
It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

author:Love pineapple

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

Do you think rumors only happen to others? The rumor storm encountered by Nongfu Spring may have made many companies embarrassed. Now, this once civilian beverage brand has finally shown its fangs and defended its brand dignity with legal weapons, which can be called a "slap in the face" war.

As a self-media big V that no one lets go, of course I want to dig deep into the story behind it and present you with an analysis article full of dry goods. Nongfu Spring's actions have undoubtedly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life. What is the reason why this low-key beverage company has to attack? Where will they go from here? As a senior self-media person who has developed the attribute of "professional black fan", I will take my time.

The origin of the matter can be traced back to the death of Chairman Wahaha last year. The "godfather" of the veteran beverage industry cherished it, and suddenly set off a surging wave of rumors. Some people speculate that the founder of Nongfu Spring, Zhong Sui, had a grudge entanglement with Wahaha, and some people even rumored that Zhong Sui was a dealer of Wahaha and had a behavior of fleeing goods. These inexplicable statements quickly aroused widespread attention and discussion on the Internet, and for a while, Nongfu Spring became the target of public criticism.

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

At the same time, some rumors about the nature and operating conditions of Nongfu Spring are also endless. For example, some people say that Nongfu Spring is not a Chinese company, registered in the Cayman Islands, controlled by foreign capital, and every bottle of Nongfu Spring is paying for "the bullets fired by the United States at China". There are also people who have been involved in accusations of tax evasion, which is simply jaw-dropping. I don't know how many consumers have been deceived by this kind of malicious rumor-mongering.

What is even more puzzling is that after three months of these rumors, Nongfu Spring has always remained silent and has not fought back. This attitude of "waiting and seeing" has made many people suspicious: Could it be that Nongfu Spring is planning some big move?

It was only recently that Nongfu Spring finally spoke out on the WeChat public account. With the theme of "more important than traffic, the truth" listed and answered 20 major rumors against themselves for the first time. At the same time, Nongfu Spring also announced that it has started the relevant work of reporting the case to the public security organs and filing a lawsuit with the people's court, and will investigate the legal responsibility of those who maliciously spread rumors. This is undoubtedly a strong signal: the beverage company will no longer tolerate the harm of rumors, and will take tougher measures to protect its interests.

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

As a veteran self-media practitioner, I have to say that this is indeed a very good strategic choice. In the age of the internet, rumors have spread at outrageous speeds and influences. Isn't the so-called "fat cat jumping into the river incident" some time ago a vivid example? An unverified gossip spread wildly on the Internet, eventually causing a storm of public opinion. It wasn't until the police finally made a professional and detailed report that the truth gradually surfaced.

You must know that once the brand image of a company is seriously damaged, it will not only directly affect the company's business performance, but also shake the trust of consumers and cast a shadow on the long-term development of the company. Therefore, for Nongfu Spring, it is imperative to maintain its own goodwill and reputation. It's no wonder that they end up making such a decision to defend their interests with tougher means.

However, I would like to make some observations and suggestions on Nongfu Spring's actions. First of all, why did they decide to fight back after three months of rumors? Wouldn't there have been a need to act earlier? After all, once a rumor spreads, the consequences are irreversible.

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

Secondly, in this statement, Nongfu Spring seems to pay too much attention to maintaining its own brand image and ignore its responsibility to consumers. After all, the victims of these rumors are not only Nongfu Spring itself, but also the misguided consumer groups. If Nongfu Spring can pay more attention to this point, I believe it will also win more people's support and empathy.

Finally, I would like to make a suggestion to Nongfu Spring: in the process of defending rights, we must pay attention to maintaining the same frequency and resonance with the new trend in the field of public opinion. For example, some official media outlets have recently called on everyone not to believe in unverified information, let alone be blinded by the lure of traffic. This call undoubtedly adds legitimacy to Nongfu Spring's counterattack.

Therefore, I think Nongfu Spring's road to defend its rights this time should be a road that is both firm and calm. On the one hand, it is necessary to use legal weapons to "slap in the face" those malicious rumor-mongers and make them pay the due price; On the other hand, we should also give full play to our social responsibility as a veteran beverage company and take the initiative to guide public opinion in a more healthy and rational direction.

It's a big deal! Nongfu Spring applied what he learned and chose to call the police to clarify 20 rumors, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore

After all, in this era of information explosion, the rampant rumors have become a major hidden danger that enterprises cannot ignore. Nongfu Spring's choice to defend its rights by legal means undoubtedly demonstrates the courage and responsibility that a mature enterprise should have. I am confident that as long as they can maintain this aggressive attitude, they will be able to achieve the ultimate victory in this battle of reputation.