
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it


How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it

How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it
How do you teach children, bookmark it and see it

"How do you teach children, bookmark them and see." That night, my friend Xiao Li asked me this question at a party, which aroused everyone's interest.

"It's a bit of a big question, but what does it mean?" I asked with a smile.

Xiao Li smiled and said, "Let's talk about how you usually educate your children, especially when facing some daily small problems, how do you deal with them?" ”

I nodded and began to talk about my approach to education.

"First of all, I think the most important thing is to respect children." "No matter how childish their ideas and actions, we need to respect them and give them the opportunity to express themselves." ”

"Once, my son Xiao Ming accidentally broke the vase, and he was so scared that he hid aside and didn't dare to come out. Instead of scolding him immediately, I calmed him down first and then gently asked him what was going on. He told me that it was because he wanted to pick up a toy from a high place and accidentally knocked over the vase. Instead of blaming him, I told him to be safe next time and be careful in what I do. ”

"How did the kid accept it?" Xiao Li asked curiously.

"It works great." I continued, "He has learned to take responsibility for his actions and to deal with problems calmly instead of running away. ”

"Secondly, I think it's also important to encourage children to think independently and solve problems." I said, "For example, when I do homework, I don't tell him the answer directly, but I guide him to think on his own and find a solution." This not only exercised his thinking skills, but also boosted his self-confidence. ”

"That's really important." Xiao Li nodded in agreement.

"In addition, I focus on cultivating children's hobbies." "Every child has their own interests, and we want to discover and support their development. Xiao Ming likes to draw, so I enrolled him in painting classes and often took him to art museums to make him feel the charm of art. ”

"Hobbies are very helpful for children's development." Xiao Li said.

"Finally, I think the family atmosphere is also very important." I said, "A harmonious and warm family environment can make children feel safe and happy." At home, my wife and I try not to quarrel in front of our children, and we will communicate calmly when we encounter problems, setting a good example for our children. ”

"The family atmosphere does have a big impact on the children." Xiao Li said with deep feelings.

After listening to my sharing, everyone said that they benefited a lot. After returning home, I also reflected on my own education methods, and felt that each child has their own characteristics, and the education style should also be different from person to person.

A few days later, I talked to my family about these educational experiences, and my wife said, "These methods are really good, we can continue to try and improve, so that Xiao Ming can grow up in a healthy and happy environment." ”

The children also expressed their approval of these methods, especially Xiao Ming, who said: "Mom and Dad, thank you for always supporting me and giving me the opportunity to learn to draw, and I will work harder." ”

Since then, our family has become more respectful, encouraged, and supportive of our children's development, and children thrive in this atmosphere.

Friends, there are many ways to educate children, the key is to respect children, encourage them to think independently, support their interests and hobbies, and create a good family atmosphere. I hope that everyone can also learn from this and jointly cultivate healthy, happy and positive children.

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