
Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1

author:China Energy News
Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1
Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1

Recently, the first batch of 5 hydrogen energy express vehicles successfully departed in Tianshan District, marking the official launch of the first hydrogen energy consumption demonstration project in Tianshan District. It is estimated that in the next year, there will be 10,000 "hydrogen energy express vehicles" shuttling through the streets and alleys of Urumqi.

Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1

▲The first batch of hydrogen energy express vehicles made their debut in Tianshan District, Urumqi City.

"When I received the express today, I saw that the appearance of the express car was very chic and there was no noise. Wang Dan, a citizen of Tianshan District, Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said happily, "I really didn't expect that now express delivery can also 'green travel'." ”

Recently, the first batch of 5 hydrogen express vehicles in Tianshan District successfully launched, marking the official launch of the first hydrogen energy consumption demonstration project in Tianshan District, followed by 700 hydrogen energy express vehicles covering Tianshan District express sites, is expected in the next year, there will be 10,000 "hydrogen energy express vehicles" shuttled through the streets and alleys of Urumqi.

"The use of hydrogen express vehicles in places with sufficient hydrogen sources is not only low in hydrogen price, but also energy-saving and environmentally friendly, which is a model worth exploring." According to Ren Haibo, senior engineer of the energy replenishment strategy office of China Automotive Data Co., Ltd., in the future, with the continuous decline in the cost of hydrogen energy express vehicles and the improvement of technical level, coupled with the gradual improvement of large-scale hydrogen supply system, especially in areas with sufficient hydrogen sources and cold, hydrogen energy express vehicles are expected to become an important choice for express terminal distribution.

The dark green body, the cockpit that can accommodate one person, the simple operation station, the bottom without exhaust pipes, and the driving noise is also very low...... At the launch ceremony, five brand-new hydrogen express vehicles were ready to go, which was particularly conspicuous compared with traditional electric tricycles.

At the site of parking the hydrogen energy express special vehicle, Liu Yifan, the distribution specialist of Zhongtong Express, sat in the cockpit and took the lead in the experience. "The function is perfect, the stability coefficient is high, and the power is good." Liu Yifan said that don't look at the small body, but the interior accommodation space is very comfortable, and it can also shelter from the wind and rain.

According to the staff, this batch of hydrogen energy express special vehicles meets the national N1 class commercial vehicle standard and can reach a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1

▲The hydrogen bottle used on the express delivery vehicle is like a large thermos cup.

"There is a hydrogen tank at the bottom of each car, like a large thermos pot, each tank can carry 200 grams of hydrogen, with a range of about 60 kilometers, and it should be 1-2 days of distribution with the courier and the delivery person, and it is also very convenient to replace the hydrogen each time, and it only takes a few minutes to complete." The above-mentioned staff introduced.

In addition, the vehicle also has auxiliary functions such as electronic fence, speed limit in different sections, and remote monitoring of driving tracks, which can effectively improve the efficiency of road safety supervision.

In recent years, the hydrogen energy industry has accelerated its development, and remarkable results have been achieved around the "production, storage, transportation and processing", and the production problems of hydrogen, hydrogen reactors and hydrogen energy vehicles have been solved by many enterprises, but the problem of market-oriented and large-scale application of hydrogen has not been effectively solved.

"Our mission is to solve the problem of hydrogen consumption and 'realize the industrialization of hydrogen energy with industrial hydrogen energy'." Wang Chao, CEO of Beijing Kering Energy Co., Ltd., said in an interview with China Energy News that the reason why the first batch of hydrogen energy express vehicles chose to try in Xinjiang is mainly because Xinjiang has rich use scenarios and strong demand; Xinjiang is rich in wind and solar resources, and cheap green hydrogen can be used.

The reporter learned that most express vehicles in Xinjiang now use minivans or private cars, which are not only costly, but also environmentally unfriendly to use gasoline. In addition, there are also some express vehicles that are electric, but Xinjiang has a cold and long winter, and in winter, the electric express vehicles "lose power" and need to be charged frequently.

"In this case, the hydrogen energy express vehicle is very advantageous, hydrogen energy can still be used normally at low temperatures, not affected by cold weather, and it is very suitable for express delivery applications with high start-stop frequency and relatively fixed lines." Wang Chao said.

In addition, in terms of hydrogen sources, Urumqi is one of the first four hydrogen energy industry demonstration zones in Xinjiang, and Midong District, Dabancheng District and other places are rich in scenery resources, which are conducive to the construction of green electricity hydrogen production projects. "At present, the price of hydrogen in Xinjiang is 25 yuan/kg, and in the future, with the advancement of technology and the increase in use, it is possible to reduce it to 10 yuan/kg." Wang Chao said.

It is worth noting that the first batch of hydrogen energy express vehicles adopted a leasing model, and the courier brother only needs to pay a certain amount of rent every month and can be used at any time. Wang Chao said: "Compared with the previous vehicle use costs, after a month, the courier brother can also load more goods without increasing the cost of using the car, improve efficiency, and thus increase income." ”

Hydrogen energy is an important part of the new energy system and an important starting point for promoting a new strategy for energy security. In March this year, the Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, together with the Emergency Management Department of the Autonomous Region and the Department of Industry and Information Technology, issued the "Notice on Accelerating the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry", which will bring significant benefits to the development of the hydrogen energy industry in Urumqi, and will accelerate the opening of the hydrogen energy industry chain, which will help create a zero-carbon closed loop of "wind and solar green power + hydrogen production + hydrogen storage + hydrogen refueling + hydrogen energy application".

"The autonomous region actively promotes the development of the hydrogen energy industry and encourages and supports the application and promotion of hydrogen energy products." Wang Zhenyu, a staff member of the Tianshan District Investment Promotion Service Center, said that the large-scale operation of hydrogen energy vehicles will provide a new green and low-carbon solution for the transportation field of Urumqi, and Tianshan District will continue to expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy consumption, provide full life cycle services for enterprise development, and provide a better development environment for the hydrogen energy industry.

"The hydrogen economy is the trend of the times, and the terminal applications include hydrogen fuel cell transportation, low-altitude economy, combined heat and power, etc., and express vehicles are just one of the application scenarios." In the view of Han Difei, chairman of Zhongke Liquid Sunshine Hydrogen Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd., the conditions for hydrogen production from green electricity in Xinjiang are very good, and many companies choose to explore and expand the application ecology in Xinjiang, which has a positive leading demonstration effect.

Hydrogen energy express special vehicle launched - hydrogen energy application scenario +1

Text丨Reporter Zhang Shengjie


Editor丨Yang Xiaoran

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