
Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

author:Nanyang Dahou

The presidential debate turned into a pair of scolding scenes, and the media persuaded Biden to withdraw from the election, why did he say that the biggest loser was the entire United States? Trump is expected to come to power for the second time, refusing to withdraw from NATO, and asking Europe to pay more? The five major allies are following suit, and the true face of the United States has been revealed!

The presidential debate became a child's play, and the United States became the biggest loser

According to a report by the Observer on June 29, at 9 p.m. local time on June 27, the U.S. presidential election ushered in the first candidate TV debate, with Democratic candidate and current President Biden and Republican candidate and former President Trump having a total of 90 minutes of debate at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta. According to Nielsen data, more than 51 million American viewers watched the debate, and Biden's poor performance in the debate caused his polls to drop rapidly after the debate.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

The Associated Press summed up the debate between the two men, saying that the "hoarse" Biden was incoherent in defending his policies, while Trump lied on multiple issues, and both men made fierce personal attacks on the other.

The debate between the two men did not give any new insight into the policy goals of both sides, and both were simply repeating what had already been repeated in their campaign speeches.

Rather than engaging an audience through debate, the two are more like fighting to drive away each other's supporters. In contrast, Trump has significantly outperformed Biden in the war of scolding, despite his age of 78, which is a big reason for Biden's rapid decline in polls after the debate.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

After the debate, many media outlets in Western countries began to report on the US election with pessimism. The New York Times published an extremely politically incorrect article "For the sake of the country, Biden should withdraw from the election" on June 28, local time, calling on Biden to withdraw from the election.

The BBC discussed the possibility of Biden withdrawing from the election in the report, and concluded that there is no sign of Biden's withdrawal at the moment, not only Biden himself has a strong willingness to continue to run, but many politicians in the Democratic Party who are expected to impact the US presidency in the future, such as California Governor Newsom, Michigan Governor Whitmer and Pennsylvania Governor Shapi Roden have not expressed their willingness to succeed Biden in the election.

Sergey Radchenko, a historian at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, posted on social media that he believes that in this election, Trump and Biden did not show an image of leadership, but a sign of the decline of the United States; Phil King, a former senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of North Carolina, said that the current United States is being ruled by an incompetent person, and the United States is in a difficult situation.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

It is not difficult to see one thing from this presidential debate, neither Biden nor Trump is popular with the American people; However, under the special political environment of the United States, both parties in the United States have and only have these two choices, and neither has any intention of "changing the ranks" with only a few months left before the election. The so-called democratic system of the United States does not let the American people choose a better one among the two good, but allows the Americans to choose one of the two that is not so bad, which cannot but be said to be the sadness of American politics, and many comments say that "the biggest loser in the presidential debate is not Biden but the United States", which is not unreasonable.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

Trump has threatened to withdraw from NATO, and the five allies are panicking

The report also mentioned one thing, during the debate that day, Biden asked Trump whether he would withdraw from NATO if the other party was elected, to which Trump did not answer directly, but shrugged his shoulders. However, it is this shrug that makes it difficult for Europe and NATO to sit on the edge of their seats, and they have no bottom in their hearts. When Trump was a US president, he frequently belittled NATO and threatened to withdraw the United States from NATO; In this debate, he did not propose any measures to alleviate the concerns of European countries, but repeated the phrase "Europe needs to increase military spending".

Trump's performance has sparked concern in several European countries. Jeanne Palialin, director of the German office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that whether Trump wants to withdraw from NATO or not, he has all kinds of means to undermine NATO, and European countries are worried that if he comes to power, he will use NATO's joint defense clause to force Europe to make more compromises and concessions to the United States.

Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski has been extremely harsh in his criticism of Biden, criticizing him for "messing up the inheritance system and causing Rome to decline" like the last monarch of the Roman Empire.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

In addition to the concerns of Europe, five other countries are also feeling unprepared by the US presidential debate: Israel, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine and India. Of these five countries, the first three are allies of the United States, while the latter two are quasi-allies. During the Trump administration, due to his "America First" policy, he withdrew from many international organizations and tore up many treaties, leaving an extremely unstable impression on allies; Today, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine, and India are all countries that urgently need a stable external environment.

Israel and Ukraine are at war and both need the continued support of the United States; Japan and South Korea are facing serious downward pressure on their economies, and it is hoped that the United States can reduce its economic oppression on the two countries, and it is best to provide some economic support. India's current Modi government wants the United States to do more in its conflict with China, so that it can more effectively grab diplomatic and military gains to promote Hindu nationalism at home.

All five countries want the United States to give them more certainty, but now the United States itself is becoming the biggest uncertainty.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

The United States continues to stab in the back, and some of its allies have seen the reality clearly

Here's another hiccup: Just two days before the presidential debate, on June 25, the famous founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was released, behind which the Australian government pushed him strongly. Assange is Australian, and theoretically the Australian government should have stepped in to protect Assange when the United States pursued him, and the reason why it has dragged on until now is because the Australian Morrison government had quite a lot of illusions about the Biden administration in the United States.

After the Biden administration repeatedly endangered Australia on international affairs, the current Labor Albanese government came to power and changed its attitude towards the United States, which eventually led to Assange's release.

Trump vs. Biden, the biggest loser is the United States? The five major allies are in turmoil, and NATO is even more bottomless

It is not difficult to see from this incident that although many media and scholars are accusing Trump of being uncertain, they are worried that Trump's coming to power will lead to chaos in the world; But in fact, the Biden administration itself is not much better, and it has done the same thing of stabbing allies in the back.

Whether it is Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, and India, which are the five countries that urgently need US support, or the European Union and NATO, which still have illusions about the US security commitments, I am afraid that they will eventually realize that the United States has long since changed, and it is not the United States that follows and eats meat, and it is not the United States that exports constructive strength to the world.

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