northeast, northwest, and even due north have challenged our frontiers time and time again. Thus, the Great Wall came into being, stretching like a giant dragon to guard the northern frontier of China. And on the backbone of this dragon, there are important passes, which together defend our home, like a string of bright pearls.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Qin Dynasty: Jiuyuan City, the key to the north

The Qin Dynasty, as the first unified dynasty in Chinese history, its glory lies not only in the unification of the six kingdoms, but also in the fact that it established a complete defense system. In this system, Jiuyuan City is undoubtedly the most critical link. It is bordered by the Yin Mountains in the north and the Yellow River in the south, connecting the Qiantao and Houtao Plains, and is the intersection of agricultural civilization and nomadic civilization. Here, the Qin Dynasty built a border pass and built a gallop road, where 300,000 male soldiers were stationed, always ready to resist the invasion of the Xiongnu. Jiuyuan City, like a huge lock key, firmly locked the northern frontier, making it difficult for the Huns' iron hooves to cross.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Western Han Dynasty: Yumen Pass, the patron saint of the Silk Road

Speaking of the Western Han Dynasty, we have to mention the Yumen Pass. This pass is located northwest of Dunhuang and is the western limit of the Hexi Corridor. It is not only a pass, but also an important node of the Silk Road. Yumen Pass guarded the four counties of Hexi and was the forefront of the confrontation between Han and Hungary. Whether it is economic or military, the importance of Yumen Pass is self-evident. It is like a patron saint who silently dedicates itself to the smooth flow of the Silk Road, so that the Eastern and Western civilizations can meet and merge here.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Sui Dynasty: Shimen Pass, the iron gate of Liupan Mountain

During the Sui Dynasty, the rise of the Turks brought a great threat to the Central Plains. In order to resist the invasion of the Turks, the Sui Dynasty built Shimen Pass in the Liupan Mountains. This pass has a high strategic value due to its dangerous terrain. It was one of the only routes for the Turks to invade southward, and it was also an important outpost for the Sui Dynasty to counterattack the Turks. Shimen Pass is like an impregnable iron gate, firmly guarding the throat of Liupan Mountain, making it difficult for the Turks to overcome this natural danger.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Tang Dynasty: Great Earthquake Pass, the majestic barrier of Longshan

During the Tang Dynasty, the rise of Tibet became an important hidden danger in the western part of the Tang Dynasty. In order to resist the invasion of Tibet, the Tang Dynasty built a large earthquake pass between the Longshan Mountains. This pass ridge is high and deep, and the danger can be defended, and it has been related to the title of difficult mountain to cross since ancient times. It was the most important line of defense against Tibet in the Tang Dynasty, and it was also the place where the Tang Dynasty soldiers fought bloodily. The Great Earthquake Pass is like a towering barrier, guarding the tranquility of Longshan, making it difficult for the iron horsemen of Tubo to cross this moat.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Northern Song Dynasty: Yanmen Pass, the throat of Jin

During the Northern Song Dynasty, due to the cession of the sixteen states of Yanyun, the Central Plains Dynasty lost its geographical advantage against the nomads. In this context, Yanmen Pass became the most important frontier fortress in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is located between the Datong Basin and the Xinzhou Basin and is a natural barrier. As long as the Yanmen Pass is broken, the nomadic cavalry can move south, and they can enter Taiyuan and even the Yuncheng Basin in an instant. Therefore, Yanmen Pass was of great importance in the defense system of the Northern Song Dynasty and was known as the "throat of the Jin Dynasty". It is like a strong floodgate, guarding the frontier tranquility of the Northern Song Dynasty.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Ming Dynasty: Shanhaiguan, the guarantee of the border county

Finally, we came to Shanhaiguan in the Ming Dynasty. This pass is located at the end of the Liaoning West Corridor and is the only way to enter and exit the customs in ancient times. During the Ming Dynasty, the defense system of Shanhaiguan was greatly strengthened and became an important guarantee for the Jingshi. It guarded the rise of the Jurchen tribe in the northeast, and also blocked the invasion of the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Shanhaiguan is like an impregnable fortress, guarding the frontier tranquility of the Ming Dynasty, making it difficult for foreign enemies to cross this majestic pass.

One of the most important passes of the major dynasties in history

Every pass is a witness to history, and they carry the memory and glory of the nation. Behind these passes are the blood and lives of countless unsung heroes. They used their flesh and blood to build these majestic passes and protect our homeland. Let's remember these heroes and the stories behind these passes. Because they are the pride and pride of our nation!

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