
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

author:Happiness Matsuyama Lake
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

Free eye examination, Chinese medicine tasting, natural biology science, fresh fruit and vegetable delivery...... On June 29, the Party Committee of the Central Songshan Lake Area, together with the Party Construction Work Office of Songshan Lake, the Songshan Lake Social Affairs Bureau and the social workers of Dongguan Zhengyang, carried out the public welfare carnival of social organizations in the Central Area of Songshan Lake, and took the initiative to send services to the community and to the residents.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

During the event, the wonderful performances brought by the Party Branch of Vanke Songshan Lake No. 1 Garden Community and the residents of Songshan Lake ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

A number of social organizations from the park set up booths on the spot, and divided into resident experience area, convenient service area, knowledge popularization area, etc., each area with different theme content and display methods, to provide residents with a variety of services, showing the fruitful results brought by the linkage of the "five societies" under the leadership of party building.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

"I have always felt uncomfortable with my eyes before, but I heard that there was an eye examination booth set up by the Guangzhou Medical Volunteer Service Team in this event, so I made a special trip to consult. After the examination, I also learned that I had some minor eye problems, and then I will listen to the professional advice of experts to go to the hospital for further examination. Mr. Li, a resident, gave a thumbs up again and again, "The event was really good!" ”

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

The community is the basic cell of the city and the nerve endings of social governance. In recent years, under the guidance of the Party building, the Central Area of Songshan Lake has actively explored the "five societies" linkage model, that is, the close cooperation between communities, social organizations, social workers, social resources and community autonomous organizations, and strived to promote the modernization of the grassroots social governance system and governance capacity.

"We hope that by holding public welfare carnivals and other activities, we can further unite the forces of all parties, encourage and support more social organizations to participate in grassroots governance, and jointly promote the development of social governance and public welfare undertakings in the central area." The relevant person in charge of the Party Committee of the Central Area of Songshan Lake said that this social organization public welfare carnival provides a platform for social organizations to show themselves, exchange and learn by integrating the resources of the "five societies", further stimulate social vitality, and contribute to the development of the community.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

The event actively linked 19 multi-faceted social organizations, including the Party Branch of Vanke Songshan Lake No. 1 Garden Community, Vanke Songshan Lake No. 1 Garden Industry Committee, Everbright Shanhe Party Branch, Vanke Service, Hongshang Group, Little Rabbit Daojia, Guangdong Medical University Youth Volunteer Association Daystar Volunteer Service Team, and Songshan Lake Happiness Garden "Nanyue Housekeeping" Grassroots Service Station.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

The event also presented awards to outstanding social organizations, outstanding volunteer service teams, and outstanding volunteers.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents
"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

Create a multi-service community with "concentric circles".

This social organization public welfare carnival is a demonstration of the achievements of the "concentric circles" project in the central area of Songshan Lake.

Up to now, the project has carried out a total of 104 activities, covering party day theme activities, festival theme activities and cultural and sports services, serving a total of 1,345 people and carrying out 1,396.5 hours of volunteer public service activities. The project organizes the backbone of community organizations to carry out capacity training and team building, so as to improve their service ability and enhance the sense of belonging and cohesion of the organization.

"Five Societies" linkage to promote development! The public welfare carnival of Songshan Lake has entered the hearts of residents

At present, the project has revitalized the resources of more than 30 social organizations through the establishment of the "1+5+N" service model. With the core concept of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing", the project adheres to the guidance of party building, links multiple subjects such as communities, volunteers, social organizations, and charitable resources, builds a platform for mutual assistance and exchange, improves the self-service system, builds a community service ecology, and opens up the "last mile" of mass services.

Producer: Songshan Lake Rong Media Center Photo: Mak Qingyi

Editor: Liu Huiru Reviewer: Huang Shaohong, Chen Qiliang

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