
A commercial aerospace unicorn has financed 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

author:Invest in the net

Hello everyone, I'm Changfeng. Today I will bring you this week's professional investment research information in the capital market.

This week's highlights:

Hard technology track, aerospace is concerned. This week, in terms of aerospace, Micro-Nano Star successfully completed the C1 round of financing of 1 billion yuan and officially became a commercial aerospace unicorn enterprise. This round of financing was led by Oriza Chongyuan-Wuxi Jingkai Shangxian Industrial Investment Fund, followed by Liangxi Science and Technology Innovation Industry Fund of Funds (Bohua Capital Management), and continued to be supported by the old shareholder Qingdao Huizhu Amphora. In the low-altitude field, Wofei Changkong completed the B round of financing of hundreds of millions of yuan, setting a record for the largest single financing in the domestic low-altitude economic eVTOL industry in the past two years. This round of financing was mainly invested by Ceyuan Capital, and pursued by Huakong Fund, Zhongke Chuangxing, Soaring Tianxing, Quanzhou Hairui, etc.

In the big health track, we will continue to increase the number of innovative drugs. This week, the innovative pharmaceutical company Antikang Biotechnology officially announced the completion of more than 200 million yuan in Series A financing, which was led by Simcere Pharmaceutical (02096. HK), Huajin Investment and Huajin Avenue jointly led the investment, the old shareholders Tongchuangweiye and Jiaxing New Venture Capital continued to increase investment, and Jiarui Future Star, GSR United Runpu Medical Fund, Wenzhou Investment, Songze Capital and Shunjie Health followed. In addition, Phrontline Biopharma, a bispecific antibody ADC company, announced the completion of a Pre-A round of financing of over 100 million yuan, which was exclusively invested by Decheng Capital.

On the Internet track, information security has become the focus. This week, cybersecurity manufacturer Shanghai Dragons Anke announced the successful completion of tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing, led by Jingya Capital, followed by old shareholder Shunwei Capital. In addition, Anshi Information announced the successful completion of tens of millions of Pre-A++ round of financing. This round of financing has received strong support from old shareholders such as Chenyi Fund, Zhejiang Envision, Shanghai Weixin, and Koala Kunpeng.

According to incomplete statistics from China Investment, the details of investment and financing are as follows (statistical period 06/22-06/28):

Hard technology

Micro-Nano Star announced the completion of 1 billion yuan of financing

On June 24, 2024, Micro-Nano Star successfully completed the C1 round of financing of 1 billion yuan and officially became a commercial aerospace unicorn enterprise. This round of financing was led by Oriza Chongyuan-Wuxi Jingkai Shangxian Industrial Investment Fund, followed by Liangxi Science and Technology Innovation Industry Fund of Funds (Bohua Capital Management), and continued to be supported by the old shareholder Qingdao Huizhu Amphora.

Zhijing Times completed tens of millions of yuan in Pre-A round of financing

Recently, Beijing Zhijing Times Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhijing Times), a new materials company dedicated to the development and production of dimming film technology, announced the completion of tens of millions of yuan in Pre-A round of financing. This round of financing was led by the Chongqing Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund.

01 Auto received nearly 100 million yuan in A1 round financing

On June 25, it was reported that the new heavy truck force Zero One Automobile announced the completion of the A1 round of financing, which was jointly invested by Shanghai Chusuo, Chentao Capital, Tianshan Capital, Guofa Wenxin, etc., with an investment amount of nearly 100 million yuan.

AdvanSol received angel+ round of financing

On June 26, according to 36 Krypton, the domestic third-generation inverter and MLPE (module-level management) company Aichang Huizhi (Suzhou) New Energy High-tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Aichang Huizhi AdvanSol) completed angel + round of financing. This round of financing was invested by Qingrui Venture Capital.

Jike Photocore completed the A++ round of financing of more than 100 million yuan

Recently, the thin-film lithium niobate IDM company, Jike Photocore, announced the completion of more than 100 million yuan in A++ round of financing, led by Lanchi Venture Capital. Co-investors include Zhongji InnoLight (Hechuang) and Yuanjie Technology (Guanxin Light Source) and other industrial parties, as well as Dingxin Capital, Yunhui Capital, Xihao Capital, and old shareholders Lanpu Capital and Yuntong Intelligent continue to invest.

Xingyao Semiconductor completed a 1 billion yuan Series B financing

Recently, Zhejiang Xingyao Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xingyao Semiconductor), a domestic TF-SAW RF filter company, announced that it has officially completed a total of 1 billion yuan in Series B financing, setting a record for the largest single round of financing in the RF front-end track in China in recent years. This round of financing is jointly invested by China Mobile Industry Chain Development Fund and Wenzhou Bay New Area Industrial Investment Platform.

Wofei Changkong completed the B round of financing of hundreds of millions of yuan

Recently, Wofei Changkong has completed the B round of financing of hundreds of millions of yuan, setting a record for the largest single financing in the domestic low-altitude economy eVTOL industry in the past two years. This round of financing was mainly invested by Ceyuan Capital, and pursued by Huakong Fund, Zhongke Chuangxing, Soaring Tianxing, Quanzhou Hairui, etc.

Carl Power completed a round of financing of 600 million yuan

On June 28, Carl Power announced the completion of a round of financing of 600 million yuan. In the past year, Carl Power has raised a total of more than 1 billion yuan, and its investors include Ordos State Investment Group, Ordos Group, CIMC Vehicle and Shenzhen Investment Holding Cooperation Fund, Horizon and other strategic investors.

Great health

Weibang Zhendian completed nearly 100 million yuan in Series A+ financing

Recently, Suzhou Weibang Zhendian Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Weibang Zhendian) announced the completion of nearly 100 million yuan of A+ round of financing, led by Daoyuan Capital, the old shareholder Fengrui Capital over-invested, and Founder Hesheng followed.

Completed US$100 million Series C financing

Recently, METiS Pharmaceuticals, an innovative biotechnology company focusing on "AI + drug delivery", announced the completion of a US$100 million Series C financing led by CICC Capital's funds and followed by China Taiping's Taiping Hong Kong Insurance Science and Technology Innovation Fund.

Antikang Biotech announced the completion of a round of financing of more than 200 million yuan

Recently, Jiaxing Antikang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Antikang Biotechnology) officially announced the completion of more than 200 million yuan in Series A financing, which was launched by Simcere Pharmaceutical (02096. HK), Huajin Investment and Huajin Avenue jointly led the investment, the old shareholders Tongchuangweiye and Jiaxing New Venture Capital continued to increase investment, and Jiarui Future Star, GSR United Runpu Medical Fund, Wenzhou Investment, Songze Capital and Shunjie Health followed.

Tuoji Pharmaceutical completed a Pre-A round of financing of over 100 million yuan

Recently, Phrontline Biopharma, a bispecific antibody ADC company, announced the completion of a Pre-A round of financing of over 100 million yuan, which was exclusively invested by Decheng Capital.

Baifu Laser received tens of millions of RMB B financing from Daxing Airport Zone Development Fund

Recently, Suzhou Baifu Laser Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Baifu Laser) announced the completion of tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing, which was invested by Daxing Airport Development Fund, a fund under the management of Beijing Xinhangcheng Fund Management Co., Ltd. ("Xinhangcheng Fund Company"), a subsidiary of Beijing Xinhangcheng Holdings Co., Ltd.

Shixi Biotech completed the first level of tens of millions of yuan in angel + round financing

In June 2024, Shixi (Guangzhou) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shixi Biotech), a R&D company that develops innovative drugs through targeted RNA technology, announced the completion of the first round of angel+ financing of tens of millions of yuan. This round of financing was co-led by Beijing Life Park Venture Capital, Tiantu Investment and Yayi Capital, followed by BeiGene Bio Island Innovation Center (BeiGene Innovation Center), and continued to be invested by Xiaochi Capital.

Topai Medical completed a Series D financing of 200 million yuan

Recently, China's ophthalmic high-end medical equipment company Topai Medical completed a 200 million yuan D round of financing, which was led by Matrix Partners and followed by Gaotejia Investment and other institutions.

Enzyme Technology has received tens of millions of yuan in angel round financing

On June 28, according to 36 Krypton reports, Enzyme Technology has completed an angel round of investment of tens of millions of yuan, led by Linear Capital, followed by MiraclePlus and Danen Capital.

Internet/Enterprise Services

Tingyu Technology completed hundreds of millions of yuan in Series B financing

On June 24, Tingyu Technology, a real-time interactive edge cloud service provider, announced the completion of hundreds of millions of yuan in Series B financing jointly led by Guohai Investment and Fosun Ruizheng, followed by Cornerstone Information Innovation, Zhongxiang Venture Capital, Guolian Shares, Sichuan Cultural Investment, Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, and Ingenuity Investment.

Dragons Anke received tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing

Recently, network security manufacturer Shanghai Dragons Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Dragons Anke) announced the successful completion of tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing, led by Jingya Capital, followed by the old shareholder Shunwei Capital.

Anshi Information has successfully completed tens of millions of Pre-A++ round of financing

Recently, Anshi Information announced the successful completion of tens of millions of Pre-A++ round of financing. This round of financing has received strong support from old shareholders such as Chenyi Fund, Zhejiang Envision, Shanghai Weixin, and Koala Kunpeng.


On June 25, according to 36 Krypton reports, AI startup DreamTech has continuously completed tens of millions of yuan in angel rounds and angel + rounds of financing, the angel round is led by Oriza Origin, followed by TusStar Venture Capital and Cloud Angel Fund, and the angel + round is the exclusive investment of Chuxin Capital.

Wenyue Culture completed an angel round of financing of 6.5 million yuan

Recently, Wenyue Culture, a new media AI tool provider, completed an angel round of financing of 6.5 million yuan, which was invested by Shenzhen Huicai Equity Investment Fund Co., Ltd.

Non-stop Technology received nearly 100 million yuan in A+ round of financing

On June 28th, hard krypton news, Shenzhen Non-stop Technology Co., Ltd., a food robot RaaS service provider, recently announced the completion of nearly 100 million yuan in A+ round of financing, led by Huashan Capital (WestSummit Capital), the old shareholder Professor Gao Bingqiang Ecosystem Fund Future Technology participated in the investment, and the old shareholder Professor Li Zexiang's Clear Water Bay Fund and Professor Gan Jie's Zhixing No. 1 Fund continued to be oversupported for three consecutive rounds.

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