
Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

author:Little brother talks about sports

The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced the 12-member squad for the Paris Olympics, and there is no suspense in the core framework, and only the marginal players are controversial. The new cycle is still the old core, Director Lang's Tokyo cycle team, can Cai Bin complete a breakthrough in the Paris Olympics?

Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

Main attack: Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie

There is no suspense in the main attacking position, Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, and Zhang Changning are all veterans, and Wu Mengjie is the only newcomer. It's a pity that Wang Yunrui has always been the core starter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and was abandoned at the last moment. With the defeat of Wang Yunrui, the Chinese women's volleyball team has made no achievements in the main offensive position this cycle.

Wu Mengjie only entered the main team in the finals last year, and this season's World League has been reused, and it has been focused on training for less than a year. With no experience in competitions and technical shortcomings, there is a lot of uncertainty in the performance of going directly to the Olympics in this situation. In the end, Cai Bin can still use Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, and Zhang Changning, unless Zhu Ting is injured, Wu Mengjie can be reused!

Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi

In the secondary offensive position, the Tokyo cycle used Yuan Xinyue and Yan Ni's starters, and Wang Yuanyuan has already secured the substitute position. In the Paris cycle, Yan Ni retired, Wang Yuanyuan became the core, and her partner Yuan Xinyue started the game. II-VI has cultivated a cycle, the ability is obvious to all, and the progress is even more obvious.

In this season's Women's Volleyball World League, Cai Bin is unwilling to cultivate newcomers in this kind of commercial competition, and is unwilling to give II-VI more opportunities, and Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan are still used from beginning to end! On the stage of the Olympic Games, it is difficult for Cai Bin to enable II-VI!

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia

In the core lineup, the only player who can be regarded as a newcomer is Diao Linyu! In the Tokyo cycle, the players used by Director Lang are Ding Xia and Yao Di. Diao Linyu is only a marginal player in the women's volleyball team, in and out of the national team, and it is always difficult to gain a firm foothold. In the Paris cycle, Cai Bin corrected Diao Linyu, who became the brains of the team and the core setter. Diao Linyu is a newcomer, a veteran, and a frequent visitor to the national team in the past, and the age of 30 is really not young! The teenager Xu Xiaoting was given up, and Cai Bin finally chose the veteran Ding Xia, whether this choice is right or wrong can only be tested through the competition!

Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin

Gong Xiangyu is not very old, but he is also a veteran of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and he is a thunderous starter. Zheng Yixin played a secondary offense before, and the Tokyo cycle has always been a fringe player, and he is also unstable in the main team. In the Paris cycle, Zheng Yixin changed to respond, which secured the position of the national team! There is a position, but Cai Bin did not give Zheng Yixin more opportunities to play, basically chose Gong Xiangyu to start, and played the whole game directly!

Free man: Wang Mengjie

Wang Mengjie is a veteran of the Tokyo cycle, and the teenager Ni Feifei was finally abandoned, and the substitute spot was not obtained. There is no one to replace the free man, Wang Mengjie needs to play a good performance, and he can't get injured yet!

Subs: Chong Yushan

Zhuang Yushan relied on the performance of the Hong Kong station and the finals to gain the trust of the team and successfully locked in the substitute spot. It is unlikely that he will play, and it is more about developing new people for the next cycle.

On the whole, the core lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team is basically the old face of the Tokyo cycle. In the Paris cycle, the Chinese women's volleyball team is basically standing still in terms of cultivating newcomers. Cai Bin had always trusted Wang Yunrui before, but with the return of veterans Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, the latter also lost his place. Except for Wang Yunrui, the only one who can show his hand among the newcomers is Wu Mengjie.

Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

Can the Paris Olympics make a breakthrough?

At the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team did not qualify and missed the quarterfinals. In the Paris cycle, Cai Bin led the team to play, and can he complete a breakthrough?

The Chinese women's volleyball team is in the same group as the United States women's volleyball team, the Serbian women's volleyball team, and the French women's volleyball team. Although this signing is difficult, as long as the Chinese women's volleyball team can play a good state, it has a chance to advance to the quarterfinals!

The lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team is basically veterans, and there is no problem with ability, the key is to see the run-in effect. Zhu Ting has just returned, and she only started three games, and the effect of Zhu Ting's run-in with the team determines the combat effectiveness of the starters. Zhang Changning has also just made a comeback, and his physical and competitive state are recovering. It is unrealistic to start the whole game, but Zhang Changning is a key substitute. As long as she can reverse Turkey's form, she will be able to withstand the rotation phase of the team. Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning are very important, the state of these two veterans affects the prospects of the team and determines the fate of Cai Bin!

Lang Ping's Tokyo team, Cai Bin wants to make a breakthrough in Paris and needs to rely on two veterans, and the premise is to play the first game

Playing the U.S. women's volleyball team in the first game is the key, and if you win, the quarterfinals will be stable. Even if it loses, the Chinese women's volleyball team can't lose too badly. Once it is swept away, it will be difficult to qualify! As long as the Chinese women's volleyball team can play the spirit of the women's volleyball team, play self-confidence, and play cohesion, I believe that the team can advance to the quarterfinals!

How far do you think the Chinese women's volleyball team can go? Welcome to discuss! #头条创作挑战大赛#

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