
Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

author:Ask for food and thought

As soon as we enter the dog days, the sun is like a joy, and it is so hot that people can't breathe. At this time, if you can eat a bite of sweet and cool food, it is simply a great joy in the world! Today, I will bring you a delicacy made with mung beans - mung bean glutinous rice cake. This pastry is not only simple to make, but also has an excellent taste, sweet and soft, and is definitely a good summer heat!

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

And mung beans are known as the best products for "cooling and detoxifying". It can not only quench thirst, but also clear heat and detoxify, and have a good effect on relieving all kinds of discomfort in summer. Mung beans also play an important role in our daily diet, whether it is mung bean soup, mung bean paste or mung bean ice, it is an indispensable dessert on the summer table. Ingredient list: mung beans: 200 grams (select fresh, insect-free mung beans), glutinous rice flour: 150 grams, brown sugar: appropriate amount (added according to personal taste), pure milk: appropriate amount (used for dough) Preparation steps: 1. Material selection and cleaning

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

First of all, we have to pour the mung beans we bought on the table, carefully select them, and pick out the bad beans and the ones with insect eyes. These beans are all "bad eggs", and they will be bitter when they eat them, so they have to be "laid off" in advance. Then, rinse it off with clean water to wash off the dust and "troubles" on the mung bean. 2. Soak and freeze

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

Wash the mung beans again into clean water and soak for 3-4 hours to fill them with water. Then, put the soaked mung beans in the refrigerator along with the water and freeze them. Why freeze it, you may ask? In fact, this is a little secret, frozen mung beans are easier to cook! 3. Defrost and cook

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

Early the next morning, take out the frozen mung beans and you will find that they have turned into "mung bean popsicles". Don't worry, pour some water on top and let these "popsicles" thaw quickly. Then, pour the mung beans and ice cubes into the pot, add water, and cook over high heat. After about 30 minutes of cooking, the hard mung beans will become soft and glutinous, and they can be broken with a pinch of your hands. 4. Water control and seasoning

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

Dry the boiled mung beans and pour them into a large bowl. Next, add brown sugar, and if you like sweet, put more on it. After stirring well, pour in the glutinous rice flour. Note that the glutinous rice flour here should be added in batches, stirring while adding, so that each mung bean is coated with a layer of "white clothes". 5. Dough mixing and making

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

Next, mix the dough with plain milk. Stir while pouring until it becomes flocculent, then knead into a smooth dough. Once the dough is kneaded, it's time to start making the patties. Put on gloves, take a small ball of dough, pinch it tightly, and then roll it into a small round ball the size of a ping pong ball. Then gently press it flat with the palm of your hand to form a small cake. Repeat this step until all the dough has turned into a patty. 6. Steaming and tasting

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

Prepare a steamer basket with a silicone mat on the bottom (wet gauze is fine if you don't have one). Put the mung bean patties in one by one, remembering to leave some gaps. After everything is set, steam in a pot with cold water and steam over high heat for 20 minutes. When the time comes, open the lid and wow! A strong smell of mung beans came to my nose. Look at these small cakes, they have turned light green, indicating that they are fully cooked. After letting it cool slightly, take a small cake and try it, the bottom is not sticky, soft and glutinous, it is really delicious! 7. Finished product display and refrigeration promotion

Eat more mung beans on dog days, teach you 1 fairy how to eat, don't make soy milk and don't need to cook, delicious and relieve the heat

This mung bean glutinous rice cake is not only easy to make, but also has a great taste. The perfect combination of the soft glutinous rice and the fragrance of mung beans, coupled with the rich milky aroma, makes every bite a summer taste. If you put it in the refrigerator for an hour before eating, it will taste even better! Eating a bite of the cold mung bean glutinous rice cake on a hot summer day is simply a treat! Tips: Mung beans are not only easy to cook after freezing, but also have a softer and glutinous taste. The amount of brown sugar can be adjusted according to personal taste, and if you like sweet, put more. Glutinous rice flour should be added in batches, stirring while adding, so that it is easier to coat mung beans in "white clothes". When steaming, it should be steamed in a pot with cold water and steamed over high heat for 20 minutes, so that the steamed mung bean glutinous rice cake is more soft and glutinous. Well, that's all for today's sharing! I hope everyone can make delicious mung bean glutinous rice cakes and enjoy a cool summer!

Reprinted from "Wenwen Food Record"

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