
Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

author:Xiaoli said things 866 likes

In recent years, there are many people who swipe their mobile phones every day and watch live broadcasts every day. But recently, many Internet celebrities have frequently "happened" in their live broadcasts, and the camera follows people away, I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional? Like recently, there is a big Internet celebrity "Feng Timo", this kind of thing again and again, is it unintentional or intentional behind the "coincidence"? The live broadcast room has become a side-kick movie theater, which inevitably makes the audience feel like they are being played like monkeys.

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

At present, the chaos of live broadcast is rampant, and some Internet celebrities rely on dedication to gain traffic, is this the true portrayal of the Internet world?

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

If you want me to say, many people are to blame: first, some anchors are hungry and thirsty, and they will "accidentally run out" at every turn; There is no lower limit for the sake of traffic, and some platforms do not check it; As for some people who eat melons without any pursuit, you have to watch a live broadcast to see people go away, isn't this adding fuel to the fire! Co-authored one by one, on the surface, full of righteous indignation, but actually enjoying it. If this trend continues like this, what good content will there be on the Internet in the future?

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

Let's just talk about a buddy next to me, when I first became an anchor, I was sincere in content, but the fans were like that. Later, he learned from others to engage in pornography and violence, and within two days, his fans soared, he tasted the sweetness, the scale of the program is getting bigger and bigger, and every time he broadcasts live, he can't wait to give the audience a restricted level. I wondered, broadcasting these vulgar things, what kind of "idol" and "male god" are you embarrassed to call yourself?

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

Let's think about it carefully, the root cause of the chaos of live broadcast has to be found from several aspects. Like some Internet celebrities, in order to get out of position, they have to create some accidents for others to see. They say that traffic is life, and only with traffic can there be money. As everyone knows, he lost the bottom line in front of the traffic, and in the end he could only become a marionette of capital.

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

Also, many live broadcast platforms are also to blame. It was supposed to rely on content to win, but it was going to do something gray and vulgar. Copying foreign programs at every turn, allowing those filthy things to fly all over the sky, and finally turning the Internet into a miasma.

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

In fact, many viewers can't get out of the relationship. always wants to see something yellow and spicy, and the desire to hunt for curiosity and explore secrets is inflated, which invisibly promotes bad winds. A group of people condemned righteously on the surface, but behind the scenes, they were silently searching, watching, and retweeting and liking, becoming someone else's traffic ATM.

We have to face up to the fact that there is a big problem in the current network ecology. Capital is desperately promoting vulgar content for the sake of profits, some anchors are too lazy to use their brains to clean up the side balls, and the audience is also keen to watch the excitement and seek excitement.

Feng Timo was on the hot search again, and there were frequent "accidents" in the 3 live broadcasts, which was intentional for the traffic?

First of all, our anchors have to improve their self-cultivation, and they can't lose their ethics and lose their integrity, otherwise they will be spurned by the audience sooner or later. Secondly, the live broadcast platform should be strictly managed, and it can't always be thought of rubbing the gray area and making quick money. Finally, the audience should not keep staring at the anchor's body, pay more attention to the content of the program, vote with their feet, and resist those vulgar people who scratch their heads and make gestures, which will naturally improve the network environment over time.

So what do you think, guys? Now there is chaos on the Internet, and those Internet celebrities make big news at every turn, who is the driving force behind it? Did we ordinary people fall into a trap and be used as a gun? In the final analysis, the fair and just atmosphere in the live broadcast circle is gone, who wrote this script and who directed it, must it be chilling? What do you think about this?

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