
Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

author:Smile Alpine RLL

When it comes to king cobras, most people's first reaction is probably "highly venomous", "giant", and "deadly". But today, we have to justify this jungle overlord and pick up the misunderstood "labels" on it.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?
Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

First of all, we have to admit that the king cobra is indeed a big guy, but to say that it "weighs dozens of pounds" is really exaggerated. Imagine if a snake were that heavy, how much food would it have to eat to maintain its massive body?

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?
Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

In fact, king cobras usually weigh between 5 and 10 kilograms, and even giant individuals rarely exceed 15 kilograms. So, stop being fooled by those exaggerated rumors.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?
Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

Let's talk about the "poison" of the king cobra. That's right, it's really toxic, and it's not small. But the problem is, this guy is not the kind of poisonous snake that "bites when you see someone".

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?
Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

In fact, king cobras are very cautious and usually only attack when threatened. Besides, its venom, though powerful, is not used against humans, but for hunting other snakes.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

So why is the king cobra so misunderstood? In the end, it's because of our human fears and prejudices against snakes. When snakes are mentioned, many people associate them with danger and evil. But in fact, snakes are one of the very oldest and most important creatures on Earth, and they play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

Take the king cobra, for example, which is the apex predator of the jungle and specializes in preying on venomous snakes that are harmful to humans. Without the king cobra, the number of those venomous snakes would proliferate, posing a greater threat to humans. So, we should actually be grateful for the king cobra, instead of blindly fearing and repelling it.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

Of course, we can't let our guard down just because of the "benefits" of the king cobra. After all, it is a dangerous animal after all. But what we need to do is to recognize and understand it correctly, not to demonize it. Only in this way can we truly live in harmony with nature.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

Having said all this, do you have a new understanding of king cobras? In fact, not only the king cobra, but many other animals are also bound by our misunderstandings and prejudices. So, let's let go of our fears and prejudices and face these creatures with a more open and inclusive mind! After all, they are also part of the planet and share this beautiful home with us.

Weigh more than 100 pounds? Thicker than a man's thigh! Can a king cobra really grow that big?

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