
What to pay attention to when taking insulin, remember "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

author:99 Health Net

For people with diabetes, insulin therapy is an important means of controlling blood sugar. However, incorrect injection methods can not only affect the effectiveness of insulin, but can also cause damage to physical health. This article will introduce the "3 do's and 3 don'ts" principle of insulin injection to help patients receive insulin therapy safely and effectively.

What to pay attention to when taking insulin, remember "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

First, the "3 wants" principle

  1. To rotate the injection site:
  2. Insulin injections should be avoided repeatedly at the same site to reduce the risk of tissue hardening and lipoatrophy. It is recommended to rotate injections in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.
  3. To use the correct injection technique:
  4. Clean the skin before injection, use disposable needles, and make sure the injection angle is correct. For example, when using a shorter needle, it can be injected vertically; Longer needles require a 45-degree angle injection.
  5. To monitor your blood sugar and adjust your dose:
  6. Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and adjust your insulin dose based on changes in blood sugar and factors such as diet and activity. Work closely with your doctor to make sure your treatment is tailored to your needs.
What to pay attention to when taking insulin, remember "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Second, the "3 don'ts" principle

  1. Do not reuse needles:
  2. Repeated use of needles may lead to increased injection pain, tissue damage, increased risk of infection, and erratic insulin absorption. New needles should be replaced after each injection.
  3. Do not shake the insulin bottle vigorously before the injection:
  4. Insulin is a protein hormone, and vigorous shaking may cause structural changes that affect the efficacy of the drug. If different types of insulin need to be mixed, the bottle should be gently rolled to mix.
  5. Don't ignore post-injection observations:
  6. After the injection, the injection site should be observed for abnormal reactions, such as redness, swelling, pain, or bleeding. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult your doctor promptly.
What to pay attention to when taking insulin, remember "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

3. Further explanation of injection techniques

  • Preparation before injection: Make sure the insulin is at room temperature, check the expiration date and the solution for cloudiness or discoloration.
  • Choice of injection site: Choose an area that is free of induration and pain, and each injection should be at least 1 cm away from the last injection point.
  • Control of injection depth: Adjust the injection depth according to the needle length and the patient's subcutaneous fat thickness.

Conclusion: Proper use of insulin is key to blood sugar management in diabetic patients. Following the principle of "3 do's and 3 don'ts" not only improves the treatment effect, but also reduces injection-related complications. Every patient should work with a medical professional to master the correct injection techniques to ensure the safety and effectiveness of insulin therapy.