
Moutai Group: The basic demand side of Moutai has not changed, and it has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle

author:The Paper

From June 25th to 30th, in order to make in-depth preparations for the semi-annual marketing work meeting of Moutai, Wang Li, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Moutai Group, led a team to Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Beijing and other cities to carry out market research, and on June 28 and 30, in Nanjing and Beijing, the three provinces and regions of Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui and the seven provinces and regions of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Mongolia and Heiji and Liaoning were organized to further analyze the situation, unify ideas and build consensus. Wang Xiaowei, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Moutai Group, attended the meeting.

Moutai Group: The basic demand side of Moutai has not changed, and it has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle

Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui provinces and regions market work meeting

The meeting listened to the market work reports of various provinces and regions and the opinions and suggestions of representatives of dealers and channel providers, and fully affirmed the achievements of various provinces, autonomous regions and channels in market work in the first half of the year. It is pointed out that the achievements are inseparable from the efforts of the front-line team in the market, especially the dealers and channel teams, who have always struggled with Moutai and done a lot of effective work for the healthy development of the Moutai market.

The meeting analyzed the market situation of the current macroeconomic cycle, the industry development cycle and the "three-phase superposition" of Moutai's own cycle adjustment, and pointed out that from the perspective of the macroeconomic cycle, it will take time for the transformation of consumption scenarios brought about by the transformation of new and old kinetic energy; From the perspective of the industry environment, there are large and small cycles in the development of liquor, and in the "big cycle", the industry will accumulate many problems in the upward stage, and the industrial expansion will accumulate many problems, and the "entropy increase" effect will appear, and disorder and contradictions will become more and more obvious. When problems and contradictions accumulate to a certain extent, coupled with the influence of external forces, the industry will turn into a downward stage for systematic self-regulation, enter a state of "entropy reduction", the industry order will be gradually standardized, and the industry ecology will tend to be benign, thus ushering in a new round of cycle. In the "small cycle", there is a close relationship between the off-peak season of liquor consumption and the distribution of festivals in a year, showing a cyclical change law. From the perspective of Kweichow Moutai itself, the coexistence of Moutai's social and collection attributes, as well as the premium space formed on this basis, determines that Kweichow Moutai itself also has periodic adjustments that are different from the industry, different from other enterprises, and other products, and there is a certain balance relationship.

Moutai Group: The basic demand side of Moutai has not changed, and it has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Menghei, Jiliao seven provinces and regions market work meeting

The meeting pointed out that the basic attributes of Moutai have not changed, and the basic demand side has not changed. In the past few decades, the liquor industry has undergone several rounds of adjustments, and each time Moutai has smoothly passed through the cycle with strong determination and strength, and has achieved better development. Compared with the past, although the current situation is more complex, the current Moutai has stronger core competitiveness, better market channel ecology and more resilience in risk prevention, and has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle. All distributors and channel parties should maintain their determination and confidence, further establish a strong confidence that "the fundamentals of China's long-term economic growth have not changed and will not change", continue to strengthen the strategic determination of Moutai's first-class brand, quality and culture, continuously deepen the awareness of the "three communities" of emotion, interests and destiny of Moutai's marketing channels, and strongly promote the "three transformations" of Moutai's market work, fully condense the strong synergy of channel synergy, and strive to achieve high-quality and sustainable development.

The meeting emphasized that Moutai's channels should take the initiative to adapt to the trend of changing the development momentum from traditional industries to emerging industries, and on the basis of maintaining existing customer groups and consumption scenarios, they should strive to expand new customers in emerging industries and realize the transformation of customer groups around customer groups, scenarios, and services. Develop more new scenarios such as business consumption, family banquets, and friend gatherings in potential industries and future industries to achieve scenario transformation; In terms of consumer experience, it is necessary to promote the transformation of traditional experience stores to technology-based, modern, humanistic and fashionable experiences while optimizing conventional services, and further provide new services to achieve service transformation. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of Moutai's self-operated, distributors, e-commerce, supermarkets and other online and offline, distribution and self-operated channels, strengthen synergy, promote each other, and strive to form a good ecology in which online empowers offline, offline serves online, and distribution and self-operation complement each other.

Moutai Group: The basic demand side of Moutai has not changed, and it has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle

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During the period, Wang Li and Wang Xiaowei also led teams to go deep into local Moutai self-operated stores, supermarkets, liquor chain stores and other places to learn more about the marketing, channel management, product exhibition, terminal construction and other work of Moutai in various provinces and regions, and successively held discussions and exchanges with representatives of supermarket channel providers and e-commerce channel providers in Nanjing and Beijing.

Heads of relevant departments of Moutai Group and Moutai Liquor Co., Ltd., representatives of various liquor subsidiaries, provincial and regional associations, and distributors participated in the investigation or discussion.

(Originally titled: Moutai held a market work meeting in some provinces and regions)