
Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Congratulations! Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya Shiga is now nine months pregnant and is about to give birth. I believe that at this moment, her mood should be both nervous and excited, after all, there is still more than half a month, and she is about to upgrade to become a mother.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Before the baby was born, Lian Shiya and her husband Chen Jiale went to the beach to enjoy the last two of them.

As can be seen from Lian Shiya's photos on social media, the couple had a great time at the beach. There was even a group photo in the same frame at the end, showing another wave of affection and showing a wave of dog food.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Although the photos of showing affection are envious to many netizens. However, Lian Shiya's latest pregnant belly swimsuit photos posted on social media are the focus of heated discussions and attention from the outside world.

I have to say that being pregnant for more than nine months does not affect Lian Shiya's good figure. In the photo, Lian Shiya is wearing delicate makeup and a red three-point swimsuit. Her husband, Chan Ka Lok, turned into a photographer and captured the beautiful moments of her third trimester.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Although the delivery is imminent, Lian Shiya's pregnant belly is not particularly exaggerated. The most enviable thing is her good figure.

After more than nine months of pregnancy, her limbs are still slender and her overall figure looks very slim. But some attentive netizens found that Lian Shiya's upper circumference has become a lot plumper compared to before.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

According to her husband Chen Jiale in an interview before, the two have agreed to go to the hospital for a caesarean section on July 18 to welcome their daughter's arrival.

Obviously, they chose to have a caesarean section on July 18, and the couple also deliberately chose a good day. However, during the period from early July to mid-July, Chen Jiale could not accompany Lian Shiya because he had to go on a business trip.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Therefore, Chen Jiale has always been a little worried that the baby daughter in his wife's womb will not be able to wait for him to come home and will come out early. Because he didn't want to miss every moment when his daughter came into the world.

If there is no "accident" at that time, Chen Jiale will be by Lian Shiya's side throughout the whole process and give her the greatest support and encouragement.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

At the beginning of this year, Lian Shiya and Chan Ka Lok posted ultrasound photos on social media together, announcing the good news of the success of the creation of humans.

After the good news was made public, Lian Shiya did not immediately stop her work. In March and April this year, she was still wearing high heels, participating in various commercial performances, and working very hard to earn milk powder money.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

In May, Lian Shiya almost stopped her work and began to concentrate on raising the baby at home and waiting for the birth of the baby.

At that time, Lian Shiya and Chen Jiale also disclosed the sex of the fetus in their wombs, which was a girl, and the two named it Camila.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

However, it is worth mentioning that the first two days coincided with Lian Shiya's birthday. She couldn't be idle, so naturally she didn't stay at home quietly.

Instead, I met up with my friends everywhere to celebrate birthdays. Her good sisters Huang Cuiru and Chen Ziyao also prepared flowers and birthday cakes for her to celebrate her last birthday before she became a mother.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Just like many netizens said: Even Shiya and Chen Jiale's appearance is so high, and the children born by the two will definitely inherit their excellent genes, and they will definitely be a good-looking baby.

Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya posted a photo of her pregnant belly swimsuit, her upper circumference became plump, and she underwent a caesarean section on the 18th

Finally, I would like to congratulate Lian Shiya and Chen Jiale in advance. I hope that their baby daughter will be born safely and grow up healthy and happy.

I don't know, will the couple continue to give birth to a second child in the future, and successfully make up a "good" word.

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