
The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

author:Bonnie's look at the history of the world


Recently, a high-profile debate on the US presidential candidates has aroused widespread heated discussions and attention around the world. This debate is not only an important event in the United States, but also touches the nerves of the international community. The performance of these two candidates has a direct bearing on the future direction of the United States, and will also have a profound impact on the global landscape and international relations.

In this high-profile debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and incumbent President Donald Trump engaged in a heated exchange of debates and exchanges on a wide range of issues. The atmosphere of this debate seems to be more tense than before, and the war of words and quarrels between the candidates has become the focus of the audience, and for a while, discussions and comments about this debate are flooded with major social platforms and media.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

And at a time when there is a heated debate about the performance and impact of this debate in the world, an opinion from the New York Times has focused on Biden, who should directly call on Biden to withdraw from the presidential candidacy, saying that he did not perform well and should quit the race in the service of his country.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

Such a view is undoubtedly a great question and pressure on Biden, and it has also aroused public attention and heated discussions about Biden. What is it that makes the New York Times so questionable about Biden's performance? How will such a view affect Biden's election path? Against this backdrop, how did Biden respond?

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded
The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

1. The New York Times called on Biden to withdraw from the race

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

As an important media in the United States, the New York Times has always had very in-depth reports and observations on American and international affairs, and its opinions have often attracted great public attention and heated discussions.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

And just recently, an opinion from the New York Times became a hot topic of public discussion, this one directly called on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to withdraw from the race, saying that he did not perform well and should quit the race in the service of the country.

In this opinion, the author directly questioned and criticized Biden's performance, arguing that Biden had performed poorly in previous debates, could not respond effectively to Trump's questions and attacks, and even appeared a little distracted and overwhelmed on some issues.

The author also pointed out that Biden's image and performance as a presidential candidate are directly related to the future of the United States and the development of the country, and if he cannot effectively cope with various challenges and tests, then his election road is destined to be full of ups and downs and setbacks, which is also a great test and challenge for the Democratic Party.

For the sake of the interests of the country and the Democratic Party, Biden should bravely assume his responsibilities, think about the future of the country and the overall situation of the Democratic Party, take the initiative to withdraw from the presidential candidate's race, let a more capable and charismatic person take his place, and bring better development and hope to the country and the Democratic Party.

It can be said that such views and calls are undoubtedly a great challenge and test for Biden, and also make the public have great doubts and discussions about Biden's performance and election prospects.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

Second, the response of the Biden team

In the face of such views and appeals from the New York Times, I believe that Biden and his team must have reacted, how will Biden respond to such doubts and pressures?

In an interview with the media, Biden's campaign team has expressed its views and opinions to the outside world, and they said that Biden will not be greatly affected by the views and appeals of the New York Times, because in the previous election process, Biden had lost the support of the New York Times, but in the end he was successfully elected as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate.

It can be said that such an experience is a great encouragement and motivation for Biden, and it also makes him more determined and believing, no matter how the outside world evaluates and views him, he will stick to his original intention, move forward bravely, and strive for the future of the country and the Democratic Party.

Biden's campaign team also said that they know very well that the views and appeals of the New York Times only represent the views of some people, and the final decision is still in the hands of voters, and only when voters express their support and trust in Biden through their voting behavior, can he have a chance to be truly elected president of the United States and bring a better future and hope to the country and its people.

It can be said that Biden's response is very firm and confident, and he has not wavered and hesitated because of the views of the New York Times, on the contrary, such doubts and challenges will inspire him to work harder, seriously guess his own campaign path, find his own coping strategies and methods, and win the support and recognition of more voters.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

3. The Biden-Trump debate has been described as catastrophic

In addition to the New York Times' call for views, Biden's recent performance in a debate has been the focus of public debate, which has been described as catastrophic.

This debate is the first official confrontation between Biden and Trump, and it is also an important exchange and showdown between the two presidential candidates, so it has attracted the attention and attention of all walks of life around the world.

Compared with previous debates, the atmosphere of this debate seems to be more tense and tense, the communication between the two candidates is full of confrontation and conflict, and even evolves into a war of words and quarrels, both Biden and Trump seem to be a little unable to restrain their emotions, and seem to be more complacent and arrogant in their casualness, while Biden seems a little tired and helpless, unable to effectively respond to Trump's various questions and attacks.

It can be said that such a performance in the debate is a great challenge and test for both candidates, and it has also raised great doubts and worries among the public about their leadership ability and quality, whether they are capable of uniting the country, solving various complex problems, and promoting the development and progress of the country.

Some people believe that Biden's performance in the debate is indeed too bad to become the president of the United States, while others believe that Trump's complacency and arrogance are the real disaster of American democracy, and that he should withdraw from the race and make Biden the next president.

It can be said that such a performance of debate will undoubtedly have a profound impact on voters, and it will also make Biden and Trump's campaign road full of various unknowns and challenges, they need to carefully guess their own performance and image, find their own campaign strategies and methods, and win the support and trust of voters.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

Fourth, the global concern and concern about the U.S. election

In addition to all kinds of heated discussions and discussions in China, countries and regions around the world have also paid more attention to the US election than ever before, whether it is European countries or Asian countries, they are paying close attention to the situation and election results in the United States.

As one of the most powerful countries in the world, the situation of the United States and the election of its leaders will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the global pattern and international relations, whether it is economic development or international cooperation, it is inseparable from the active participation and leadership of the United States, so the decision-making and policy direction of the United States is very important for other countries.

The current international situation is very complex and severe, and various global challenges and problems emerge one after another, such as the new crown epidemic, climate change, terrorism, etc., which require all countries to unite and cooperate to deal with them together, and the unilateralism and protectionist practices of the Trump administration have brought great impacts and challenges to international cooperation and global governance.

The international community is full of expectations and worries about the election results of the United States, and they hope that the United States will be able to choose a capable and far-sighted leader who can unite the country, actively participate in international affairs, promote global governance and the resolution of various global issues, and make positive contributions to world peace and development.

It can be said that whether it is Biden or Trump, their election performance and propositions will be closely watched by the international community, and they need to seriously guess their foreign policy and international cooperation plans, find a balance that suits the national interests of the United States and the common interests of the international community, and win the respect and cooperation of other countries.

The New York Times called for "pulling out of the election for the country," and the Biden team responded

V. Conclusion

Through the above analysis and discussion, we can see that the current US election is undoubtedly a feast of much attention and heated discussion, both domestic and international, in which various opinions and voices are intertwined and collide, reflecting people's expectations and worries about the future of the United States.

Whether it is the New York Times's appeal or the debate between Biden and Trump, they have influenced voters' views and decisions to a certain extent, and have also made the two candidates' campaign roads full of challenges and tests.

Against this backdrop, we hope that all sectors of society can look at the US election rationally and objectively, carefully guess the performance and propositions of each candidate, find the most suitable leader for the United States and the international community, and hope that the candidate can humbly listen to various voices and suggestions, find real and effective solutions, and bring a better future and hope to the country and the people.

I believe that through the joint efforts of all countries, the world will be able to overcome all difficulties and usher in a bright future of peace, stability and prosperity.