
Get MVP! Zhang Ziyu averaged 35+13 per game to win respect The women's basketball team lost, but the future is promising

author:Sensitive cheese

In this basketball summer, on the stage of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Championships, a bright new star has risen with an amazing attitude, she is the inside giant of the Chinese women's basketball team - Zhang Ziyu.

Although the final ending was not fairytale-like, with the Chinese team losing to Australia 79-96 and finishing second, Zhang Ziyu's solo performance was like the brightest star in the night sky, which was impossible to ignore.

In the five battles, Zhang Ziyu seems to be a basketball textbook, and every page turned is a wonderful chapter.

Get MVP! Zhang Ziyu averaged 35+13 per game to win respect The women's basketball team lost, but the future is promising

From the low-key entry in the first game, which easily contributed 19+7+2, to the full-scale outbreak of New Zealand in the second game, and won the dominance of 36+13, and then to the game against Japan, he almost single-handedly reproduced the hegemony of "Big Shark" O'Neal's basket, and won an amazing report card of 44+14+5.

In the semi-finals against South Korea, she once again showed her dominance on the inside, with an all-round performance of 34+16+5, which made the opponent's interior defense useless.

Even in the final against Australia's tight defense, Zhang Ziyu was still able to adjust herself, cutting down 42+14 dazzling statistics, although she failed to turn the tide of the game, her name has been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Get MVP! Zhang Ziyu averaged 35+13 per game to win respect The women's basketball team lost, but the future is promising

Zhang Ziyu, her existence is like a natural wonder on the basketball court, making the opponent look "high" under the basket and sigh.

But what is impressive is that she does not rely solely on her height, but also shows maturity and all-round beyond her years with her delicate shooting touch, diverse offensive methods, and the occasional flash of exquisite passing.

She is like a "unicorn" on the basketball court, with the toughness of a traditional center and the flexibility and skill required of modern basketball.

Of course, there is no smooth road to growth, and Zhang Ziyu is no exception.

Get MVP! Zhang Ziyu averaged 35+13 per game to win respect The women's basketball team lost, but the future is promising

Her massive frame gives her an advantage, but it also comes with challenges with her movement speed and defensive positional sense.

However, these "growing pains" look more like future potential stocks in the light of her continuous progress.

With the years of carving and the accumulation of experience.

All in all, the stage of the U18 Asian Championships witnessed the rise of Zhang Ziyu, although the loss in the final left a regret, but with a series of shocking performances, she not only won the honor of MVP of the event, but also made the world full of expectations for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

It's the end of a journey and the beginning of another legend.

Zhang Ziyu, this name, is destined to become an indelible mark in the history of Chinese basketball.