
Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

author:Brother Hua's back garden


Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

Recently, Fan Jiuyi posted a set of photos of fashion style on Weibo, with a meaningful copy: "If you want to imitate, you can start." This sentence was interpreted as a subtle satire on some people in the circle. Originally, I didn't specifically name anyone, but it was inexplicably involved in Di Ali Gerba, and then, between Fan Jiuyi and Di Ali Gerba's fans, a war of words broke out because of the controversy of "modeling plagiarism".

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

Fan Jiuyi's fans accused Di Lieba of deliberately imitating Fan Jiuyi's style, especially after Fan Jiuyi was banned, and secretly poked and sent a press release saying that he was Fan Jiuyi's successor, trying to inherit her title of "Red Carpet Queen", and even listed a number of evidence, not to mention, there were really a lot of styles of collision between the two in those years. Di Lieba's fans are naturally reluctant to accept such accusations, no matter what the main owner of his family says, it is also 90 flowers, Fan Jiuyi used to be the queen, but that is already in the past, and now people don't know where it is, so the two sides have a fierce dispute.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

In fact, this matter is really Fan Jiuyi fans, even if Di Lieba fans are unwilling to admit it, the problem of "modeling plagiarism" does exist, more than once, and both sides know it.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

Looking back on the past, the era when Sidan Shuangbing was popular can be called the golden age of the entertainment industry, with fierce competition, seeing that other actresses of the same generation have won recognition with their strength and works, Fan Jiuyi is also a little anxious, and then finds another way, and then Fan Jiuyi stands out because of his unique "red carpet queen" character and becomes the focus of attention, so he successfully gained a firm foothold in Sidan Shuangbing.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

However, since Fan Jiuyi was banned, she has been silent for a long time, and she naturally can't participate in public activities on the side of internal entertainment, so there is no occasion for her to shine, and this once high-profile label has gradually cooled. As a junior, Di Ali Gerba chose to imitate and refer to the path of his predecessors out of the circle, which is very common in the entertainment industry, many newcomers will wear the label of Xiao Moumou when they are just in their early stages, and this is the same meaning, and this trick is really easy to use, the gorgeous dress and Di Ali Gerba's dazzling face quickly accumulated a lot of popularity for her.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

If you want to say that the only unhappy thing in this should be Fan Jiuyi, she used to be the well-deserved focus on this stage, all the spotlights are on par with her, and all eyes are focused on her, but now she is not only robbed of the label, but she is also banned, and whoever puts anything aside will feel uncomfortable, and it is naturally difficult to calm down, so she will make such a play. However, she can only say two sentences in yin and yang, and she can't do any practical actions.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

In fact, don't talk about anything else, just talk about the looks, Fan Jiuyi is definitely good-looking, and even when she was at Di Lieba's age, she could beat Di Lieba, although both of them are beauties of the Rich and Glamorous series, both of them are modern beauties with big eyes, high nose bridges, and red lips, but Fan Jiuyi belongs to the big beauty of the glamorous group, which is a combination of classical taste and modern beauty, more charming, and heavy makeup is always appropriate. Di Lieba is a beauty from the Western Regions of Xinjiang, and her sense of exoticism is too heavy, which causes her to play some classical beauties with less graceful and light beauty, which looks a little weird.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

And Fan Jiuyi is anti-aging, after so many years, what she has been criticized for is her figure, and her face can also be beaten at the moment, Di Lieba's flowering period is a bit short, and the red carpet style is still beautiful, but many dramas have shown fatigue, Feng Jiu and Gao Wen are her peak, and she herself can't surpass the peak.

Fan Jiuyi sent a new styling picture, the copywriting was suspected of connotating someone, and Di Lieba was complained about plagiarizing her style

From Fan Jiuyi to Di Lieba, it can be seen that the aesthetic degradation of domestic entertainment is quite serious now, and now even someone who can pick up Di Lieba's class can't be pulled out, the former beauties and handsome guys are convincing in that, pure beauty and handsome, and now it can only be said that he has a beautiful feeling, and it can only be said that the world is really getting better and better, the atmosphere is put here, the spotlight is a dozen, and any crooked melon and cracked date can be a star.

Discussion: Do you think Di Lieba is copying Fan Jiuyi's style?

This article was originally written by Brother Hua's back garden, long press to like, you can complete the attention and recommendation! Like and follow, don't get lost after eating melons, click to follow Brother Hua, and take you to understand the gossip and knowledge of the entertainment industry!

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