
Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

June 29th

A number of outdoor enthusiasts posted

It is located in Matianling, Wei County, Hebei Province

A lightning strike occurs

Casualties were caused

On June 30, the reporter learned from the local medical department that the lightning strike occurred on the afternoon of the 29th, and a traveler unfortunately died, and the other injured person was not in danger of life.

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

The scene of the incident↑

According to Mr. Li, a Beijing donkey friend, at the time of the incident, it suddenly rained in Matianling, and two travelers were struck by lightning, located at the downhill of the Internet celebrity street sign, about 200 meters away from him. "I took shelter from the rain in the woods above, and I didn't see what happened, there was a meadow, it was very empty, and I saw an ambulance going up the mountain when I came down."

Mr. Meng, another Beijing traveler, told reporters that there was hail at the time of the incident, and his face was smashed painfully, and he was trapped in the woods at the time and did not see the situation at the time of the incident. On the way, he saw the bodies of the victims, and an aunt was always guarding them. It was still raining at the time, and I was worried about my aunt's hypothermia, so I left two dry clothes, "The place where the incident occurred is at a high altitude, and the surrounding area is open, without any shelter." According to the rescuers, it may be caused by a mobile phone or an umbrella (lightning strike). ”

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

The reporter is in

The National Early Warning Information Release Center inquired

The Wei County Meteorological Observatory was 9:15 on June 29

The Yellow Warning Signal for Thunder and Lightning was issued:

The warning was not lifted until 23:52

On the morning of June 30, the reporter contacted the Caogoubao Central Health Center in Wei County, which participated in the rescue. According to a staff member, a 53-year-old Beijing traveler died in the lightning incident, and another injured person was not in danger of life. Staff said there had been similar lightning strikes in earlier years.

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

An ambulance arrived at the scene to save people↑

Matianling is a 3.5-hour drive from Beijing, and it is known as the "Shangri-La of western Beijing" because of its beautiful scenery of alpine meadows. Recently, the TV series "My Altay" has become popular, and it is also called "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei's own Altay" by netizens, and has become an Internet celebrity check-in point.

The reporter saw a number of Matianling hiking groups recruited on the Internet, including the Matianling Small Ring Road, which is about 10 kilometers long, with a cumulative climb of 400 meters and a time of about 5 hours, which is suitable for people aged 18-55 who have certain outdoor experience to participate. These recruits also emphasize that the route is an outdoor hiking trail (not leisure), and those with no experience should be cautious to sign up.

The reporter learned from the Wei County Bureau of Culture and Tourism that Matianling is not a scenic spot, but is managed by the Caogoubao Township Government, and there is a "Little Tianshan" camping base nearby, which is also managed by the local government.

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died

Saki Asada

What should I do if I encounter thunder and lightning?

  • People who work outdoors should take refuge in buildings. Personnel working at high altitude and at sea should stop working.
  • Avoid using telephones or other appliances with plugs. Never touch antennas, faucets, barbed wire, and other similar metal devices. Keep away from exposed metal objects such as water pipes and gas pipes outside buildings, and away from metal railings, railroad tracks and electrical equipment.
  • Never engage in water sports. Get out of the water and find a place to take shelter in time. Never stay in rivers, streams, and low-lying areas.
  • Never stand on the top of a hill or approach objects with high electrical conductivity. Trees or masts are susceptible to lightning strikes and should be kept away as much as possible.
  • Pay attention to the latest weather news released by the Meteorological Observatory in time and avoid danger in advance.


Source: Newsroom Comprehensive Upstream News, "China Emergency Management" WeChat public account

Editor: Zhang Xiang (trainee)

Distressed! Crossing the Internet celebrity meadow, a traveler was struck by lightning and unfortunately died