
In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

author:Little watermelon fb79
In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

What are you waiting for? The chance for good luck is fleeting! Hurry up and follow me and start a lucky journey together! I wish you good fortune and all your wishes come true!

From a takeaway boy to an annual income of millions: the inspirational story of a young man who resembles Nicholas Tse

Before 2007, he was just an ordinary guy who delivered food in obscurity in the city, no education, no background, the future seemed to be confused, deep down, he was eager to change his fate, eager to have a broader sky, in 2007, he made a bold decision: plastic surgery to transform himself into an idol star Nicholas Tse, who was popular all over Asia at the time, this decision was strongly opposed by his parents, but he embarked on this unknown road without hesitation, after many surgeries and continuous imitation exercises, He finally transformed into another "Nicholas Tse", and even successfully participated in two micro-movies in 2013, taking a solid step on the road to chasing his dreams

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

Fake and true: He used hard work and perseverance to become the person most like Nicholas Tse

The degree to which he imitates Nicholas Tse can be described as "fake and real", whether it is the heroic spirit between the eyebrows, the cold eyes, or the tone and actions when singing, they are all the same as Nicholas Tse himself, many people can't help but marvel when they see him, as if Nicholas Tse is really standing in front of them, and behind this "fake and real" is his hard practice day after day and persistent pursuit of dreams, he watched Nicholas Tse's movies, songs, and variety shows repeatedly, carefully figuring out every expression and every action, Even Nicholas Tse's accent is imitated vividly, in order to be closer to his idol in appearance, he has undergone more than ten plastic surgeries, and spent all his savings to realize his dream

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

Overnight success: From the parody show stage to the popular variety show, he copied the success of his idol

In 2007, he participated in a show called "Big Coffee Imitation Show", with his extremely similar appearance and performance to Nicholas Tse, won the unanimous recognition of the judges and the audience, and became a household name overnight "star face", after the show was broadcast, various commercial performance invitations came one after another, and he was also packaged by the brokerage company as a "copy of Nicholas Tse", participated in many popular variety shows such as "Variety Show", "Go All Out", "Everyday Upward", and his popularity soared. Even Nicholas Tse's loyal fans are amazed by his imitation skills, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

Short-lived brilliance: He participated in movies but chose to retire bravely at the peak of his career

With the increase in popularity, he also got some opportunities to appear in film and television works, in 2013, he participated in two micro-films, although he was not a professional actor, but he relied on the accurate imitation of Nicholas Tse, and completed the role creation excellently, in 2015, he participated in the comedy movie "Charlotte's Troubles", although there are not many scenes, but he can leave his figure on the big screen, which is enough to prove his efforts and strength, just when everyone thinks that he will continue to copy Nicholas Tse's road to success and is big in the entertainment industry When he showed his strength, he made an unexpected decision: quit the entertainment industry and disappeared

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

From imitation to transcendence: he realizes his limitations and chooses to open up new battlefields

Yi Bo's road to success seems to be smooth, but he always has a sense of crisis in his heart, he knows that everything he does is based on "imitating Nicholas Tse", once the audience is tired of this model, his "star journey" will also come to an end, he is eager to get rid of the label of "imitator" and have a career and stage that truly belongs to him, therefore, at the peak of his career, he resolutely chose to retreat bravely, and used the wealth and contacts accumulated over the years to start his own media company, Start exploring new directions

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

From the front of the stage to behind the scenes: he transformed into an entrepreneur with an annual income of one million to achieve a gorgeous transformation

Leaving the stage under the spotlight, he turned to the business sea, founded his own media company, focusing on online live broadcast, short video production, e-commerce and other emerging fields, with a keen sense of business and accurate grasp of network trends, his company has grown rapidly, he has also successfully transformed from an imitator to an entrepreneur, with an annual income of more than one million, and has achieved another gorgeous transformation in life, he is no longer the takeaway brother who is struggling for life, but a successful person with his own career and wealth

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

Don't forget his original intention: He returned to the Internet and continued to chase his dreams and live a wonderful life

Although he has become a valuable entrepreneur, he has not forgotten his original intention and dream, he opened his own short video account, shared his entrepreneurial experience and life insights with fans, and cooperated with other imitators to shoot online movies, and continued to explore and move forward on the road of acting, he used his personal experience to tell everyone that even if the starting point is not high, even if there is no background, as long as you dare to dream and have the courage to fight, you can create your own wonderful life

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

From the ordinary to the extraordinary: his story is the best footnote to the counterattack of ordinary people

Yi Bo's story is a story about dreams, courage and transformation, he from an ordinary takeaway brother, to the much-anticipated "star face", and then to today's successful entrepreneurs, every step is firm and persistent, he uses his own experience to tell us that there is no shortcut in life, only continuous efforts can create infinite possibilities, his story, but also inspire every ordinary person to bravely pursue their dreams, live their own wonderful life

In order to make money, plastic surgery became Nicholas Tse, but he suddenly retired in the prime of his life, and established a company with an annual income of one million

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