
Gulang: Ecological risk avoidance and relocation have helped people of all ethnic groups to take the road of mutual embedding and inclusive development

author:Look at the Gulang

In recent years, Gulang County has insisted on taking ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation as a breakthrough and focus point for building a harmonious countryside and promoting rural revitalization, seizing the opportunity of ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation policies, actively building an inter-embedded social structure and community environment, promoting exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and security of people of all ethnic groups.

Gulang: Ecological risk avoidance and relocation have helped people of all ethnic groups to take the road of mutual embedding and inclusive development

Ecological and geological disaster avoidance and relocation site in Santai Village, Dajing Town

Gulang County has always integrated and integrated various ethnic groups throughout the whole process of ecological risk avoidance, relocation and follow-up development, comprehensively considered the transportation location, basic conditions and development prospects, and relied on the county seat and town planning and construction of 12 centralized resettlement sites. In 2023, 1,392 households have been relocated, and 2,000 households are planned to be relocated this year. Focusing on creating a spatial inter-embedding model, encourage the mobilization of the masses to enter the city and town, break the boundaries between towns and villages, and independently choose to relocate the community, so as to realize the inter-embedding and mixing of different buildings and different units of the people of all ethnic groups in the same community. Coordinate and integrate policies and funds for rural construction, agriculture and rural areas, housing and construction, transportation and other industries, and simultaneously support the construction of infrastructure such as water, electricity, heating, and telecommunications.

Gulang: Ecological risk avoidance and relocation have helped people of all ethnic groups to take the road of mutual embedding and inclusive development

Pastry making training course for relocated people

Focusing on the "five good" goals of good employment, good medical treatment, good education, good work, and good life, Gulang County has accurately connected and served the relocated people, and formulated 19 policies and measures such as household registration transfer, medical treatment and education, fund management, and follow-up industrial employment support. Implement industrial incentives and subsidies for new solar greenhouses and breeding greenhouses above designated size, organize and carry out employment skills training, and encourage the relocated people to develop rural tourism, catering and entertainment, and self-cultivation and self-cultivation industries according to local conditions, so as to stimulate the endogenous motivation of the masses. Grasp the two keys of industrial employment, through a group of nearby workers, mobilize a group of industrial enterprises in the county to absorb a group of jobs, and place a group of jobs in the form of work for relief and public welfare posts, etc., hold special job fairs, point-to-point labor service output, purchase of public welfare posts and other employment mechanisms, broaden the channels for increasing the income of the relocated people, increase labor income, and strive to solve the problem of stability, and effectively improve the sense of integration and happiness of the relocated people.

Gulang: Ecological risk avoidance and relocation have helped people of all ethnic groups to take the road of mutual embedding and inclusive development

Xinbao Township Ecological and Geological Disaster Avoidance Relocation Point Cultural Corridor

The whole county adheres to the grassroots party building as an important starting point, comprehensively implements the new grassroots governance model of the integration of grassroots autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue led by party building, establishes a service mechanism of "branch leading, group contracting, and party members taking the lead", and includes the relocated people into the community management service system in the resettlement area, and strives to create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and enhances the sense of social belonging and identity of the people of all ethnic groups. The "Red Pomegranate" service team and propaganda team were set up to organize and carry out "into the community" activities such as ethnic unity, gratitude education, civilization creation, volunteer service, and rule of law publicity, creating a good atmosphere of unity and friendship and mutual assistance among neighbors.

Source: Wuwei Daily

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