
Before the scholar finished writing, he drew the last picture of a lady, and the woman in the painting gave birth to wisdom, and since then there has been me

author:Little Sister Library

Before the scholar finished writing, he drew the last picture of a lady.

The woman in the painting gave birth to a spiritual mind, and since then there has been me.

At this time, the country of Qi was in turmoil, and scholars abandoned literature and martial arts and threw themselves into the battlefield.

When the city was broken, scholars led tens of thousands of soldiers to fight for their lives.

I burned out my spiritual power to help him, and before falling into a deep sleep, let him wait for me.

When I opened my eyes again, the person in front of me was gray-haired, and I seemed to have a sense of familiarity.

I was puzzled and asked, "Where is the scholar?"

Before the scholar finished writing, he drew the last picture of a lady, and the woman in the painting gave birth to wisdom, and since then there has been me


The moment the scholar stopped writing, I woke up from the painting and became conscious.

He picked up the undried scroll and admired it, and I floated beside him, looking at him curiously.

It's an amazing feeling, it's hard for me to describe.

When I wanted to get closer, there was a knock on the door.

The scholar cherished the scroll and placed it on the table.

I followed him and watched as he opened the door, and the man outside the door rushed in with an anxious expression.

"Oh no! Beidi has entered Cangzhou City, but I'm afraid that Qingzhou won't last long, Pei Yan, quickly pack up your things and go south."

Pei Yan frowned: "What about the people of Cangzhou?"

The answer to this question came to him later.

Exiled people flocked to Qingzhou, their clothes ragged and their faces like earth, many with wounds on their bodies.

Through the courtyard wall, you can hear the cries of children and the cries of old people from time to time.

These voices lingered in Pei Yan's ears from time to time, making his expression more and more heavy.

More and more people came and went in the house, discussing how to settle the fleeing people.

There are fewer and fewer things in the house, and they are all sold by Pei Yan into silver taels and exchanged for rice grain.

He almost scattered all his family wealth just to help the homeless.

The ink that had not been used up that day had dried up, and the painting scroll was still on the table, but Pei Yan never came in again.

I've always wondered, isn't Pei Yan planning for his future?

I didn't know until he entered the study again.

It turned out that he had already made a decision.

The ink and dye on the scroll had dried up.

Pei Yan carefully rolled up the painting, put it in the painting tube, and put it away.

I followed him and watched him go back to his room to pack his belongings and gather all the servants in the house.

"These taels of silver are to be used as severance pay, so go home to each of you."

When everyone dispersed, Pei Yan closed the door and locked it, mounted his horse, and walked away without looking back.

I glanced in the direction of the study, and finally made up my mind to leave with Pei Yan.


Pei Yan went all the way north, and after leaving Qingzhou City, he was mourning all over the wilderness, and the people were struggling to make a living.

Compared with the displaced people in Qingzhou City, it is even more terrifying.

Pei Yan couldn't bear it, so he distributed the silver and dry food he carried to the homeless.

When he arrived at the Yanzhou military camp, Pei Yan took out a letter of recommendation, and someone welcomed him in.

"Pei's pen and ink are famous all over the world, why bother to come to this place of suffering."

At this time, it was dusk, and Pei Yan's face intersected with light and dark, and his expression became more and more compassionate.

"At a time of crisis, Wen can't save Daqi, and he can't save those people."

The soldier who led the way sighed.

It has been difficult for them to resist Beidi's attack recently.

As far as the eye can see, almost all the soldiers in the barracks are wounded, and their faces are as white as earth.

There was a guy over there preparing a meal, and I floated over to take a look, it was gruel with wild vegetables.

But they can't retreat, they can't fall.

Behind them are the land of Qi and the relatives at home.

If you retreat again, the city will be destroyed, the country will be destroyed, and the people will perish.

Pei Yan lived in the barracks and became a centurion, with a masterful swordsmanship, which amazed the soldiers.

Someone asked him in confusion where he learned martial arts.

After all, the world only knows that Pei Yan is good at calligraphy and painting, but they don't know that he can also swordsmanship.

Pei Yan didn't answer, and coped with it with a smile.

Only I could see the reluctance in his smile, but I didn't know why.

The Beidi people are fierce and difficult to resist, and they often raid, and after a night attack, Pei Yan went to the battlefield.

I watched as he held a pen with a sword in his hand, killing one Beidi man after another.

The hands that were originally jade-like were scarred.

The blood of the enemy splashed on Pei Yan's face, and his face did not change at all.

But I knew that those clear eyes had been invaded by murderous intent.

I don't see the same thing again.


Beidi's offensive became more and more ferocious, and the soldiers were tired of coping, but they had to cheer up.

The soldiers were killed and wounded innumerably, and when one died, the next one made up.

"Behind us are the unarmed people, soldiers, we can't retreat!"

They were resolute and would never let the enemy go beyond the walls.

Makes me a little confused.

Are these so-called feelings of family and country and family really so inspiring?

I'm just a painting spirit, I don't understand it very well, just because I can't be too far away from Pei Yan, so I've seen the cruelty of this war.

Later, Pei Yan was also injured, and the Beidi people slashed him in the shoulder.

The soldiers around him called him anxiously, but his face did not change.

"Go on, it's the most important thing to resist the attack of the Beidi."

Pei Yan didn't ask anyone to help him, and went down the city wall alone.

After a few trembling steps, he collapsed with a bang.

I was a little anxious and tried to help him, but my hand ran through his body.

Fortunately, the military doctor found him and took him back for treatment.

After lying down for a long time, Pei Yan, who was not fully injured, went to the battlefield again.

So desperate.

I just watched him rise through the ranks, centurion, thousand, and finally lieutenant.

He has changed a lot, and the war has left too many traces on him.

Sometimes when I look at him, I don't even recognize him.


On this day, Pei Yan, who was already a school captain, received the order and led the troops to cut off the grain and grass of the Beidi people.

I followed him, as usual.

At the beginning, the mission went smoothly, and the Qi soldiers ambushed, combined with the rocks rolling down on both sides, and killed the Beidi people by surprise.

It's just that when the grain and grass were burned, black pressure came out from both sides to suppress the Beidi soldiers.

"It's not good, it's a trap, Captain go quickly!"

Pei Yan rushed at the Beidi soldiers with a horizontal sword: "Withdraw!"

He wanted to buy time for the soldiers to escape.

The target of the Beidi people was also obvious, it was Pei Yan, they didn't care about the departing soldiers, and came straight to Pei Yan.

Is it really possible to resist thousands of troops with one person?

Unless it's a god, no one can do it.

Pei Yan turned around and rushed into the mountains and forests, relying on the cover of trees and terrain to play hide and seek with the Beidi soldiers.

I was terrified, but there was nothing I could do to help him.

[Pei Yan! I watched him fall down the hill and faint on the rocks.

Fortunately, the hillside was overgrown with weeds, and the Beidi soldiers did not notice him, and the searchers skimmed over the hillside.

If you lose too much blood, you will die, but there is no one from Qi here, and no one will save him.

[Pei Yan, wake up. 】

He couldn't hear me, and my hands couldn't touch him.

I couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and suddenly a warm current flowed through my body.

When I reached out to touch him again, I touched the entity, which froze me in place.

I nodded Pei Yan's shoulder again in disbelief, it was really able to touch.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I quickly helped him up.

It took all his strength to move him to a nearby cave.

To stop bleeding, you have to have herbs, I followed Pei Yan before, and I saw him picking herbs to stop bleeding.

After finding it nearby, I quickly crushed him and put it on his forehead.

It's just that now that the weather is getting colder, and the cave is shady, you have to make a fire.

Picking up dead branches and wood, I didn't make a fire for half a day of research.

Thinking about it, I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a painting spirit, and I should have spiritual power.

I subconsciously pointed at the wood, and something empty flowed down the meridians to my fingertips.

With a bang, the dead branches burst into flames.


When Pei Yan woke up, I was painting my hands in a novel way.

Hearing his voice, I turned my head and met his eyes, and both of them were stunned.

He quickly reacted, "Did the girl save me? Thank you."

I hurriedly waved my hand and said no thanks.

Seeing that he seemed to be suspicious of me, after all, a weak woman who suddenly appeared in the mountains and forests was very suspicious.

I thought for a moment and said, "My father and mother were killed by the Beidi people, and I collect medicine here for a living."

After listening to my explanation, a fire suddenly appeared in Pei Yan's eyes.

That's a hatred for Beidi.

Buried in it, there is also a pity for me.

"The world is difficult, and it's not safe here, so why don't you go back to Qi with me, but I don't know the girl's name?"

I was stunned for a moment, name, I don't have a name.

When my eyes fell on his face, I remembered the picture.

I'm the one in the painting, that ......

"Yun Wu, my name is Yun Wu."

Pei Yan's expression remained unchanged and nodded: "Miss Yun, it's late tonight, let's rest for the night and set off tomorrow."

If you think that those Beidi people have searched for him all night and cannot find him, they will think that he has fled back.

Tomorrow morning should be safe.

I answered, and Pei Yan rested on the cave on one side across the fire.

Even if I didn't look at him, I could feel that he was looking at me from time to time.

I could only pretend not to know, leaning against the wall and pretending to be asleep.

Later, I really fell asleep, and when I opened my eyes again, I was woken up by Pei Yan.

It's dawn, it's time to go back to Qi Kingdom.


The soldiers in the barracks were very worried about Pei Yan, and they were very happy to see him return safely.

It's just that when I saw me following him, my eyes became confused and inquiring.

Pei Yan explained slightly, only saying that I am also a woman of Qi State, and I saved him, and I was helpless.

Then he turned to me and asked, "Since you collect medicine for a living, you should know something about medical skills, why don't you go to the military doctor to help?"

Thanks to Pei Yan's frequent injuries, I have been exposed to it and have some understanding of simple bandaging and herbal medicine.

Now that I have become a human being, there is a difference between men and women, and I can't live with Pei Yan.

Thinking about it this way, the military doctor's side is indeed a good place to go.

I nodded in agreement, "Okay, thank you Captain for arranging it for me."

Pei Yan still had military affairs to deal with, so he left in a hurry after settling me.

My own soldiers took me to the military doctor's office and arranged for me to stay.

The injury on Pei Yan's forehead has not yet healed, and I have changed the medicine for him these days.

Such a long and deep opening, but he could wake up so quickly.

It's amazing that he can continue to deal with military affairs alive before he is injured.

I'm just a little painting spirit, and I don't have any big skills.

can only secretly give his wound a little spiritual power when changing the dressing, so that he can get better faster.

Seeing the injury heal at an unreasonable rate.

Pei Yan was very strange, and he couldn't find the reason, so he had to attribute it to my medical skills.

"Miss Yun is really good at healing."

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be." I was a little embarrassed, "The captain will call me by my name in the future, and call the girl more students."

Pei Yan was stunned for a moment, but did not refuse.

Knowing that Pei Yan's injuries would heal soon, the other soldiers were also amazed, praising me in various ways and making me a little embarrassed.

There's always someone who wants me to show him.

Thinking that they were all Pei Yan's comrades, I also used my spiritual power to help them speed up their recovery.

At the end of the day, all my spiritual power was spent, and I wilted.

Pei Yan couldn't cry or laugh a little, drove the other soldiers away, and pulled me up.

"You've worked hard today, go and eat with me."


Even if Pei Yan was a lieutenant, his food was not much better than that of other soldiers.

But he didn't come to me just to eat.

I saw him take out a customs clearance document and hand it to me.

"It's not safe in the barracks after all, I asked for a customs clearance document for you, you can go to Qingzhou to live in peace."

I paused as I was stuffing something into my mouth.

"Are you trying to drive me away?"

Pei Yan smiled: "How come, it's just that the rear is safer."

I'm a painting spirit, ordinary soldiers can't hurt me, and I'm safe everywhere.

Besides, I followed Pei Yan and asked me to go to Qingzhou when I realized it, and I didn't know what to do.

It's just that I can't say that to him.

After all, it's still too bizarre for the person in the painting to run out.

"There are not enough people on the military doctor's side, so it's just right that I stayed to help, everyone is working hard for Qi State, and I am the same."

Pei Yan still wanted to persuade again, so I covered my ears:

"Captain, don't say any more, I'm going to dig up herbs, let's go first."

I hurried out of the tent after dropping the dishes and chopsticks, for fear that he would stuff the paperwork into me.

Fortunately, after walking out of the camp, Pei Yan's helpless laughter could still be heard.

Gently, a little hoarse, my ears suddenly warmed up.

It's an excuse, but you have to do what you say.

I felt in the mountains and forests behind me, ready to dig up some herbs to stop bleeding.

Recently, there have been more and more wounded soldiers, and the old military doctor is too busy, so I have nothing to do, so I can help more.

When I came out of the forest after digging herbs, a fast horse galloped in front of me and almost didn't hit me.

Looking at the soldier who was holding the decree right away, I don't know why, my heart beat fast.

It seems like something big is going to happen.


When they returned to the barracks, the officers and soldiers looked very serious.

I wanted to ask, but I was afraid that this was a military plane, so I embarrassed them.

I had to put my curiosity aside, thinking about going back and asking Pei Yan.

But before I could ask, the news spread all over the barracks.

The emperor rebuked the general for his incompetence and demanded that the general return to Kyoto to receive the punishment.

Before the battle, he questioned the main general and replaced the main general, and the emperor of Qi was really a little mediocre.

It is well known to discerning people that this is not the fault of the generals.

The Beidi people were ferocious, the food and grass given in the rear were insufficient, and the soldiers of the Qi State fought hungry.

It is already reluctant to hold the city, how can you ask to recover the lost land?

But the decree has been made, and there is no way to turn it around. I touched the front of the main tent, and saw the general holding the holy decree, and sighed:

"The sky is going to kill my country, faint king, faint king!"

The soldiers showed a sad look of the dead rabbit and the fox.

I saw Pei Yan among them, his expression did not change, but his eyes were very complicated, so I couldn't understand it.

The general was escorted back to Beijing, so who would be in charge of commanding the three armies after that?

My gaze fell on the gorgeously dressed man in the center.

It is rumored that the king of Lin, who is idle and has achieved nothing.

Is the emperor of Qi afraid that Qi will not destroy the country fast enough?

The soldiers also dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, so they could only watch King Lin's swaggering into the main tent.

Behind him, there were small servants carrying several large boxes, as well as those fine screens and furnishings.

It's not like you're here to fight, it's more like you're here for a vacation.

When I touched Pei Yan, he was polishing his sword.

"Captain, you said that King Lin, does he know the art of war and fight?"

Pei Yan's hand paused for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen, go to Qingzhou, where you ......."

"No, no."

I sat down next to him and decisively rejected him.

I'm leaving, what should Pei Yan do, if he gets hurt at that time, I won't be able to save him.


"Why don't you come with me? Your hometown is also from Qingzhou."

Pei Yan looked at me in surprise and asked me how I knew.

I had to lie that the other soldiers told me, and he didn't ask again.

"People can go, but the land of Qi can't go, so I can't go yet."


In the end, no one left, but the chatter in the barracks grew louder and louder.

All kinds of people who say that the king is not and do not understand, but there is nothing to be done.

Things changed on that dark night.

The Beidi people took advantage of the night to sneak attack and attack the city wall of Yanzhou!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

When I ran out of the camp, there was already chaos in the barracks.

I wanted to go to Pei Yan, but the soldiers who came and went blocked my way, making it impossible for me to move forward.

I thought that this time, as before, would soon be over and send the Beidi people back.

But that king Lin, he didn't know how to march and fight at all.

The soldiers at the front fended off the enemy, and he gave orders indiscriminately in the rear.

When he saw the blood, he squeaked and screamed, only thinking about escaping, and asked the army to escort him to Qingzhou.

No soldier will agree.

They are here to defend their homeland and country, how can they easily abandon the city and flee?

But there was no way.

The Beidi people are menacing, but the Qi country is in chaos.

King Lin fled through the side door, only to encounter the Beidi army and die by the sword.

With two sides as enemies, what should Qi do? Where is Pei Yan?

In a hurry, I reverted to the spirit of painting and floated in the air.

Got it.

Pei Yan killed the enemy with a sword, and suddenly retreated to the rear.

I watched as he gathered the other soldiers and carried out their orders in an orderly manner.

The soldiers of the Qi State were reduced to iron plates again and pushed the Beidi people out.

Yanzhou City was defended.

I floated to Pei Yan's side, and his body was covered in blood.

There are their own, and there are enemies.

The knife wound on the shoulder was still bleeding, and I crossed over a little spiritual power to stop the bleeding.

Pei Yan's puzzled eyes fell on his shoulder, and he raised his head as if to meet my gaze, which startled me.

After a moment, he staggered his eyes, touched his shoulder slightly, and whispered, "Strange."