
Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Congratulations, congratulations! The 65-year-old well-known Hong Kong actor and actor Leung Ka-fai revealed the good news in an interview: he announced that he was about to be upgraded to a grandfather.

Her daughter has been pregnant for many months and is about to give birth. But the eldest daughter Liang Yingchen is pregnant, or the youngest daughter Liang Jingxi is pregnant, and Liang Jiahui has not disclosed it for the time being.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

In the past year, Leung Jiahui's family has definitely been happy and very happy. Last summer, Leung Ka-fai's eldest daughter Leung Yingchen took the lead in announcing the good news of her marriage on social media. revealed that her boyfriend who had been in love for 8 years finally entered the marriage hall and received a lot of blessings from the outside world.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

Unexpectedly, after only half a year, Liang Jiahui's youngest daughter Liang Jingxi followed in the footsteps of her sister and also entered the palace of marriage.

At the beginning of this year, Liang Jingxi posted photos on social media to announce her marriage. Liang Jingxi's other half is a foreigner, tall and handsome. Liang Jingxi looked very petite standing next to him, so she was ridiculed by netizens: the cutest height difference.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

The two daughters have entered the palace of marriage one after another, and they have found their own happiness, and the happiest must be Leung Jiahui and his wife.

Now, Leung Ka-fai's family is once again ushering in a happy event. I believe that he is about to be upgraded to a grandfather, and his current mood is also both nervous and excited.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

As we all know, Liang Jiahui is a well-known good husband and father in the entertainment industry. has been in the industry for so many years and has cooperated with a lot of female artists, but he rarely exposes emotional scandals, giving his wife the greatest sense of security.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

It is understood that Leung Jiahui and his wife have been married for more than 30 years and their relationship has been stable. But in the early years, Leung Jiahui neglected his family for a while in order to film.

Even after not coming home for a long time, his daughter heard his voice and only felt that it was a familiar uncle, which made him feel very surprised and sad.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

So in recent years, Leung Jiahui has also taken the initiative to reduce his workload and spend more time with his wife and two daughters.

Just like the eldest daughter got married last year, Leung Jiahui also took the initiative to stop the work in his hand and witnessed his daughter's marriage throughout the process.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

At the beginning of this year, the youngest daughter got married, and Leung Jiahui also accompanied him throughout the whole process, witnessing happiness with his family. At that time, Leung Jiahui said in an interview with the media: I really want to hug my grandson soon! But everything goes with the flow. Don't force the two daughters to have children, everything depends on their own decisions.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

Back to Leung Ka-fai's two daughters. The eldest daughter Liang Yingchen has a relatively low-key personality, which will reassure Liang Jiahui a little.

And the youngest daughter Liang Jingxi once made Liang Jiahui a little worried, and even had a headache. Liang Jingxi has a more cheerful personality, and she studied abroad at a very young age, so there was a time when she had a particularly good time.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

likes to make friends, likes to go to nightclubs, and almost became a "problem girl". For his daughter's love of nightclubs, Leung Jiahui, as a father, is naturally very worried.

But fortunately, Liang Jingxi got older, fell in love, and had a stable love partner, so she suddenly became sensible. I go to nightclubs less and less, and now I have found my happiness, and Leung Ka-fai has nothing to worry about.

Congratulations! Leung Ka-fai announced that his daughter was pregnant for many months and was about to give birth, and he would be upgraded to a grandfather as he wished

Finally, I would like to congratulate Leung Ka-fai once again, who is about to be upgraded to be a grandfather! married two daughters in a row within half a year, Leung Jiahui must be very happy.

It's just that he didn't disclose whether his eldest daughter Liang Yingchen was pregnant, or his youngest daughter Liang Jingxi was pregnant? So friends, which daughter do you think will be pregnant?

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