
The heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels! Three phlegm-reducing prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, precise treatment, sweeping away old phlegm

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the most critical reason for all diseases is that the heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels. Therefore, many times I only know that blood stasis is not effective, but I don't know that phlegm turbidity is the bane behind it.

Today, I will share three phlegm-reducing medicines, no matter what kind of phlegm and dampness physique you have, dialectically accurate and accurate can wipe out all kinds of phlegm turbidity, leaving no future troubles, and the blood vessels will be clean and the disease will be cured.

The heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels! Three phlegm-reducing prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, precise treatment, sweeping away old phlegm

The first is wet phlegm. The spleen is not only responsible for transporting the subtlety of the water valley, but also responsible for transporting the dampness, once the spleen is deficient, the water and dampness that cannot be metabolized will accumulate in the body and accumulate into phlegm for a long time.

People with heavy wet phlegm are prone to bloating, poor digestion, and are always fat, with a big belly, dizziness, listlessness, weakness in the limbs, sticky stool to the toilet, swelling all over the body, sticky mouth, drooling while sleeping, greasy tongue, tooth marks and other symptoms.

At this time, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, you can refer to Shenling Baizhu San, add and subtract conditioning, not only to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, but also to infiltrate dampness and dispel turbidity, two-pronged, damp phlegm is cleared, and the blood vessels are clean.

The heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels! Three phlegm-reducing prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, precise treatment, sweeping away old phlegm

Then there is the phlegm. According to traditional Chinese medicine, anger hurts the liver, but the liver is responsible for the body's qi. If you are often angry and angry, and the liver qi cannot be relieved in time, it will lead to liver qi stagnation, and then the problem of liver stagnation and spleen will appear, and the spleen will be deficient and coagulated, and the qi and phlegm will become qi and phlegm.

The characteristics of this type of person are that they usually have a big temper, get angry at every turn, and at the same time always feel a foreign body in their throat, can't help but swallow saliva frequently, have bad breath, chest tightness and rib distention, and pain.

In this case, it is necessary to gasify and dissolve phlegm, you can refer to Banxia Magnolia Decoction to add and subtract conditioning, dig out old phlegm and stubborn phlegm, and make the blood vessels cleaner.

The heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels! Three phlegm-reducing prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, precise treatment, sweeping away old phlegm

Finally, there is cold phlegm. This kind of phlegm is mostly formed by the combination of cold and dampness, and the cold is heavy, indicating that the yang qi is insufficient, that is, the situation of yang deficiency and cold. This kind of sputum is usually relatively thin and white, foamy when spit out, will be accompanied by cough, aggravated by cold, such patients are usually more afraid of cold, afraid of wind, weak, no energy, poor resistance, easy to catch a cold, etc.

In this case, it is necessary to warm the yang and dissipate the cold and phlegm, you can refer to the Linggan five-flavor ginger spicy soup plus or minus conditioning. When the blood is warm, it will coagulate, and the cold phlegm will block the blood veins, which will also lead to blood stasis. Once the cold phlegm is gone, the blood flow is naturally smooth.

The heavier the phlegm and dampness, the more blocked the blood vessels! Three phlegm-reducing prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, precise treatment, sweeping away old phlegm

Blood vessel blockage is not terrible, accurate dialectic, find the root cause, dig out the old phlegm, and the blood veins are unobstructed. The sharing is for reference only, not as a basis for diagnosis and treatment, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in the offline hospital in time.

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