
"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

author:Thirteen Taibao in the entertainment industry
"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here
"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Text | Mu Ran

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I have a hunch that industry dramas are going to shine.

CCTV's "Executive Judge", which is currently being broadcast, won a good score of breaking 2 in ratings at the beginning. The performance of Luo Jin, Yang Zishan and other actors did not disappoint everyone.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

In addition, the series focuses on the enforcement court in the judicial system, which is both strange and fresh to the audience, and is full of attraction.

And Gong Jun, "The Distance Between Us and the Court" starring Ren Min will soon meet everyone, which is also a judicial industry drama, but the focus is on the family court.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

has novel themes, and the appearance and acting skills of the male and female protagonists are not bad, and it is not a problem to get out of the circle.

There is also a "Sword and Rose" cooperated by Di Lieba and Jin Shijia, this combination is even more surprising, it doesn't look like an actor who will get together, and he has to act in some emotional scenes.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

But after reading the trailer, this accident turned into a surprise. Not only that, from the theme to the overall lineup, the surprises are added layer by layer, and this "Sword and Rose" with the help of many drama bones is the real king bomb.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

First, the theme of abduction, real cases are too worrying

In the national drama market, there has never been a shortage of dramas with criminal investigation themes.

However, most episodes are composed of two common modes:

One is that the whole drama revolves around a case, and most of them are serial murders, corpse shredding cases, etc.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

One is in the form of unit cases, each case has its own characteristics, and it is shorter and more concise.

And this "Sword and Rose", from the perspective of plot structure, tends to the latter, and is also composed of multiple cases, but it is different from previous criminal investigation dramas, it aims at the main perspective of abduction.

Judging from the plot synopsis and trailer alone, this drama has two major highlights.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

First, the protagonist's mentality changes.

Before entering the Anti-Trafficking Office as the acting director, the career plan of the female policeman Hua Deng Yan (played by Di Lieba) was not to be a professional anti-trafficking policeman.

Her goal in this industry is to enter the anti-drug detachment and find out the truth about the death of her anti-narcotics police boyfriend.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

But in an unexpected operation to rescue the baby hostage, Deng Yan shined, so she was transferred by the Party Committee of the Beihai Public Security Bureau to the Anti-Abduction Office as the acting director.

And the abduction case is far from her personal plan, which means that Deng Yan was not willing to accept this position at the beginning.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Deng Yan's change of mentality, as well as the opportunity that led to her change, will be a highlight of this drama.

From joining the police force with a purpose to growing into a police officer with a real police soul, the story around Deng Yan is worth looking forward to.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Second, the true scale of the fight against abduction cases.

As a criminal investigation drama with the theme of abduction, "Sword and Rose" naturally not only shows the case of child abduction and trafficking, but also the case of abduction and trafficking of foreign girls and forced trafficking of Y, which is also a kind of anti-abduction case.

In the trailer, there are cases of children stolen by traffickers and some young girls being imprisoned.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Whether it is the presentation of the pictures, or the similarities between these cases themselves and the abduction cases in real life, people can feel the reality of the scale.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

After the female police officer Hua had the experience of rescuing the baby hostages, through careful reasoning, accurate judgment, and desperate actions, not only turned her colleagues who were originally skeptical of her into admiration and firm support, but also uncovered the shocking black curtain hidden behind these abduction and trafficking cases.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

During this period, Deng Yan experienced the interruption of clues, false accusations, suspensions, murders and other obstacles, and even found out that her cousin was also a member of the criminal gang of abducting and trafficking women and children during the investigation.

Although entering the anti-abduction office backfired for Deng Yan, the result was the same way, she not only realized her career ideals, but also found out the truth about her boyfriend's murder.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

In the preview, in order to make everyone believe in herself, Deng Yan also made a military order to take off her police uniform if she couldn't solve the case, which also made the audience feel the courage of this policewoman in advance.

With a realistic script and a domineering police flower character, it is not a problem for "Sword and Rose" to become popular in the circle.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Second, Di Ali Gerba performed an industry drama again, and the police uniform photos were amazing

In the past two years, it is not only Yang Mi, the former boss of Di Ali Reba, who has had bad luck, but also Di Ali Reba himself.

It can be seen that the script chosen by Di Lieba reflects her determination to transform everywhere, and she has previously starred in romantic dramas such as "Happiness is Within Reach" and "You Are My Glory".

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

In the past two years, he has begun to play a leading role in industry dramas, among them, Di Lieba's partner Tong Dawei's "Public Prosecution" has attracted much attention.

But it's a pity that this drama is quiet, and the popularity performance has not met expectations, and the word of mouth has just touched the passing line.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Compared with the same type of "The Bottom Line", "Public Prosecution" is very similar to Di Lieba's personal appearance show, with fake white filters, exquisite makeup, and no female judge at all.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Originally, when I saw Di Ali Gerba playing the image of a policeman in "Sword and Rose", my first reaction was that I didn't match, the sequelae brought by "Public Prosecution" were not good, and I was really afraid that Di Ali Gerba would ruin the drama again.

But when I saw her wearing a police uniform in the play, I was immediately amazed, the advantage of a strong beauty is that she looks good without makeup, and she doesn't necessarily have to wear heavy makeup.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

In the trailer, when he painted light makeup, wore a police uniform, and saluted the colleagues in the audience, Di Lieba's eyes were excited and determined, which met all my expectations and imagination for female police flowers.

Di Lieba's appearance is a double-edged sword, if the acting skills are a little less interesting, it is easy to be seen as an empty vase with beauty.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

On the contrary, as long as the acting skills are in place, beauty becomes the icing on the cake.

You must know that Di Ali Gerba was the first to get out of the circle with his acting skills, and this time in "Sword and Rose", just by watching the trailer, you can feel that Di Ali Gerba's acting skills are back, this must not be crazy?

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

Other actors in this drama also have to mention that the actor Jin Shijia became popular with "Crime Hunting Guide", and it is not a problem for him to play the image of a good policeman again.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

And You Yongzhi, who has starred in works such as "Mountains and Seas", "No Thieves in the World", Feng Guoqiang, who has played an important role in "South to North", "Ideal Shines on China", and Aruna in "Hurricane", Wang Yichan in "The World", Yang Kun, Liu Zhibing and other actors will all star in this play, and the lineup can be described as unprecedentedly strong.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here


I have to admit that Di Lieba can bring a lot of attention and traffic to this drama, but it also needs these powerful actors to raise the overall acting level.

"Sword and Rose" proves that Di Lieba's vision for choosing dramas is not bad, and fighting a beautiful turnaround battle is not a problem for Di Lieba.

"Sword and Rose" is coming, Di Lieba is too amazing in a police uniform, and all the drama bones are helping, and Wang Bang is here

I believe that this "Sword Rose" can make Di Lieba successfully transform.

Are you optimistic about this new drama?

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