
Dugu Zang's grandson Dugu Zun, after participating in Li Yuan's Jinyang uprising, it is a pity that he ended up living in seclusion in the countryside

author:Bright old Don

Dugu Xin's great-grandson Dugu Zun participated in Li Yuan's Jinyang Uprising!

does not chase fame and fortune, and enjoys the idyllic scenery, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan issued an edict to allow him not to be an official.

Tang Gaozong Li Zhi also issued a special edict to allow it, and specially sealed a third official so that he didn't have to go to court, but he could take it!

People in the world are chasing fame and fortune, birth, old age, sickness and death, joys and sorrows, happiness, misery, success, and downfall, all kinds of life experiences inspire us to realize.

The Dugu family has produced a descendant who does not chase fame and fortune, he is the great-grandson of Dugu Xin, the grandson of Dugu Zang, and the son of Dugu Ji Dugu Zun (word Xiuli).

Dugu Zang's grandson Dugu Zun, after participating in Li Yuan's Jinyang uprising, it is a pity that he ended up living in seclusion in the countryside

The epitaph records that Dugu Zun followed Li Yuan to raise troops in Jinyang during the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty, he was under Li Shimin, and he should have a good relationship with Li Shimin, he didn't like to deal with military affairs, and he only supported Li Yuan's father and son in action. But I really don't like it!

Epitaph: The construction of the banner of righteousness, commissioned Qin Fan (Li Shimin). Rong Brigade is Yin, not public.

For this reason, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan issued a special edict to allow Dugu Zun to pursue a beautiful life and elegant aspirations, so that he could enjoy his home and cultivate his body and mind.

Dugu Zun finally has 10,000 Jiamu, and the fruit is abundant; Hundreds of acres of fertile land, full of rice, a proper big landlord! There is a house and a fruit forest, it's okay to get together with three or five friends, drink tea and chat, talk about life, and live a very good life!

Probably there was a hermit in the same era as him, the eldest grandson Shunde was the uncle of the eldest grandson Wuji, and he had a son, the eldest grandson Jiaqing, who was also the kind of tranquil, that is, he was not an official, he liked to live in love with the wind and moon, and he was a good guy, the eldest grandson Jiaqing was also a maverick, wearing a Yuluo skirt, and the waist was tied with a belt made of rattan, which was a beggar outfit among the powerful!

Dugu Zang's grandson Dugu Zun, after participating in Li Yuan's Jinyang uprising, it is a pity that he ended up living in seclusion in the countryside

Dugu Zun and Li Shimin are cousins, you said that Dugu Zun is talented and talented, this person is not an official, Li Shimin is so disappointed, and said that the heroes of the world are in his hands, I will hehe!

Dugu Zun's elders, there are those who work under Wang Shichong, Dugu Wu is his cousin, and his father Dugu Ji is also under Wang Shichong, as well as Yang Gongshen in Yubu Langzhong, Sun Shixiao, the chief bookkeeper of Bohai County, and Liu Xiaoyuan, the head of infantry. At that time, they heard that Li Yuan had rebelled, so they wanted to go back to Chang'an to join Li Yuan, but unfortunately the matter was leaked and they were killed by Wang Shichong. In this case, Dugu Zun is even more reluctant to be an official!

The epitaph records that Dugu Zun, born in Shangluo County (Shangluo City) in Yunzhong County, is the nephew of Li Yuan's mother, and praised his great-grandfather's official achievements, and his grandfather's official title is also recorded very clearly.

found the information of his father Dugu Ji, which is a supplement to the historical data, saying that his father Dugu Ji invited the doctor, the Fufeng county guard, and the lord and the lord to posthumously present Shangzhu State, Cangzhou Governor, Teng Guomin Gong, and also praised his father for his personable demeanor, good at talking and discussing, born in the imperial family, humble to others, and courteous corporal; Noble status, condescending to noble, and treating people with courtesy. The conversation changed and talked about the beauty of Dugu Zun's life with his wife, and also described his aristocratic image of noble blood, talent, elegant life and adherence to family and social etiquette. Not only did he enjoy a high position in his family and society, but he also lived a full and meaningful life.

Dugu Zang's grandson Dugu Zun, after participating in Li Yuan's Jinyang uprising, it is a pity that he ended up living in seclusion in the countryside

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Yuan abdicated and entered Li Shimin's Zhenguan period, and Li Shimin did not find that Li Shimin had issued an edict to him during the Zhenguan period.

After Tang Gaozong Li Zhi ascended the throne, in the second year of Yonghui, in 651, Li Zhi obeyed the edict to Dugu: Dugu Xiuli inherited the marriage relatives, temperament is harmonious, and should be given a noble position to show the grace of the imperial court, and he can be appointed as a doctor of Chaosan.

"In the second year of Yonghui, the edict: Dugu Xiuli went to inherit the marriage of relatives, the temperament was chonghe, Yixi Chongban, with the Shen Dynasty, and the Chaosan doctor."

The in-laws mentioned here are talking about his son, Princess Dugu Chenshang, who has a relationship with the Li Tang royal family again, and gives him Dr. Chaosan, just to improve his status and status, and also to have one more money!

"At the age of four years, the first month of the first month of the year is the twenty-first day of the year, and the son moved to Fengliangyuan, Fanchuan Township, Wannian County, Yongzhou, and the ceremony is also."

Dugu Zun lived in Yonghui for three years, and on November 24, 653, his illness worsened and he died suddenly at the age of sixty-one.

In the fourth year of Yonghui, at the end of the first month of 654, Dugu Zun's sons buried him in Fengliangyuan, Fanchuan Township, Wannian County, Yongzhou.

If you want to say that Dugu Zun has any deeds, he can only participate in the Jinyang uprising, and he still directly belongs to Li Shimin!

But this person's heart is very good, not to like things or to be sad about themselves, like the idyllic scenery, but it is also a good talk, for most of the nobles at that time, it was a bit of a maverick, in private, do you guess there is a slander against him?

The lineage of Dugu Zun is: Dugu Xin - Dugu Zang - Dugu Machine - Dugu Zun

Refer to the "Epitaph and Preface of the Late Tang Dynasty Doctor Dugu Fujun"

Relatives and members

Great-grandfather: Dugu Xin, Northern Zhou Dynasty Grand Sima, Great Zongbo, Taishi, Shangzhu Guo, Zhao Guo Jinggong.

Grandfather: Dugu Zang, Sui Dynasty Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Jinzhou Thorn History, Wuping County Gong.

Father: Dugu Ji, the Sui Dynasty invited the doctor, the lord Lang, the Fufeng county guard, and presented the Zhu State, the Cangzhou Governor, and the Teng Guo Gong.

Wife: Helan clan, daughter of Helan Jing of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (hussar general, Liangguo Gong).

Son: Dugu Chen, Dugu Translation

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