
There must be three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

There is an ancient adage: "You must leave three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud." ”

In the journey of life and career, those seemingly successful and cheap that make you beautiful often hide potential "traps".

There are often subtle philosophies hidden in the normalcy of life.

There must be three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud


Venerable Hongyi said: "In good times, you should know the turn, and you must stop when you are happy." Disasters come mostly because they get carried away. Therefore, the gentleman has the will and self-warning, and the joy is afraid. ”

This is meant to warn us that when we are proud, we should stay calm and introspect at all times, so as not to get carried away and fall into unnecessary difficulties.

Those who are wise are more than capable of navigating the world, benefiting the world when they are brilliant, and cultivating themselves when they are low.

The secret is to leave room for action.

Lao Tzu's wisdom of "contentment" also contains this principle: full is overflowing, and moderation is the best policy; Although gold and jade are expensive, it is difficult to keep them for a long time; arrogant and wealthy, self-defeating; The edge is too exposed, and it is difficult to ensure sustainability.

Historically, those who boasted of their high achievements regardless of the occasion often attracted suspicion and misfortune, and even ended up in prison.

Liu Bang once asked Han Xin: "What does the general think of my strength?" ”

Han Xin said bluntly: "Your Majesty's soldiers are only 100,000. ”

When Liu Bang heard this, he was naturally displeased, and asked Han Xin: "What about you?" ”

Han Xin replied proudly: "I am different, the more troops, the better." ”

As soon as this remark came out, it undoubtedly made Liu Bang feel embarrassed.

Even if the merit is as high as Han Xin, you should be sensitive to the feelings of others and avoid excessive rhetoric and embarrass the other party.

Zeng Guofan delved into the "Book of Changes", and he once said in one sentence: "The middle of the day is the sun, the moon is full and the moon is lost, the sky is lonely, the earth is southeast, and everything in the world is all perfect." ”

This reveals the nature of things that go from one to the other, and to the nature of the mixture of good and evil.

There must be three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud


Zhu Bailu of the Qing Dynasty warned future generations with this: "Everything needs to be moderate, and you must not be too proud." ”

If you go too far, you will do the opposite.

In the TV series "Latent", Yu Zecheng's career achievements can be described as extraordinary.

He single-handedly eradicated the national scum Li Haifeng, accurately found out the spy "Buddha shrine" lurking in Yan'an, and then wittily assassinated the spy Yuan Peilin, until he got rid of the notorious Luqiao Mountain......

Every mission, he ended perfectly.

However, in the face of the glory of victory, Yu Zecheng did not show ecstasy, even if he was extremely happy in his heart, he only enjoyed a quiet time with Cui Ping at home with a few glasses of liquor.

In contrast, Ma Kui, the captain of the action, thinks very highly of himself, and with his association with Mao Renfeng, he unscrupulously suspects Yu Zecheng, provokes Lu Qiaoshan, and questions the stationmaster......

In the end, because he offended everyone, he was bound to be sent to trial, and ended up alone.

In the workplace, we may be able to achieve remarkable achievements like Yu Zecheng and be appreciated by our superiors.

But in this moment of beauty, we must keep a cool head and be wary of the flowers and applause that are coming.

Don't think too highly of yourself like Ma Kui, and have no one in your eyes, otherwise you will only get yourself into trouble.

The hidden risks behind success are the real dangers that we should always be wary of.

There must be three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud


With a gentle breeze, kites flutter lightly, skimming over rooftops and across the treetops.

At this time, the flower magpie on the tree exclaimed: "Brother Kite, your flight is wonderful!" ”

The kite humbly responded: "Without the help of the wind, if there is no wireless traction, how can I fly so freely?" ”

As the wind gets stronger, the line gradually extends, and the kite flies at a higher altitude.

As it flew over the top of the mountain, a sense of pride swelled up in my heart: "Once upon a time, I was lying on the table in the room, never knowing that I would have such a talent to become a dancer in the air. ”

The kite continues to climb with the wind until it breaks through the clouds and looks down below.

The houses, trees, rivers and even mountains on the ground are so insignificant.

Even the eagle, which usually flies high, has now become something under its feet.

An indescribable pride welled up in its heart, as if it was also inflating itself, becoming incomparably taller.

It looked down at the eagle at its feet and challenged unceremoniously: "Look up at me!" People have praised you for flying high, but at this moment, how can you compare with my height? ”

The eagle glanced at it, not saying a word, but staring deeply at the hanging kite string, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, the kite was even more angry, and protested with a red face: "What do you mean by this? It seems that without this line, I can't soar into the sky! Actually, I was able to fly higher and farther, and I only blamed the thread that bound me! ”

In order to prove himself, the kite struggled until there was a "bang" and the line broke and the kite flew.

The kite was triumphant, and his heart was happy: now I can fly freely, and the sky is high for me to fly! In an instant, it slammed into the sky, but in an instant, it lost its balance, rolled down in the wind, and finally fell into the foul and smelly ditch.

The fall of the kite warns us that if we lose our restraints, we will lose our way; If people forget their form, they will eventually reap the consequences.

"Getting carried away" is really a taboo in life, and many people are intoxicated by the dawn of victory and forget themselves.

However, a true wise man can always maintain a normal heart, and he can inadvertently emerge without revealing the mountain dew.

Therefore, when the spring breeze is proud, we should always introspect ourselves and understand that the world is impermanent, and the glory in front of us may be fleeting.

Only with a calm mind, a keen grasp of the changes around us, and a flexible pace of adjustment, can we go through every stage of life steadily.

There must be three points of leeway in everything, and don't forget to restrain when you are proud


During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in order to protect themselves and become strong, small countries made far-sighted plans in the way of governance and diplomacy.

King Xuan of Qi once asked Mencius for advice on the way of his neighbors: "Is there a good way to communicate with your neighbors?" ”

Mencius replied, "Naturally, there is." The benevolent can treat small countries with the heart of a big country, such as Shang Tang to Ge and King Wen to Kunyi. The wise man can do things to a big country with the heart of a small country, such as a big king and a Wu. The benevolent is happy, with big things and small things, which is intended to protect the world; The wise man fears the heavens and takes small things to great things, aiming to preserve his country. ”

Mencius expounded two principles:

The first is to "take big things and small things", show the posture of benevolence, conform to the way of heaven and earth, and refuse to bully the weak, so as to promote the peace of the world.

The second is to "take small things and make big things", choose wisely, obey the strong country, and protect the peace of the people.

In the philosophy of "harmony between man and nature", "heaven" also covers human affairs, emphasizing interpersonal harmony.

Those in high positions should be people-oriented and humble; Those who are in a lower position should also treat others as they please.

Life is full of ups and downs, prosperity is fleeting, and the benevolent person understands life, is humble and respectful, which is his unique quality. #记录今日心情#

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow